How do face masks with vitamin C restore youth at home? Recipes of the Best Vitamin C Face Masks


From school, we know how much our body needs to constantly replenish with vitamins. Thanks to them, we remain young and healthy. You can get vitamins inside, using vitamin complexes, as well as consuming vegetables and fruits.

But if there is a desire to preserve youth also outside, for example, to restore the freshness and elasticity of the face, neck, eye area and decollete, you can prepare face masks with vitamin C at home.

Rules to Remember When Using Vitamin C Masks

The face can remain beautiful and fresh due to the healing properties of the masks. But you can often hear about the ineffectiveness of their use. It happens, this is for the reason that during their preparation and application the basic rules are not followed, which we will talk about later.

The first rule. To prepare a vitamin facial mask with vitamin C at home, you should use the capsules for injection, which are sold in pharmacies. But you can’t store the opened capsule in the refrigerator, otherwise Vitimin will lose its property. It should be remembered that vitamin C is found in many fruits, berries and citrus fruits. Therefore, it can be obtained from currants, lemon, orange and kiwi. Rosehip is also rich in vitamin C, so it is good to use a decoction of it for masks.

The second rule. When preparing masks using vitamin C, add other vitamins, with the exception of vitamin A and E. This combination helps in the fight against fine wrinkles, and also eliminates acne and acne. If vitamin A (aevit) is added to the night anti-aging night cream, you can get an enhanced effect from this application.

The third rule. Vitamin C goes well with almost all homemade mask formulations. This includes dairy products, as well as eggs, vegetable oils, beekeeping products, mashed potatoes made from fruits and vegetables.

Rule Four Before using masks, it is necessary to check whether an allergic reaction arises as a result of individual intolerance to the substance. We carry out the test as follows: apply a small amount to the skin of the hands and observe the reaction of the body for 10 minutes.

The fifth rule. If you have just started applying a face mask with vitamin C at home, its amount should be minimal. So if we use pills, you can add no more than half, but if the vitamin is in drops, more than 10 drops can not be added.

Rule Six Before applying the mask to the face, it must first be cleaned. This can be done by getting rid of makeup, cleaning with a scrub. It is also recommended to steam the face to improve the action. Then the agent will penetrate deeper into the pores, then the action will be stronger. For this purpose, a hot compress is placed on the skin.

Rule Seven Leave the mask on your face is not worth more than 25 minutes. It all depends on the composition of the mask. Rinse with warm water, then wipe the skin with an ice cube, apply a nourishing cream.

Rule Eight. You can apply such masks up to three times a week. The course is 15 sessions. Also, immediately after the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside, especially in frosty or windy weather.

What are Vitamin C face masks useful for?

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is often used for colds or to improve immunity. In fact, vitamin C can be used much more widely, since its effect is not limited only to the aforementioned. So how does ascorbic acid affect the skin:

· Will have a rejuvenating effect. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can rid the skin of fine wrinkles, enhance collagen formation, and significantly improve the condition of the skin;

· Protects from the negative effects of the sun. It's no secret that the ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun negatively affect the skin. Vitamin C is able to protect against such effects, even radiation;

· Relieve acne and other rashes. This is done due to the fact that the number of rashes decreases, since the vitamin cleanses the epidermis, narrows the pores and does not allow harmful microorganisms to form new rashes;

· Strengthens blood vessels. Vitamin is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, regulate blood coagulation, resist the formation of rosacea;

· Will improve complexion. It quickly levels off, age spots disappear.

Examples of effective face masks with vitamin C at home

Cosmetic mixes for the face must be selected carefully, take into account the type of skin, problems. The correct and regular conduct of such procedures helps to significantly improve the condition of the skin, saturate it with the necessary substances, which in the future will work to reduce wrinkles, return the skin to its former elasticity and freshness.

Face packs prepared with vitamin C can be used by women aged to improve the condition of mature skin, and by very young girls as a prophylaxis for a variety of rashes.

Mask for any skin type

A similar mask of ascorbic acid will help maintain facial skin in good condition. It serves as a preventive measure for the appearance of wrinkles.

For the procedure, you need to open 2 ampoules of ascorbic acid, add the same amount of boiled water. Apply to the face with your fingertips, while lightly massaging the skin. Rinse off such a mask is not worth it, as it is quickly absorbed into the skin of faces.

Mask for any skin type

Initially, whip the protein, pour one tablespoon of olive oil, an ampoule of ascorbic acid. For lack of pharmacy vitamin C, it can be replaced with kiwi juice in the amount of 1 tablespoon. On the skin, withstand the mask for 15 minutes. After expiration, the mask is removed with a moistened decoction of chamomile sponge.

Nourishing mask

The mask can be applied to all skin types. To cook it, you need to take the gruel of half a banana, mix with a vitamin C ampoule or the juice of one kiwi. To this mixture you need to add a spoonful of milk cream, as a result, you get a thick mixture that should be applied to the face on the face. After 20 minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water and wipe the face with tonic.

Mask for dry and combination skin


Ascorbic acid - 1 ampoule or tablespoon of orange juice;

Almond oil - 1 tablespoon;

Sour cream - 2 tablespoons.

All should be mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. After applying to the face, wait until completely dry, then rinse with warm water.

Acne mask

Eliminates acne and at the same time helps to improve the condition of the skin mask, prepared from the following ingredients:

Pharmacy clay powder (green or white is suitable) - 1 tablespoon;

Ascorbic acid - 1 ampoule;

· Orange juice - 1 tablespoon;

· Water.

All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, add water to get a creamy mass. Apply on face for 25 minutes, then rinse.

Mask for problem skin

To prepare a peeling mask, you need to take one strawberry, grind it into gruel, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, mix everything thoroughly with a pharmacy ascorbic acid ampoule. In the absence of the latter, you can squeeze the juice from half of the cucumber.

On the face, such a mask must be kept for 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Mask with Vitamin C and Glycerin

The mask is able to eliminate fine wrinkles, deeper ones will help to make visually less noticeable. The skin will become more elastic, moisturized.


· Glycerin - 1 tablespoon;

· Mineral water - 2 tablespoons;

Vitamin C (injection) - 5 drops.

Cooking method the masks are as follows: we cut out a face mask from cotton fabric, in which there are slots for the eyes, mouth, nose. The mask should be moistened in the prepared mixture and applied to the face for 25 minutes. With regular use, the result will be noticeable quickly.

Homemade vitamin facial masks are a real find for those who do not have enough time or money to go to beauty salons. Our ancestors tried them on themselves, and the best recipes have survived to this day.

Now you know how to cook face masks with vitamin C at home and nothing prevents you from repeating a not-so-complicated procedure at home. But do not throw the matter halfway, and then your youth and beauty will remain with you for a long time.


Watch the video: All About Vitamin C for Skin from Product Recommendation to Ingredient Combination. Do & Don't (July 2024).