Meat in sour cream - a variety of savory dishes and recipes. Meat recipes in sour cream sauce: stuffed steaks, goulash


Meat cooked in sour cream, with the addition of a wide variety of spices and spices, even in a hurry, will be a dish with a very delicate and juicy taste.

And adding a side dish and your own imagination to cooking such dishes will help to make this simple but tasty dish a real masterpiece suitable for any dinner or dinner.

Meat in sour cream and methods for its preparation, based on the general principles of this process

For centuries, meat has been considered the most nutritious and beneficial product. And since, in addition to taste, basically meat contains a large amount of proteins, amino acids, and vitamin it will be cooked and eaten always, only experimenting a little in the process of cooking itself, thereby adding to it a certain spice, tenderness and piquancy.

For the manufacture of such as meat in sour cream is necessary based on the general principles of its preparation:

• Such food as meat in sour cream is prepared from all its varieties - beef, pork, lamb, chicken and other types;

• To improve the taste of this dish you can use in its manufacture various ingredients in the form of - various seasonings, spices, spicy greens, mayonnaise, tomato paste, ketchup and mustard;

• Meat in this dish, you need to use only fresh, without any films and lived;

• A distinctive feature of cooking this dish is only the difference in the time of the manufacturing process itself, along with the use of one or another type of meat;

• A huge number of methods of cooking meat in sour cream - makes this dish even more attractive and tasty food.

Recipes and specifics of cooking meat in sour cream

Recipe 1. Meat with sour cream (filled with champignons or chanterelles)


• Pork - 0.5 kg.

• Mushrooms - 200 gr.

• Onion - 1 pc.

• Vegetable oil).

• Garlic - 2-3 cloves.

• Sour cream - 250 gr.

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

Cooking method:

The meat should be washed and nastrogat small cubes. And in hot oil, use a frying pan to fry it until golden brown.

Rinse the champignons or chanterelles with vegetables under water, peel and chop the onion into half rings, the carrot into straws, and the mushrooms into small plates.

Separately chopped onions and carrots should be fried in oil until golden in color, and adding mushrooms to them, cook for another 10 minutes.

Now all the components, brought to the half-preparation, need to be combined, pepper and salt, mix with sour cream and add water (if necessary) close the lid and simmer for about 20 minutes, on low heat. Also in the process of cooking it is advisable to add spices and spices according to your own taste.

Before the end of cooking, add garlic, cut into small plates.

Cooked meat in sour cream sauce can be combined with a side dish in the form of potatoes, pasta, vegetables, or any cereals.

A delicious addition to the meat in sour cream will be a cucumber and tomato salad prepared in advance.

Recipe 2. Meat, baked in sour cream in the oven


• Any kind of meat cut into steaks.

• Onions and carrots.

• Sour cream (25% fat).

• Cheese.

• Garlic.

• Salt, pepper - according to taste.

• Butter (lean).

Cooking method:

In order to bake the meat in the oven, you need to bring some components of this dish to half-cooked.

Shred the onion in half-rings, and grate the carrot into a cup using a large grater. Next, mix these ingredients and set aside.

Sour cream mixed with pre-chopped garlic and grated cheese.

Steaks should be put on a baking sheet - pepper them, salt and add a small amount of onion with carrots, over which to put the sour cream (but not in large quantities, in order to avoid it dripping).

Bake the prepared ingredients in the oven at 180 degrees from 50 minutes to 1 hour.

Important! Sour cream is better to use more fat, because when adding cheese, it is better baked, giving the meat some kind of tenderness and spice.

A dish - meat in sour cream is not only a juicy dish, but also a rather fat product, in connection with which the vegetables (boiled or baked) will be the perfect side dish.

Recipe 3. Meat in cream sauce (filled with tomato)


• Pulp (beef or pork) - 0.5 kg.

• Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.

• Tomato paste - 100 gr.

• Sour cream (25% fat) - 0.5 kg.

• Garden onions - 2 pcs.

• Fungi - 250 gr.

• Garlic - 3 teeth.

• Broth (cooked in meat) - 300 ml.

• Butter (butter) - 60 gr.

• Greens - on a bunch.

• Oil (vegetable) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

• Salt, pepper, spices - on the fan.

Cooking method:

Rinse the meat under water, dry using a towel and cut into medium-sized slices. Each piece of meat to beat off with a hammer and sprinkle with salt on both sides with pepper. On a heated oil using a frying pan, fry the meat until it becomes crusted and then place it in a clean dish.

Fungi must be cleaned, rinsed in water and cut into medium plastics. And if they are frostbitten, then you need to thaw them beforehand and drain the water.

Peel the onions, wash them under water and chop meats, then fry in oil until they are golden in color. Add mushrooms and fry everything together for another 5-10 minutes.

Then you need to process the garlic, which, along with flour, broth and tomato paste is added to the onions and mushrooms. Further, all the components must be mixed, reduce the heat and wait for the moment when the sauce thickens.

In the clay pots on the bottom cut the butter, put the meat, pour it with sauce and cover with lids send in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.

Cooked meat to get out of the oven and before serving, plentifully sprinkle with herbs.

Garnish for such a delicious dish can be potatoes, pasta, boiled rice or a salad of fresh vegetables.

Recipe 4. Meat in sour cream (or meat casserole with cream and cheese sauce)


• Pulp - 500 gr.

• Mushrooms (champignons) - 200 gr.

• Tomato - 1 fruit.

• Garden onions - 2 pcs.

• Cheese product - 100 gr.

• Sour cream - 200 ml.

• Butter (lean).

• Salt, pepper, spices, seasonings - on the fan.

Cooking method:

Beat off the meat, salt and fry on both sides until crusting (1-2 minutes on each side).

Fry sliced ​​mushrooms in hot oil and do not forget to salt. Onion chop rings and tomato circles.

Pour water on a baking sheet or smear it with vegetable oil on the bottom. Lay the meat on the bottom. Lay the mushrooms over the meat, then the onions and tomatoes. All components of salt.

Separately, rub the cheese, adding sour cream, herbs, spices, salt and pepper to it.

Pour the prepared ingredients onto the baking trays and bake in the oven at 190 degrees for 25 minutes.

Recipe 5. Meat cooked in a frying pan with sour cream


• Rabbit meat - 1 bird.

• Onion - 1 pc.

• Carrot - (large) 1 pc.

• Oil (vegetable origin) - 120 ml.

• Sour cream - 0.5 l.

• Broth cooked on chicken - 300-350 ml.

• Oil (olive) - 4 tbsp. spoons.

• Curry garlic, spices - to the amateur.

Cooking method:

After washing, processing and cutting rabbit meat into small pieces, it is necessary to proceed to the production of a paste consisting of the following components:

  • Garlic, passed through a special fixture.

  • Olive oil).

  • Salt and ground pepper.

All the above ingredients need to be thoroughly rub each other until a homogeneous mass.

And the paste obtained from both sides to coat the pieces of rabbit, leaving aside for about 50 minutes for the marinating.

While marinated meat, carrots and onions are cut into half rings.

Oil is poured into a high frying pan, warmed up, pieces of pickled rabbit meat are added to it, which are slowly roasted on the fire until crispy.

Then add onions and carrots to the meat, mix all the ingredients and bring to the point of soft vegetables.

After these actions, pour the broth into the pan and bring to a boil. To quench all the components you need until the pulp is removed from the bones. After 60 minutes, the products are poured with sour cream and sprinkled with curry. Everything interferes, warms up - the dish is ready!

Recipe 6. Meat in sour cream (chicken breast dish)


• Chicken Breast.

• Onions - 2 pcs.

• Salt, pepper - according to taste.

• Sour cream - 150 ml.

• Oil (of lean origin).

Cooking method:

Chicken breast is cut into small pieces, salted and pepper. The meat laid out on the pan must be fried on both sides until golden crust appears.

Toss the toasted pieces of meat from the pan into a saucepan and add water, while adding a little allspice. Boil the product for 10 minutes.

Onions are shredded in half rings, fried and added to the saucepan along with sour cream. Stew all ingredients 50-60 minutes. During this time, the chicken breast becomes soft and juicy.

Recipe 7. Meat in cream sauce on ribs (in a multicooker)


• Ribs with lamb meat - 0.5 kg.

• Garden onions - (large) - 1 pc.

• Potatoes - 1 kg.

• Sour cream - 1 cup.

• Garlic - 4 teeth.

• Dill - a bunch.

• Oil (lean quality).

• Salt, pepper - on the fan.

• Zira, turmeric and other spices.

Cooking method:

Onions are sliced ​​thinly, whole rings, potato strips. The bottom of the bowl (multicooker) is oiled, where half of the cut potatoes are laid, which is salted and sprinkled with spices.

The following components are used for making sour cream sauce:

• Sour cream.

• Finely chopped dill.

• Garlic, passed through the press.

All of the above ingredients are mixed. The resulting sauce is smeared on all sides by potatoes that are in a slow cooker.

Lamb ribs, lightly salted separately fried in hot oil in a frying pan. After which the meat ribs are spread on the potatoes, and on top of the layers are added onions, the second part of the potatoes, sour cream sauce, salt, pepper and spices.

Close the multicooker lid and set it to the "Baking" mode. The dish is cooked 45 minutes.

Meat in sour cream or sour cream sauce - small tricks and tips

• When adding sour cream to meat, the latter acquires a delicate, juicy and savory taste.

• Thawing of meat, should occur gradually, in order to avoid loss of taste and healthy qualities.

• In general, frozen meat is better to cut into pieces for better thawing.

• It is better to dilute too thick sour cream with water to avoid the process of burning products.

• In order for the meat to become softer, juicier and more aromatic, it is recommended to marinate it, for example, in wine or mineral water.

• Meat in sour cream will literally expire juice if large pieces of pulp are used in cooking.


Watch the video: Easy Beef and Cheese Pierogis - Easy Recipes Eps # 15 (July 2024).