October 17: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


There are days that are difficult to attribute to the holidays, but humanity simply must know about them. The Day for the Eradication of Poverty can safely be attributed to this category. It began to be celebrated in 1987, when a monument stone was erected in Trocadero Square (Paris) in honor of people who died from poverty. The idea of ​​creating such a day belongs to the Fourth World movement. Its members are doing their best to help the needy by organizing various actions in order to attract the authorities and the public not to turn a blind eye to the existing problem and support those in need.

According to statistics, more than five hundred thousand people do not eat up on the planet, more than 2 billion live on a meager salary, half of them live in absolute unsanitary conditions. In order to somehow eliminate this phenomenon, special organizations and programs are created that determine the citizen's rights to protection from disaster. In 2000, the Declaration was adopted, according to which by 2015 the authorities plan to reduce poverty by several times.

The history of the festival of “lights” dates back to the distant 16th century, when the crucifixion of Christ was lost in the desert, and then mysteriously appeared in Luren. Every year in the third week of October, the city of Ica arranges a grandiose religious performance in honor of the Messiah - Jesus Christ. A solemn event every time attracts thousands of people: local residents, as well as tourists come to take part in the festival. Various public games, concerts, colorful fairs and other entertainment events are organized.


In June, the capital of North Ossetia celebrated its birthday: the 228th anniversary of its founding. October 17 in Vladikavkaz will be held no less important event - the day of the city.

Initially (in the 18th century), the city played the role of a fortress and blocked the entrance to the Darial Gorge. Empress Catherine II, who ruled at that time, awarded the fortress with the “name” of Vladikavkaz. In the period from 1924 to 1934. the city was simultaneously the center of the North Ossetian and Ingush autonomous regions. During the Second World War, German troops were stopped at the approach to Vladikavkaz. In honor of this event, the capital was declared the City of Military Glory. The cultural and historical center of Vladikavkaz is Alexandrovsky Prospect (in the present - Prospect Mira). Other attractions include the Terek embankment, the Alley of Fountains, the Park of Culture and Leisure, as well as many others.


City Day in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (the capital of the Kamchatka Territory) is celebrated on the third Wednesday of October. In 2012, this event falls on October 17th. A massive city holiday will be accompanied by various events dedicated to a significant day. These include a parade, a performance by the municipal authorities, concerts and a fair, and after sunset, rolling volleys of multi-colored fireworks sparkle in the sky. So the townspeople will meet the 272 anniversary of the development of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

Erofeev day

October 17, according to the national calendar, celebrate Erofeev’s day. It is believed that with Erofei the martyr, the cold intensifies, as they said in Russia: "winter puts a fur coat on." According to legend, unclean power awakens at night and sows its evil witchcraft. The goblin wanders through the woods all night, scares animals, screams, laughs, claps, but with the cries of the first roosters crawl into the ground the same hour until next spring. On this day, did not go to the forest, even in case of urgent need. People believed that if they meet a devil, they will not be able to leave him whole. “On the day of Erofeev, one“ Erofeyich will “warm the soul” - this is how people in ancient times called fragrant tincture, consisting of healing herbs: mint, anise, oregano, St. John's wort, sweet clover, thyme, marjoram, wormwood and yarrow.

Name days on this day are celebrated by representatives of the names: Veronika, Ammon, Onisim, Vasily, Barsanuphius, Vladimir, Mikhail, Dominica, Dmitry, Pavel, Nikolai, Stepan, Peter, Chionia, Tikhon and Jacob.

Those born on October 17 love holidays, have fun, but they are often lonely in their hearts and have a phenomenal hearing. To attract good luck and spiritual balance, such people should wear beryl or chrysolite and restore physical strength using the aroma of wildflowers. Their magic number is 8, the plant is reed, and the astral colors are raspberry, yellow and pink.

October 17, 1740: Mastering Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (a city in the Far East) owes its appearance to the second Kamchatka expedition, led by navigator Commander Vitus Bering. In the fall of 1740, two postal and passenger ships: St. Paul and St. Peter went to the east coast of Kamchatka. In the bay, located on the territory of the Avacha Bay, the expedition decided to wait the winter. So on October 17 the first settlement was laid. From it, in fact, the whole difficult history of the capital of Kamchatka began.

October 17, 1902: Detroit Launches First Cadillac

Most car brands proudly bear the "names" of their creators, but things are different with Cadillac. The brand is named after the founder of Detroit, Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. Talented inventors Henry Leland and Henry Ford, who founded the Cadillac Motor Car Company in the summer of 1902, made the main contribution to the creation of the car itself. And in the autumn of October 17 of the same year they designed the first Cadillac model "A", an exhibition of which was held in 1903 in the city of New York.

October 17, 1938: Institution of the medal "For Courage"

The Medal "For Courage" - a state award - was established by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1937. According to the decree, any soldier of the Red Army or Navy, as well as a defender of the state border of the USSR for courage and courage shown in battle with enemies, could get a medal. Among the first heroes to receive the medal were the border guards F. Grigoriev and N. Gulyaev. The daredevils managed to detain a group of saboteurs in the vicinity of about. Hassan.

October 17, 1945: Königsberg became part of the USSR

By decision of the Potsdam and Yalta conferences, Koenigsberg and its surrounding territories were included in the USSR. In 1946, the Konigsberg region was formed, and a few months later, in honor of the All-Union Warden, the city was renamed Kaliningrad.

October 17, 1961: Opening of the State Kremlin Palace

The Kremlin Palace of Congresses (now the State Kremlin Palace), erected in the heart of the capital, was designed by architect M. Posokhin. Ashot Mdoyants and Evgeny Stamo also took a direct part in the project. The construction of the Palace was completed in 1961. In the same year, its opening took place on October 17. In honor of the significant event taking place within the walls of the Palace, a festive concert was held.

- Eminem (born in 1972) - American rapper. He was brought up by a single mother, from an early age he participated in school referee programs and competitions, in which he almost always won. At the age of 15, he formed his own group, and at 17 he began working on the local radio. In 1999, he released an album that brought him fame.

- Andrey Grechko (born in 1903) - Marshal, Minister of Defense. He graduated from the school of red commanders, the cavalry school, followed by the Frunze Military Academy and the General Staff Academy. After the victory of the USSR in the Second World War, Grechko continued his rapid progress up the career ladder. In 1967 he achieved the status of Minister of Defense of the USSR.

- John Paul I (born in 1978) - head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope.

- Yakov Pavlov (born in 1917) - hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. In 1942, he was tasked with reconnaissance of the situation in a building with an important tactical position. Pavlov and other fighters managed to "recapture" him from the Germans and prevent the invasion of the enemy.

- Grigory Orlov (born in 1734) - Russian statesman.

- Robert Jordan (born in 1948) - American writer. In 1970, he graduated from the Citadel with a degree in physics. Soon he began to write fantasy novels.

- Saint-Simon (born in France in 1760) is a Utopian socialist.

- Beverly Garland (born in 1926) - American actress. Despite the inherent female fragility, she preferred to play “strong” roles. Her heroines amazed the viewer with their inner stamina, iron will and desire for independence. Beverly was especially good as a policeman in the Decoy series, shot in the fifties.

- Kimi Raikkonen (born in 1979) - Formula 1 racing champion.

- Tarkan (born in 1972) - famous Turkish singer. He began to give concerts at the age of 16, falling in love with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. His idols include such performers as Madonna, James Brown and Steve Wonder.

- Mikhail Druyan (born in 1911) - cameraman-animator. Filmed more than three hundred cartoons. Many of them have become real classics. Among them: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, Golden Antelope, The Adventures of Pinocchio, Kid and Carlson, The Little Humpbacked Horse and many others.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).