When do puppy eyes open? Why are puppies born blind? Can we help open the eyes of puppies?


Puppies lack two senses at birth: vision and hearing. Their development requires at least 10 days, and sometimes several weeks. Although the lack of vision and hearing may seem strange to us, puppies develop in a way that has developed as a result of evolution and is beneficial for their appearance. But why is this happening? And when do puppy eyes open?

Why are puppies born blind and deaf?

When you look at newborn puppies, they seem so helpless and small. The idea that they are born deaf (with closed ear canals) and blind (with closed eyelids) seems to make no sense. Why does evolution allow an animal to be born in a state where its two basic feelings are not functioning and can not provide important information about the world? The gestation period in dogs is short, only about two months - from 58 to 63 days on average. Many of the puppy's critical organs, including its brain, are not fully formed, and they will catch up, developing rapidly rapidly within a few weeks after birth. The same goes for the eyes. Therefore, the reason puppies are born blind is as follows: the eye is still developing, and at the time of birth it is extremely fragile. To protect an immature optical system from potential damage from extraneous irritants, such as dirt, sand or microorganisms, eyes need protection. Closed eyelids provide it. Exposure to too bright light can also damage the delicate photoreceptors of the eyeball.

Puppies are born not only blind, but also deaf, because their ear canals are closed. Relative silence is important for developing ears, as sounds are associated with changes in pressure. If you make your puppy's ears react to sound waves before the puppy’s fragile auditory system is fully developed, it can cause great damage to his health.

When do puppy eyes open?

Most puppies begin to open their eyes in about two weeks (12-16 days after birth). This is an average time, so sometimes puppies can open their eyes a day or two sooner or later. It depends on the individual pet. Sometimes in one litter one puppy can open its eyes after 9 days, another after 14 days, and the third after 18 days. Also, the baby can open one eye earlier than the other. However, opening the eyes does not mean that they are fully developed and ready to function. The eyes will initially be bluish-gray, but this will change over time. True color often shows up to 8 weeks of age. At first, the baby will see only gross forms, the outlines of objects and movement, after about two weeks the vision will improve to almost perfect.

When puppies open their eyes: can we help?

If the puppy does not open his eyes after 16-18 days, you can help him by cleansing his eyes. Sometimes it is difficult for kids to open their eyes due to discharge from the eyes, which harden on the eyelashes and glue the eyelids. Dip a cotton pad in warm water and gently wipe the puppy's eyes. This should facilitate the opening process. If the eyes did not open on the same day, try rubbing your eyes on the next. Be careful and gentle. And do not forget to make sure that the water is not too hot. If the puppy's eyes appear swelling and purulent discharge, dip a cotton swab in warm salt water and very carefully rub your eyes away from the nose. Then wipe your eyes with a cotton pad.

When puppies eyes open: what if the opening does not occur?

If your puppy is 20 or more days old and does not open his eyes, he should be taken to the veterinarian. Timely action is necessary to avoid any complications associated with vision. Do not try to open the eyes of the pet yourself! If the eyes open too early, this can interfere with the development of the lacrimal glands, leading to a condition known as dry eye syndrome, and then medical treatment consisting of antibiotics and ointments may be required until the lacrimal glands begin to function normally. The eyelids of the puppy must develop completely before they are ready to open, as they perform many functions: not only protect the cornea, but also prevent the eyes from drying out.

When puppies open their eyes: what problems can be encountered?

Common problems with a puppy's eyes are injuries and birth defects (that is, those present at birth). Birth defects can be inherited, resulting from trauma or developmental problems in the uterus.

Eye problems caused by trauma. Injury is not an unusual problem for a puppy's eyes. This is a particularly common problem for puppies of such breeds as pug and Pekingese, as they have large bulging eyes. Puppies do not have the instinct of self-preservation, therefore, only opening their eyes, they seek to explore the world around them, which can be dangerous for their tender eyes. Brothers and sisters of the puppy, or even mom, can also damage the eyes by negligence. Sometimes puppy eyelashes and hair irritate and scratch sensitive corneal tissue. This is characteristic of Shih Tzu puppies. If you notice how the puppy squints, closing his eyes, you need to visit your veterinarian. If you find a scratch or other injury early - they heal quickly and completely.

· Birth problems. Many of these problems are genetic, but not all. An absent eye or a very small eye (microphthalmia) can be problems of fetal development. Puppies born with these problems lead a normal, normal life, despite some vision problems. Other defects can range from anatomical problems found only during an ophthalmological examination, which do not cause a noticeable visual defect, to loss of vision. Juvenile cataract is a disease that may have genetic or environmental causes. Some cataracts are caused by a hereditary genetic defect. In Siberian Husky, these cataracts usually appear between the ages of 6 to 12 months.

In any case, the guarantee of the health of a little puppy depends on the owner. It is necessary to carefully examine the babies and at the slightest changes in health - consult a doctor. But even without visible problems, do not forget about regular visits to the veterinary clinic.


Watch the video: Puppy opens its eyes for the first time. Puppy Senses. Secret Life of Dogs. Earth (June 2024).