Cream for muffins - preparing small masterpieces! A selection of recipes for the most delicious, thick and rich creams for muffins


Cream for muffins should not only be tasty, but also keep a good shape. Only in this case, the dessert will turn out amazingly beautiful, will remain until the right moment and bring joy. Here are the best recipes for muffin creams. We choose to your taste!

Muffin cream - general principles of preparation

The key to a good cream is quality products. The taste and type of dessert depends on them. Do not try to save on caps for muffins. Let the foundation be better modest.

What to look for:

• The oil should be good, fat content not less than 72%, it should quickly harden in the refrigerator, but at the same time soften at room temperature. Vegetable and low-quality products are guilty of this.

• Cream creams are also used with high fat content of at least 30%. In some recipes, they can be replaced with sour cream.

• Sugar is most often replaced with powder, which can be prepared independently with a coffee grinder.

Also in the creams may be curd products, eggs and condensed milk. Aromatic additives and dyes that improve the taste and color of the dessert are of no small importance. The rule when choosing one is to choose the freshest and highest quality products. If the expiration date is coming to an end, then such an ingredient is no longer suitable.

Chocolate Coffee Muffin Cream

The recipe is a thick, rich cream for muffins with a chocolate flavor and a coffee shade. Instant coffee is used, cocoa powder must be taken dark without sugar.


• 140 g of oil;

• 30 g of cocoa;

• 0.5 tsp coffee;

• 80 g of dark chocolate;

• 80 g of powdered sugar.


1. Oil should be cut into pieces, left to soften at room temperature for an hour. You can place the product immediately in the bowl that will be used for whipping.

2. Break the pieces of chocolate, put in a small saucepan or in a bowl.

3. Heat a little water in another pan, put a bowl of chocolate on top, start to melt it. Stir regularly, as soon as all the pieces dissolve, add instant coffee, stir and remove from heat. Melt chocolate to a warm state.

4. Mix the powder with cocoa, rub all the lumps.

5. Start whipping the butter.

6. Once it becomes lush and white, gradually introduce the powder with cocoa.

7. As soon as all the powder has been introduced, we begin to pour the melted, slightly warm chocolate.

8. The cream is ready! We put it in a pastry bag, squeeze it on muffins, put the confectionery in the refrigerator so that the mouth-watering hat freezes.

Muffin Cream

A variant of the most delicate creamy cream for muffins. If desired, part of the sugar can be reduced so that the air cap is not very sweet.


• 150 ml of fat cream;

• 0.5 g of vanilla;

• 80 g of powder;

• dye optional.


1. Pour the heavy cream into a bowl, immerse the beaters of the mixer and begin to whip.

2. As soon as the cream becomes thick, well increase in volume, add the powdered sugar in parts.

3. For flavor, throw some vanilla. Beat until the powder is dissolved.

4. If desired, you can add any dye, cream is easy to change color.

5. Put the cooked treat in a pastry bag, decorate chilled muffins.

Cream for muffins with boiled condensed milk

A very tasty and sweet cream that is great for decorating muffins. Boiled condensed milk in itself is thick, so the mass does not flow, we solidify well, cream hats retain their shape for a long time.


• 250 g of boiled condensed milk;

• 200 g of drain oil .;

• 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream;

• vanilla, essences.


1. Soften the oil at room temperature. We submerge the mixer, start whipping at low speeds, then we add speed.

2. Beat the butter until fluffy and white.

3. Mash boiled condensed milk with fat sour cream until smooth.

4. First add one small spoonful of the condensed milk mixture to the oil and carefully break it down, then add the whole addition.

5. Put the aromatic substances in the cream, whip the last time. Done! You can decorate pastries!

Cream for muffins with mascarpone and cream

Chic version of the cream with mascarpone. If necessary, you can try replacing the main ingredient with another cream cheese.


• 250 g of mascarpone;

• 140 g of sugar. powder

• 120 ml cream;

• vanilla, dyes.


1. For everything to work out, the ingredients of the cream must have the same temperature. You can cool everything or keep it warm.

2. Whip the cream, which should be fat, to a very lush foam, gradually introduce all the powdered sugar. For flavor add vanilla, extracts and essences. This cream can also be painted; in this case, it is better to add dyes to the cream so that they dissolve thoroughly.

3. Mascarpone knead well and add whipped cream on a spoon. Stir well.

4. The finished cream can be cooled to make it thicker, or we can use it immediately to decorate miniature cupcakes.

Cream for butter muffins with cream

The classic oil cream has not been popular for a long time, as it turns out to be greasy, it can make you sick, and the taste is boring. But you can always cook its analogue with cream. It is much easier and more interesting to taste.


• 100 g of oil;

• 50 ml cream;

• 3/4 cups of powder.


1. Divide powdered sugar in half.

2. Beat softened butter until foam, add half the powder in parts, beat until dissolved.

3. Whip the cream separately and also introduce half the icing sugar.

4. Now you need to combine both air masses. It is better to introduce cream into an oil cream. Stir gently.

5. Once the mass is homogeneous, you can add vanilla or other substances for flavor, dyes to change color.

6. We squeeze out oil caps on muffins. If you use high-quality oil in the refrigerator, such a cream freezes quickly, then it is difficult to work with it.

Custard Muffin Cream

Muffin custard recipe that captivates not only with its taste, but also with its value. It can actually be attributed to the most budgetary option for decorating baking.


• 200 ml of milk;

• 1 egg;

• 7 tablespoons of sugar;

• 140 g of oil;

• 20 g of flour.


1. Rub the yolk, gradually add milk to it. Protein is not useful to us. We put the mixture on the stove, let it warm up for now.

2. Sugar must be combined with flour, so that lumps do not appear in the process of combining with the liquid. Pour into milk, stir.

3. Cook the cream over moderate heat. Constantly stir, especially at the moments of thickening.

4. As soon as the mass begins to gurgle in large drops, remove from heat. The custard mixture will still thicken during cooling.

5. While the infusion of milk and flour cools down, put soft butter in a bowl, beat with a mixer until splendid.

6. Combine the butter with the custard mixture. They should be the same in temperature.

7. Stir, season the cream with vanilla or other aromatic substances. We put in the refrigerator for an hour, use it for its intended purpose.

Cream for muffins "Honey ganache"

Another version of a chic decoration for homemade muffins. For allergies, instead of honey, you can use starch syrup or thick sugar syrup, it also works great with them.


• 40 g of honey;

• 270 g cream;

• 230 g of chocolate.


1. We take cream only fatty not less than 30%. We mix them with honey, put on a stove and bring almost to a boil.

2. Chocolate must be real with cocoa at least 70%. We chop it into pieces, throw it into a bowl.

3. Pour chocolate with hot cream, quickly stir with a spatula until the pieces are completely dissolved. If suddenly the lumps remain (which should not be when using high-quality chocolate), you need to warm up the mass a little in a water bath.

4. Cool the mixed ganache. We monitor the temperature, the cream should not be very thick.

5. Fill the syringe and squeeze onto the cooled cupcakes. Sent to the refrigerator for further cooling.

Curd muffin cream

The recipe is not only tasty, but also a healthy cream for muffins. It is advisable to use cottage cheese fatty, not dry, so that it can be grinded to a homogeneous consistency. Instead of cream, you can use fat sour cream, it will also work with cream.


• 150 g of cottage cheese;

• 150 g of powder;

• 50 ml cream;

• 150 g of oil;

• 2 drops of vanilla essence.


1. Cottage cheese must be carefully frayed. It is better to put the product in a bowl with cream and beat with a blender. Then add half the icing sugar and beat again.

2. We take the softened oil. Spread in a bowl, whisk first one, then gradually add the second part of the powder, which remains.

3. Now you need to combine the oil mixture and the curd, stir until smooth.

4. Add a few drops of vanilla for the aroma. Re-mix the cream.

5. We shift it into a bag with nozzles or into a confectionery syringe, use it for decoration.

Cream for muffins - useful tips and tricks

• If desserts are intended for adults, you can add a little liquor or brandy to the cream. The taste of goodies will become much more interesting and noble. For 300 ml of cream, 20 ml of alcohol-containing drink is enough.

• If the cream is liquid, does not want to harden, then do not try to freeze it. It will be even worse. You can add a little ground to the flour shortbread cookies, it will absorb some of the moisture and make the mass thicker. Also, cocoa powder can serve as a thickener.

• After decorating with cream, muffins must be placed in the refrigerator. If they are prepared in advance, that is, a couple of days before the celebration, it is better not to decorate them immediately, to prepare the cream immediately before the event, so that it is fresh.


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