How to care for face after biorevitalization?


Unfortunately, the aging process is irreversible. It can not be avoided, but you can pause or slow down. Today, cosmetology offers a huge number of different procedures to combat age-related changes in the skin. One such procedure is an invasive method called biorevitalization.

This method involves the injection of hyaluronic acid into the skin. The result of this cosmetic procedure is moisturizing the skin, whitening and slowing down age processes.

It is important to know not only when and under what conditions to carry out such a procedure, but also how to care for the face after biorevitalization so that the effect lasts as long as possible. Also, proper care helps to avoid some of the unpleasant consequences that may occur after the procedure.

Preparation for biorevitalization

In order to understand whether you should use the biorevitalization procedure, you need to know what indications it has for use.

It is recommended to resort to this procedure. after 25-30 years. Indications for:

  • With dryness and dehydration of the skin, which causes flabbiness;
  • As a preventive measure manifestations of aging skin. Usually, this procedure is used by people who are exposed to harmful factors: UV exposure, sudden changes in temperature, stress and bad habits, which invariably affect the state of the skin;
  • As a regenerating agent after skin traumatic procedures. For example, laser polishing or chemical peeling;
  • To eliminate pigment spots, circles and swelling under the eyes, improve skin tone.
    Necessary to narrow pores to prevent increased sebum secretion.

The biorevitalization method has no time limit and can be done at any time of the year. Preparation for the procedure is very simple.

For a few days you must abandon the following:

  • Smoking and alcohol;
  • Coffee, black tea, energy;
  • Visits to the solarium and the beach;
  • Anticoagulants, even of plant origin (blood thinners);
  • Sleeping pills and sedatives.

To avoid swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhage and papules, it is necessary to strengthen the blood vessels and capillaries with the help of vitamin K.

If during the scheduled period prior to the procedure any exacerbations of any diseases occur, the procedure should be postponed. TO contraindications Carry out include:

  • Viral diseases;
  • Skin rashes of any etiology;
  • Autoimmune disorders;
  • Fungal diseases;
  • Bacterial diseases;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Damage to the skin of any etiology;
  • Fever;
  • Oncological tumors;
  • Allergy to the drug;
  • Prenatal and lactation period.

On the days of the menstrual cycle, the pain threshold is lowered, so the procedure can be delayed, since it can be more painful.

Usually, a course of 3-5 biorevitalization procedures is required, the interval between them is 2-3 weeks. Preparation for re-sessions is the same as for the original. In the pauses between treatments, you can use moisturizers with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid is part of our cells. It is responsible for moisturizing the skin. With age, the cells produce it less and less, and the skin becomes loose and dry. As a result, wrinkles appear. And the biorevitalization procedure delivers hyaluronic acid to the lower layers of the epidermis.

Biorevitalization does not smooth wrinkles. The main effect is moisturizing. Also, she is not able to solve the problem of peeling skin. If there are moles on the skin, the procedure is not contraindicated. Injections are performed next to them.

Procedure progress

Biorevitalization is a course of injections of hyaluronic acid, which are done in almost the entire visible area of ​​the upper body - face, neck, décolleté, hands. It is not cheap due to the cost of the drug itself.

Before the procedure, a cosmetologist examines the skin and identifies contraindications. Also, the client must give written consent to conduct biorevitalization. If you have any questions, you should ask your doctor.

Beautician assesses skin condition

Conduct from 3 to 5 procedures with intervals of 2-3 weeks. One session takes a professional from 30 minutes to an hour. Depends on the speed of the beautician and the sensitivity of the client's skin. On the introduction of injections in 1 ml in one zone takes 10-15 minutes.

The procedure is well tolerated by clients, as the master always uses anesthetics during the procedure. But, there are particularly sensitive areas, such as the chin, eyebrow and nasolabial folds. The steps of the procedure are described below.

Step 1: preparation for the procedure. Examination of the skin and the elimination of contraindications. Be sure to use disposable materials - sheets, cap, etc. The cosmetologist who works with injections also uses personal protective equipment - a mask, glasses, gloves.

Preparation for the procedure

Step 2: Disinfection. Disinfect the previously cleansed skin with chlorhexidine digluconate solution.

Disinfection of the skin

Step 3: Anesthesia. A local anesthetic is applied in the form of a cream to the prepared, sterile skin over the entire surface. It is applied proportionally and individually for each client. It is applied to sensitive areas with a thicker layer.

Applying local anesthetic cream

Step 4: film overlay. On the treated anesthetic zone impose food film for 30 minutes. Thus, an effect of occlusion is created, in which the pores expand, the skin softens and moisturizes, and the anesthetic penetrates better and deeper.

Overlay film for the effect of occlusion

Step 5: administration of the drug based on hyaluronic acid. The drug includes the presence of an individual syringe in the package. After dialing a drug into it, a control injection is made to check for pain and immediate allergic reactions. If discomfort and allergies have not arisen - proceed to the procedure.

Hyaluronic acid preparation with an individual syringe

Micro-ampoules are pricked in staggered order, starting from the top down. The eye and forehead area is treated, then wrinkles, smiles and the lower third of the face, including the parotid area. The normal reaction to the drug is redness and swelling of papules.

The introduction of the drug in the forehead area The introduction of the drug in the area around the eyes Treatment of the preparation of the lower face

It should be emphasized that one of the best preparations of the new generation for biorevitalization is Pierre Fabre's Glytone.

Manufacturers of GLYTONE PROFESSIONAL 1 - 1.0 ml (France) promise the following effects:

  • The density of the dermis will increase in 1-2 months after the course of procedures;
  • Radiance will last more than 3 months;
  • Increases skin elasticity;
  • Pronounced lifting of the skin and the elimination of small wrinkles.

Step 6: fixing the drug sticker on the arm. The sticker with the name and the series of the drug is fixed so that in case of delayed allergic reactions, ambulance doctors correctly diagnose them and provide the necessary assistance.

Fixing a sticker with the name and series of the drug

Step 7: skin treatment after the procedure. The face is wiped with a solution of skin antiseptic. You can also make a collagen mask and LED therapy, just a few minutes after biorevitalization.

Skin treatment after the biorevitalization procedure

What can not be done after biorevitalization?

After biorevitalization, the cosmetologist always gives advice on what to avoid after the procedure and what care is required. These rules must be strictly adhered to, as the result will depend on it.

After biorevitalization is not possible:

  • To touch the skin of the face for 3-4 hours, in order to avoid infection of papules;
  • Smooth or squeeze out the formed papules;
  • Use any cosmetics for about 3 days;
  • Sit upside down for a long time (which often involves work), as tissue swelling may develop;
  • Subject to sharp temperature changes;
  • Massage the face or do facial gymnastics;
  • Comb papules. If itching occurs, an antihistamine should be taken;
  • To do sports for about 3 days and other physical activities.

Face skin care after biorevitalization

After the biorevitalization procedure, edemas, bruises, subcutaneous hemorrhages (rarely), traces of injections and papules may occur. The skin turns red, but this is a temporary phenomenon, since the hyperemia passes in about half an hour or an hour. Papules and subcutaneous hemorrhages disappear within 2-3 days.

You should not expect that you will immediately become like a model from a glossy magazine. To achieve the desired result will only correct care in the first few days.

To speed up the healing process and recovery after the procedure it is necessary:

  • Treat the skin with antiseptic solutions that do not contain alcohol,
    2 times a day;
  • Abandon spicy and salty foods and foods that retain fluid in the body;
    If the procedure was in the morning, then in the evening you can allow standard, home care, except for the use of masks;
  • For 2-3 days hydrogel and decongestants patches for eyes and post-injection masks are recommended;
  • Wash with cool water;
  • After 5-7 days, you can make collagen masks with hyaluronic acid, up to the next procedure or course.

Biorevitalization can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, with a break between them in 1-2 weeks. For example, the combination with laser polishing is carried out both before and after this procedure to achieve a more pronounced effect of rejuvenation.

Also, simultaneously combine biorevitalization with botox. This helps to improve the quality of the skin, adjusting the oval of the face and eliminate wrinkles. A course of biorevitalization before the peeling procedure helps to speed up the restoration and acceleration of the rejuvenation process.

Possible complications

Any procedure using various synthetic and organic preparations through injections is likely to cause complications. This is due to both unrecorded contraindications and delayed allergic reactions, as well as improper care after the procedure or lack of professionalism of a cosmetologist.

Recovery after biorevitalization is quite fast. Pallor or redness of the skin may occur, as well as puffiness, but these are temporary side effects. The most important aspect in skin care is to prevent infection of microdamages after injections.

As for complications, they can be:

  • Early, which appear immediately after the injection;
  • Delayed, which occur after several days.

According to the severity of complications are divided into light, medium and heavy.

TO serious complications include:

  • Violation of the sensitivity of the skin;
  • Vascular blockage;
  • Tissue death;
  • Tissue compaction;
  • Tyndall effect;
  • The appearance of nodes on the surface of the skin;
  • Proliferation of connective tissue;
  • Hyperpigmentation and depigmentation.

Despite all the possible complications, biorevitalization remains one of the most popular and effective methods of rejuvenation.


Watch the video: Biorevitalization, Skin Rejuvenation, Acne Removal, Stretch mark treatment (July 2024).