Preparing for the birth of a child: what a newborn needs for the first time, a list of necessary things. What does a newborn need?


Future parents try to prepare thoroughly for the birth of a child.

As a rule, dad and mom begin to provide maximum comfort and coziness in the children's room, buy a whole mountain of things, and then clutch their heads, afraid to forget something important before giving birth.

And often this is exactly what happens, therefore it is first of all important to prepare the most necessary things for the first time for a newborn.

What the newborn needs for the first time: a list of things for the hospital

So, the whole process of the birth of a new life begins with the hospital. Most likely, you will be provided in advance with a huge list of things for the future mother and baby, half of which is simply not needed. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare such basic things that should be useful, and not impressive. Among them:

• 2-3 pieces of vest;

• 5-6 pairs of sliders;

• 2-3 pieces of flannel and thin diapers;

• 3 warm and thin bonnets;

• diapers for the first days of a newborn;

• wet wipes;

• a bottle that can be useful for expressing breast milk on the advice of an obstetrician;

• several pairs of socks and mittens;

• a set of clothes for discharge or an envelope.

With such an arsenal, any mother will be calm after the birth of her child.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of things to sleep

When a new member of a young family first moves from a maternity hospital to a parent's home, he may not have many desires for the first time. In the first numbers of these is a dream. Therefore, a child should have a bed in advance. To do this, you need such things:

  • A crib is a primary attribute that you cannot forget about. It is very important that the bed is made exclusively of natural wood. If you already have to buy a bed for the baby as a primary need, then it should take into account future prospects. This is the adjustment of the sides, a multi-level bottom, the presence of protective pads on the sides, built-in drawers for storing linen and clothes for the baby.

  • The mattress should be sized according to the size of the crib and fit perfectly to the walls. You can choose spring mattresses that are appropriate for babies, springless or orthopedic. The orthopedic mattress has 2 sides: the hard side is suitable for a child under the age of 1 year, and soft after reaching 30 months.

  • Bumper for a crib. It is located along the inner perimeter and has the appearance of soft sides. It is necessary to protect the newborn from accidental shock, damage, stuck parts of the body between the bars of the bed, as well as from drafts.

  • The sheet should be ideally sized to fit comfortably under the mattress and prevent it from slipping continuously. You can choose a sheet with an elastic band.

  • A blanket. You can choose one of the options for a baby blanket, for example, a bike, terry, woolen, plaid. Do not forget about the duvet cover.

  • Mobile or music carousel over the crib. You can choose a mechanical or electronic option that will help an infant up to 5-6 months old fall asleep faster.

Things that for the first time will not be needed are a canopy, a pillow and a night lamp.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of things for walking

Doctors recommend daily walks to any newborn child. There are also necessary things for this lesson, without which a walk will not be a comfortable and pleasant pastime. So among them:

1. Stroller. Buying such an attribute should pay special attention. Among them, the following types are distinguished:

  • transformers, which include several varieties of provisions and can be used for a long time;

  • three-wheeled - it will be hard to cope with such strollers due to driving difficulties and long addiction;

  • double, in which you can change position depending on the time of year;

  • reeds facing forward are not suitable for newborns, they are allowed for children from 1 year.

When choosing a stroller, you should pay attention to such parameters:

  • maneuverability and quality of shock absorbers;

  • smoothness of movement;

  • weight;

  • dimensions.

2. The mattress. On the purchase of a stroller, preparation for the walking process does not end. A newborn baby should be comfortable in the cradle.

3. A raincoat, which will cover the stroller in case of rain, must be in stock.

4. A warm bag for legs.

5. Bag - can often come with a stroller.

6. Mosquito net.

7. Transformer jumpsuit with insulation for cold pores or an envelope blanket. If the baby was born in the warm season, you will need a more lightweight version of the envelope or clothes.

You can hold off the first time with a sling, car seat and a thermal bag.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of home accessories

The kid spends most of the time, of course, at home. Even despite the fact that his sleeping place is completely equipped, there is no need for walking, the usual home pastime also does not do without the necessary things. For the first time, the baby will need:

  • disposable diapers;

  • wet wipes;

  • baby oil and lotion;

  • nappy cream and baby powder;

  • washing powder for children's things;

  • removable bedding;

  • a changing table is very desirable, it is a very convenient thing for the first time;

  • thermometer for body and room;

  • cotton buds;

  • aspirator;

  • humidifier;

  • Libra;

  • scissors with rounded ends;

  • the diapers are light and warm;

  • easy and warm vests;

  • body on a cold and warm season, depending on the time of year of birth;

  • bonnets with and without insulation;

  • socks and scratches;

  • sliders;

  • First aid kit that a pediatrician should help you make.

While the child is very young and sleeps a lot, mom can add a daily log to the list of necessary things, where she will record important events, new achievements and valuable tips.

What a newborn needs for the first time: a list of items for bathing and feeding

It would seem that what is needed for breastfeeding is a breast full of milk and nothing more. But in the modern world, nursing mothers can not do without such things:

  • special bras for feeding, which facilitate this process and make it convenient and comfortable;

  • pads for absorbing milk from the chest;

  • ointments, healing cracks in the nipples.

If the young mother does not have her own milk, and feeding will be carried out artificially, then you will need this set of accessories:

  •  a special bottle with a pacifier, it is advisable to have a few in reserve. The nipple must necessarily have the anatomical shape of the nipple of the female breast, they must also be in stock;

  • plastic funnel;

  • special ruff for washing baby bottles;

  • measuring spoon and glass;

  • sterilizer and automatic bottle warmer;

  • pillow for feeding;

  • a few bibs;

  • a syringe without a needle to saturate with vitamins.

Not necessary for the first time purchases for feeding are: a breast pump and a container for the conservation of expressed milk.

When it comes to bathing a newborn, you should be thoroughly prepared for this process. Naturally, we are talking about moral training, which also includes knowledge about the process of bathing the baby, and practical. To bathe the baby, young parents will need a whole list of items, including:

  • baby bath;

  • baby soap and shampoo;

  • sponge for washing a baby or terry mitten;

  • thermometer for water;

  • bath towel with a corner.

Engage in the acquisition of all necessary things should not be at the last moment. Before birth, future parents have a lot of worries, among which there will be no time to find the things that the baby needs. The prejudices that it is impossible to purchase things in advance are in the past. Modern methods of medicine have completely replaced the likelihood of their occurrence. So things for a newborn can and should be purchased in advance, so that at the time of birth no unnecessary worries distract the young family from enjoying the happy moments of a new life. Do not believe in prejudice, rely on common sense.


Watch the video: Caring For Your Newborn (June 2024).