Cake "Prague" - a classic recipe for your favorite treat. How to make a Prague cake according to a classic recipe quickly and tasty


It has long been a favorite dessert - cake "Prague" - thanks to the fantasies and experiments of many housewives, it has evolved and changed.

Now, when preparing it, many other ingredients are added, various methods of baking a biscuit, various creams, and glazes are used. And, be that as it may, any of the prevailing recipes can be considered classic, because they are loved, valued, and the secrets and tricks of cooking convey.

Cake "Prague": a classic recipe - general principles of preparation

Despite the fact that today there are many recipes for the Prague cake, this dessert would not be Prague if these recipes did not combine the general principles of preparation.

• Cake sponge cake baked from flour, cocoa, butter, eggs and sugar.

• The common cake is cut into three equal parts.

• Soak two biscuit cakes with cream, ideally butter, cocoa, condensed milk and yolks. But exceptions are possible.

• If desired, one of the cakes is filled with berry or fruit jam.

• After the Prague cake is soaked, the dessert is poured with specially prepared glaze.

• Decorate the dessert, focusing on their taste preferences: chocolate chips, nuts, coconut, powder, mastic, cream.

In addition, the classic recipe for the Prague cake involves the preparation of such a non-standard dessert as the raw food Prague. And although the principle of preparing a natural dessert is strikingly different from the generally accepted one, this recipe is one of the oldest and most beloved.

1. Cake "Prague": a classic recipe


• six eggs;

• a couple of glasses of flour;

• sugar;

• sweet cream butter;

• natural cocoa powder;

• a jar of condensed milk;

• 160 g of sour cream with a fat content of 10 percent;

• baking powder;

• Red wine.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare the dough, the eggs are thoroughly ground with a glass of sugar, after which - add flour, sour cream, two tablespoons of cocoa, baking powder. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed (it is allowed to use a blender). The dough is poured into a mold that is pre-lined with foil. You should get 4 cakes with a diameter of about 20 centimeters. Bake at 200 degrees for half an hour. Then the cakes cool down, after which they are cut into two halves. The total number of thin cakes is 8.

2. For cream, mix 400 grams of butter, two or three tablespoons of cocoa, a can of condensed milk. All ingredients are knocked down with a mixer until smooth.

3. Thin cakes of the future cake smeared with cream. The exception is the upper cake, as it is filled with glaze.

4. To prepare the glaze in a Turk mix a tablespoon of butter, milk, the rest of the cocoa, 4 tablespoons of sugar. Glaze is boiled over low heat until the bubble begins.

5. The upper cake is treated with the prepared glaze and wait for its cooling.

6. Decoration involves the use of crushed nuts or slices of fresh fruit.

2. Cake "Prague": a classic recipe with nuts


• one and a half glasses of flour;

• a couple glasses of sugar;

• six to seven tablespoons of sour cream with a fat content of 20%;

• condensed milk;

• natural cocoa;

• slaked soda;

• one and a half (300 g) packs of butter;

• 600 milliliters of milk;

• four tbsp. l semolina;

• ground walnuts;

• 2 chicken eggs;

• vanillin;

• cognac.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare the dough: eggs and a glass of sugar are thoroughly beaten. Then add sour cream, two and a half teaspoons of soda, after extinguishing it, four tablespoons of cocoa. For a uniform consistency, mix the mixture in a blender. Then add 1.5 cups of flour, re-mix.

2. Half of the prepared mixture is poured into a baking dish, oiled. For baking cakes take about half an hour, setting the temperature to 130 - 140 degrees (depending on the oven).

3. The time has come for the cream. The following mixture is prepared for him over low heat: 3 to 4 tablespoons of semolina, 500 milliliters of milk, half a glass of sugar. The consistency should be thick. If necessary, it is permissible to put the cream in the refrigerator for 10 minutes to thicken.

4. The next step is whipping 200 grams of butter with the addition of a prepared and pre-chilled sweet base. Add vanillin, a little cognac. A thick cream is prepared for a delicious cake.

5. Then they take out cakes and cut each of them into 2 parts. Layered biscuit cream, mixing it with chopped walnuts. The top cake is covered with glaze.

6. To prepare the glaze in a pan, melt 100 grams of butter, adding 8 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of milk and cocoa. Allow about 5 minutes for stirring. The prepared glaze is immediately poured onto the top cake layer and spread, as it quickly hardens.

3. Cake "Prague": a classic quick recipe


• eggs;

• condensed milk;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• sour cream;

• 240 grams of wheat flour;

• cocoa;

• jam;

• soda, pre-quenched with vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. First, beat eggs with sugar. To them add half a can of condensed milk, soda, flour, sour cream, 3 tablespoons of cocoa.

2. The dough is put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for about half an hour.

3. During the baking of the cake, a cream is made: a jar of sour cream is mixed with condensed milk and two tablespoons of cocoa.

4. Cooked cakes after cooling, carefully cut into two layers.

5. Each layer is smeared with cream, the top - jam, and stack on top of each other. The cake is served after it is soaked.

4. Cake "Prague": a classic recipe with jam


• 6 eggs;

• one yolk;

• Wheat flour;

• sugar;

• 120 grams of condensed milk;

• 280 grams of butter;

• cocoa;

• vanillin;

• natural chocolate;

• apricot natural jam.

Cooking method:

1. Egg yolks are separated from the proteins, and then beat with 75 grams of granulated sugar. It should turn out a lush cream of a light shade.

2. Proteins are first whipped independently to a dense consistency. Then they add 80 grams of sugar, beat to a magnificent state.

3. Protein and yolk masses are mixed with each other. To them are added sifted flour, 25 grams of cocoa. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

4. 40 grams of butter is poured into the dough, which is pre-cooled and melted. All mix thoroughly. The finished mixture is poured into a mold pre-oiled. Bake 200 gr.

5. The finished chocolate biscuit is cooled, wrapped in a plastic wrap.

6. In the next step, the remaining yolk is mixed with 20 milliliters of water until smooth, adding condensed milk. The consistency should be homogeneous. The mixture is boiled over low heat until thick.

7. 200 grams of butter whipped with vanilla sugar. Chilled milk is added to the mixture while continuing to whisk. At the end, add 10 grams of cocoa.

8. The biscuit is cut into three layers, two of which are smeared with chocolate cream. Now the cake is collected and greased with warm, mashed apricot jam.

9. The final chord: melt natural chocolate and butter. A water bath is ideal for this. Glaze is poured over the top and all sides.

10. The cake is infused in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

5. Cake "Prague": a classic recipe in a slow cooker


• eggs in a quantity of 2 pieces;

• one and a half (maybe a little more) glasses of sugar;

• 216 grams of sour cream;

• 305 g of condensed milk;

• 1.5 cups of 200 gram flour;

• three tablespoons of cocoa;

• tsp soda;

• 200 grams of butter (natural);


1. Beat eggs with sugar.

2. Slaked soda is added to sour cream, whipped with condensed milk (0.5 cans are required).

3. All ingredients are combined and whipped with a mixer. At this point, flour, cocoa is added.

4. The dough is laid out in a multicooker bowl, pre-oiled.

5. Cakes are baked in the "baking" mode for an hour.

6. After the beep, the cake is taken out, cooled and divided into two cakes.

7. The cooled lower cake is smeared with cream, covered with a second cake. The cream is prepared as follows: beat soft butter (150 grams), add warm condensed milk (0.5 cans) and beat again.

8. Top with icing. For glaze, sour cream, sugar, water, cocoa are mixed and put on a small fire until boiling and forming a thick sweet mass. Then warm butter is added. The following proportions are required: for 85 grams of sugar, 40 for cocoa, 50 for plum butter, 60 for sour cream.

6. Raw food cake "Prague": a classic recipe for an unusual dessert


• nuts (any, to taste);

• dates (should be taken in a ratio of 1: 1 to nuts);

• sesame seeds (half of the date volume);

• fruits;

• carob (a natural substitute for chocolate, one third of the date).

Cooking method:

1. To prepare a raw food cake "Prague", grind nuts, sesame and dates.

2. Carob is added to the resulting mixture.

3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to form the dough and create cakes.

4. In the layer between the cakes put bananas, lime.

5. Top of the cake sprinkled with carob.

Cake "Prague": a classic recipe - secrets and tricks

• Since both butter and cream use natural butter, it is not advisable to store the cake for more than 36 hours.

• To make the Prague cake juicier, you can soak prepared cakes with any impregnation. For example, cognac, liquor, coffee, fruit syrup.


Watch the video: 12 Amazing Cake Art Designs. Yummy Chocolate Cake Decorating Ideas (June 2024).