The technology of preparing custard with eggs and desserts based on it. The secret of confectioners - custard with eggs


Custard with eggs is a masterpiece in the hands of the cook. The delicate taste and the ability to create it in different consistencies allow the cream to be widely used in cooking. They can smear cake from almost any dough when forming a cake or decorate its surface. Can be used as a filling for buns, croissants, cakes or muffins.

Custard with eggs and desserts with it - general principles of preparation

• Custard with eggs can be prepared in several ways: on the stove, in the microwave, by heating in a water bath or by brewing the bulk with boiling liquid. For these purposes, concentrated sugar syrup is most often used.

• Whole eggs, as well as individual proteins or yolks, can be used in the preparation. With the addition of whole eggs or yolks, as a rule, rare creams are prepared, which are used in cooking to smear cakes. Often they are used as a filling for custard cakes or buns. When using proteins, dense, airy creams are obtained. They keep their shape well and do not melt, which allows them to be used to decorate desserts. Often, protein cream is filled with puff pastry tubes.

• Any custard with eggs can also serve as an independent dessert. Such treats are complemented by fresh, canned or frozen fruits, berries and other ingredients.

Classic Egg Custard Recipe

A thick-walled pan or stewpan is required. The cooking process requires close attention and constant stirring, as the cream may stick to the bottom of the container and burn. Butter is not a mandatory component, if you need a lighter cream, it should be excluded.


• liter of medium fat milk;

• two chicken eggs;

• four tablespoons of wheat flour;

• 2 grams of vanilla powder;

• a glass of granulated sugar;

• 150 gr. creamy 72% butter.

Cooking method:

1. Pour granulated sugar into the pan. Break eggs into it, add vanilla with flour and rub well, completely dissolving the sugar grains.

2. In the resulting mixture, adding half a glass and mixing well, pour the entire portion of milk.

3. Put a homogeneous cream base on moderate heat and cook, constantly stirring, until the very beginning of boiling.

4. Put the cream brewed in this way from the fire to the side to cool slightly. When cooling, it is recommended to regularly mix the cream mass, otherwise its surface will be tightened with a thin film.

5. After approximately ten minutes, add portioned soft butter. Add no more dessert spoon at a time and carefully mix in a new serving.

6. After that, cover the container with a lid or film and leave it to cool completely.

How to make egg custard in the microwave

You will need a special container that can be placed in the microwave. The recipe attracts with its simplicity - no need to be afraid that the creamy mass will burn or stick. Of the specified number of cream products, not very many come out. If they need to miss a cake, feel free to increase the norms, observing the recommended proportions.


• two yolks;

• 20 gr. powdered sugar;

• a glass of pasteurized milk;

• an incomplete spoon of sugar (20 g.);

• 20 gr. white baking flour.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the yolks with the addition of granulated sugar and powdered. You do not need to beat, you should grind as best as possible so that insoluble sugar crystals do not remain in the mixture.

2. Pour in the flour, stir until smooth, start gradually introducing milk. Do not rush, pour in small portions, and mix thoroughly every time so that there are no lumps.

3. Place the cream base in the microwave and turn it on at full power for just a minute. Stir the cream thoroughly and put it back in the microwave for a minute, then stir again. Repeat this process two more times.

Sour cream custard with eggs in a water bath

Custard can be prepared not only in milk, cream or sour cream are also used as a base. When overheated, these products can become curdled, so it is better to cook such a cream in a water bath. Two containers will be required, one of which should be larger than the other.


• refined sugar - 150 gr.;

• one egg;

• pack of softened oil;

• two tablespoons of baking flour;

• 300 gr. sour cream with a fat content of at least 20%

• grams of vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Put sour cream in a smaller container and dissolve sugar in it. In a separate bowl, you can just in a glass, shake the egg and pour it to sour cream.

2. Add vanilla and, sifting through a rare strainer, introduce flour.

3. Stir thoroughly with a whisk, and without whipping, mix all the ingredients. If the flour is knotted, crush them with a spoon, and then stir the cream base again. It should be uniform.

4. Fill a large vessel in size and diameter with water and place it on intense heat. When it begins to boil, lower the heat to medium, so that the water only boils slightly, and place a bowl with a cream base on its surface.

5. Stir periodically to make the cream brew evenly, warm it until it thickens.

6. Transfer the oil softened at room temperature to a separate bowl and begin to whisk at a minimum of mixer speeds. When it becomes a pasty consistency, gradually increase the speed and enter the chilled cream in parts.

Custard with eggs (protein)

Cooking cream does not require boiling or heating in a water bath. The whipped proteins are brewed with very hot syrup. The cream perfectly retains its shape and can be used not only for filling, but also for decorating any dessert.


• squirrels from three eggs;

• 180 gr. granulated sugar;

• drinking water - 60 ml;

• two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;

• a pinch of salt only finely ground.

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into a small pot with a thick bottom. Add lemon juice, which is sure to strain after pressing, and immediately add sugar, mix.

2. On a small fire, stirring regularly, cook a clear, light syrup. Readiness can be checked by dropping a small drop of syrup in a glass of cold water. If it does not spread over the surface, but keeps its shape, then it’s ready.

3. Using a mixer, starting from the minimum and gradually increasing the speed to medium, beat the chilled proteins with the addition of salt. The protein mass should be dense, and rise behind the corollas with steady peaks.

4. Without reducing or increasing speed, add hot sugar syrup into the protein mass, pouring in a thin stream. Make sure that the sweet mass does not get on the walls of the tank and the whisk of the mixer.

5. The custard will be ready when the protein mass doubles in volume.

Easy fruit custard dessert with eggs

One of the options for preparing and using the classic custard recipe with eggs in cold desserts. Slices of fresh or canned fruit are layered with chilled cream. The highlight of the treat is a crispy layer of caramelized oatmeal.


• two tablespoons of white, preferably fine, sugar;

• four tablespoons of oatmeal;

• fresh or canned fruits (can be replaced with berries).

For custard:

• one egg;

• 50 gr. butter, sweet cream;

• sugar - 100 gr.;

• two full spoons of flour (without a hill);

• 250 ml of milk.

Cooking method:

1. The custard for dessert should cool well, so start cooking with it. Pour sugar and flour into a saucepan, mix. Add the egg and a little, literally a quarter cup, cold milk, stir everything well again. Be sure to pre-shake the egg with a fork, so it will be easier to mix with other components.

2. On medium heat, bring the remaining milk to a boil, and then pour it into a prepared mixture with a thin stream. Be sure to stir the mass intensively when adding hot milk, otherwise the raw egg that is part of it will curl.

3. Transfer the bowl with the cream base to a slow fire and, continuously stirring, warm up until the mass begins to thicken. Now lower the heat to a minimum and continue to cook the cream until it thickens enough.

4. Immediately transfer the brewed cream mass to a cold dish. Add chopped medium-sized cubes, slightly softened butter, and mix thoroughly.

5. Put a cling film on the surface of the cream and cool it first at room temperature, and then place it in the refrigerator.

6. On the bottom of a thick-walled pan, spread oatmeal in an even layer and sprinkle them with sugar.

7. Turn on medium heat and, while constantly mixing, bring granulated sugar to completely dissolve its grains.

8. When the syrup begins to envelop the flakes, slightly reduce the heat and continue heating until the oatmeal becomes light brown.

9. Put the caramelized flakes on a plate and wait until they have completely cooled.

10. Lay the chilled cream, sliced ​​fruit or berries and caramelized flakes in layers in tall, wide glasses or cups.

11. Dessert can be decorated with grated chocolate, fruit, or custard protein cream deposited from a pastry bag.

Chocolate custard custard dessert

The original serving of a fairly simple custard dessert in chocolate cups. The brewed cream base with yolks is complemented by small balls welded from whipped proteins. To make edible cups you will need small balloons.


• two bitter tiles with a high content of cocoa and chocolate;

• two eggs;

• 250 gram glass of milk;

• a teaspoon of starch;

• vanilla powder - 1 g .;


• small balloons;

• white coconut flakes.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate into pieces, put it in a small wide bowl and place it in a water bath. While stirring occasionally, melt the chocolate to the consistency of thick sour cream.

2. Take the inflated ball and dip it in slightly cooled chocolate. Pour the chocolate in a saucer, a “puddle” the size of a nickel, and place the ball on it with the chocolate side down. Prepare a few such blanks and refrigerate until completely frozen. In this case, the chocolate cups will have smooth edges to get smudges, the chocolate mass must be poured directly onto the ball.

3. After about half an hour, remove the workpieces from the refrigerator, pierce the balls with a needle and carefully separate them from the chocolate. Place the edible cups back in the refrigerator so that they do not melt.

4. Rinse the eggs with hot water. Gently break the shell, place the yolks in a small bowl.

5. Pour the protein from one egg into a separate, dry dish and beat with the addition of sugar (2 tbsp. L.) In a lush foam.

6. Pour the remaining sugar into milk, stir and put on medium heat. At the very beginning of the boil, slightly reduce the heat and, prying a teaspoon, lower the protein mass into it. Boil the lumps for no more than a minute, catch them with a slotted spoon and lay on a plate to cool. After that, distribute them in chocolate cups and leave them in the refrigerator.

7. Pound the yolks with starch by adding a spoonful of cold milk.

8. Put the milk remaining after making the snowballs onto the stove again. When it boils, pour in a thin stream of starch slurry into it. Do not forget to mix boiling milk intensively.

9. Boil the cream until thickened, then cool well in the heat and mix with vanilla. For safety reasons, you can keep the cooled cream mass in the refrigerator for some time. Chocolate will melt from a warm cream.

10. Spread the cream in chocolate cups, spreading onto protein lumps, and leave the dessert in the cold for another half hour.

11. Sprinkle with white coconut flakes before serving.

Egg custard - cooking tips and tricks

• Any custard with yolks or whole eggs will have a more saturated color if you use homemade eggs.

• You can scent the creamy mass not only with vanilla. Very often, alcohol is used for these purposes, which gives the cream not only a specific aroma, but also taste. An alcoholic drink should be added to an already cooled cream, and not during the preparation process.

• Custard is always used when cooled. To prevent its surface during cooling from taking up a thin thick layer, which can subsequently get into the cream, it is recommended to seal the container tightly with cling film so that it comes into contact with the cream.


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