Diseases and treatment of guinea pigs. How to recognize in time that your pet is sick: how to treat a guinea pig?


Pets give us a sea of ​​joy and positive emotions. Unfortunately, your pet’s sudden illness can overshadow this charming holiday.

Guinea pigs are animals that are least susceptible to infectious diseases. But the breeders of these cute and fluffy rodents still should not relax, fully relying on the natural strength of their immune system.

The pathological process can begin suddenly. And its consequences can be the most fatal. For your pet to live a long and happy life, let's look at the topic of diseases and treatment of guinea pigs.

We suggest starting with the symptoms, upon manifestation of which the breeder should immediately understand that something is wrong with his furry pet.

Signs of major guinea pig disease

Characteristic signs indicating the onset of the pathological process in the body of guinea pigs:

• The animal experiences increased thirst.

• There is a high body temperature.

• There is a cough.

• A change in the hairline (clumping, hair loss, increased shaggy) is recorded.

• Mumps have difficulty and / or quickened breathing.

• Fixed suppuration of the eyelids.

• There are ulcerations on the skin.

• There is a runny nose, discharge from the nasal cavity.

• The animal recorded stool disorders.

• The animal has convulsive effects, paralysis.

• There is a loss of appetite.

• The animal is fixed apathy, reduced motor activity.

All of the above abnormalities can be symptoms of dangerous diseases. Let's take a closer look at them.

The main diseases of guinea pigs


Chronic disease, characterized by the appearance of nodules in the form of nodules that occur on the internal organs and structures of the serous membranes affected by the pathological process. Despite the external similarity of nodules with real tuberculosis, the disease is not tuberculosis, and is caused by completely different types of pathogens. These are mainly specific non-acid-resistant bacilli type b. pseudotuberculosis murium.

The breeder should remember that this pathology is contagious. Therefore, quarantine conditions must be created for the animal, excluding contact with other pets. It is required to take the disease diagnosis and treatment of guinea pig as seriously as possible from this dangerous pathological process, which in a short time can lead to death all the generation of your pets.

The disease is transmitted through contaminated feed. The main treatment is antibiotic therapy. The medicine is injected into the cheek of a sick animal with a syringe. The main preventive measure is the disinfection of eating places and maintaining cleanliness in enclosures and cages. It should be remembered that the disease is dangerous to humans!


This disease is the result of various microbes entering the digestive tract of guinea pig.

Usually infection occurs through water. But also the cause of the disease can be poor feed.

One of the first signs of illness is the animal’s refusal to eat. The disease has two phases: acute and chronic.

In the first case, the pathological process develops rapidly.

In the second case, the symptoms are quite erased. Prevention of the development of the disease and treatment of guinea pig is carried out with the help of an anti-typhoid bacteriophage and the appointment of antibiotics of a certain spectrum of action, depending on the results of the analyzes.


The causative agent of the disease is the gram-negative bacterium Pasteurella multocida. The onset of the pathological process is characterized by a runny nose, which is accompanied by purulent discharge.

The disease tends to be lingering. The process is accompanied by phases and remissions. The animal has heavy, hoarse breathing and the appearance of ulcers in various parts of the body. High temperature is recorded.

There is currently no specific treatment. Patients with acute clinical signs are subject to euthanasia.

If this pathology is suspected, a course of preventive therapy is indicated, which includes the use of antibiotics and sulfa drugs. Doses are prescribed by the veterinarian individually.


The disease develops due to a lack of minerals and a lack of vitamins in the body of a guinea pig. Mostly young individuals are in the phase of active growth. The pathological process is manifested by various disorders of the digestive system and the tendency to eat animals litter, excrement and land. Also, the pet can chew on the wallpaper and the wall with a lime coating.

The development of rickets leads to a thickening of the joint tissue, curvature of the extremities, sagging of the spine, a delay in growth and development. With timely diagnosis of the disease and treatment of guinea pig, the disease has a favorable prognosis. Therapy is reduced to placing the animal in a clean and bright room, with the appointment of special drugs that should compensate for the lack of nutrients. Usually it is fish oil, trivitamin, trivit and other vitamin complexes containing vitamins A and D in their composition. Quartzing procedures for a sick animal performed using a special lamp are also useful.


The disease is a special type of enteritis.

May occur in acute or chronic form. Most often, infection occurs through food or in direct contact with a sick individual.

In the acute stage, the disease is accompanied by severe diarrhea, which does not stop during the day, which leads to severe dehydration and death of the animal.

The chronic course of the disease is accompanied by pronounced anorexia.

The chances of survival in the acute phase of the disease are very small.

The therapy is shown to certain groups of antibiotics, to which the causative agent of the disease - bacteria of the genus Salmonella is sensitive.

An important factor in the successful relief of the disease and the treatment of guinea pigs is the timely diagnosis of the disease.

The article lists the main pathologies that affect guinea pigs. If you want to know more on this topic, then watch this video:


Watch the video: Guinea Pig Illness Symptoms + What They Might Mean (June 2024).