Cake "Bird's milk" without milk - and possibly such. Dessert, which is equally tasty without milk - Bird's milk cake according to GOST USSR


For many years, Bird's milk cake was one of the most popular and scarce in the USSR. He was the first cake to which a patent was issued in Soviet times. The craftsmen who first cooked this cake became, which is not surprising, the confectioners of the Prague restaurant. Over the years, the housewives began to cook it at home. As a result, a lot of interesting options arose, one of which was Bird's Milk Cake without milk. It is prepared at home quite simply and will cost much cheaper than the store.

"Bird's milk" according to GOST of the USSR

What will be needed:

• butter - 300 g;

• granulated sugar - 560 g;

• flour - 140 g;

• lemon - 3 g;

• gelatin - 15 g;

• condensed milk - 100 g;

• vanillin sugar - 4 g;

• egg whites - 2 pcs.;

• chicken egg - 2 pcs.

What to do:

1. In order to prepare cakes, it is necessary to punch with a mixer at a low speed 100 g of butter and 100 g of granulated sugar.

2. Drive large eggs into a bowl. Add sifted flour. Place a thick dough.

3. Move the dough into the mold. Put in the overclocked oven for 10 minutes at 230 ° Ϲ.

4. Pour gelatin with water. Then put on moderate heat and keep until completely dissolved by adding sugar. Stir constantly.

5. Pour vanilla into the butter. Introduce condensed milk. Beat to a state of good splendor.

6. Beat whites in a separate bowl. Add a lemon to them. Mix thoroughly.

7. Carefully drain the sugar syrup. Stir until the mixture has reached the desired consistency. Introduce an oil cream. Well punch everything with a mixer.

8. Next is the assembly of the cake. In the mold on the cake, move half the souffle. Next is the second cake. Next is the rest of the souffle. Rearrange the cake in the refrigerator. The production of the "Bird's milk" cake without milk is completed.

"Bird's milk" with vanilla

What will be needed:

• flour - 220 g;

• granulated sugar - 500 g;

• gelatin - 40 g;

• water - 400 ml;

• butter - 400 g;

• vanilla sugar - 6 g;

• dark bitter chocolate - 150 g;

• large eggs - 14 pcs.

What to do:

1. Initially, you need to cook a biscuit. It will take 200 g of flour, 4 eggs and 150 g of granulated sugar. Baking is carried out for 20 minutes at 170 ° Ϲ.

2. Divide the baked cakes longitudinally with a knife.

3. Separate yolks from proteins. Combine in a bowl with 250 g granulated sugar. Beat thoroughly with a mixer at low speed in a lush foam.

4. Add sifted flour to a bowl with whipped yolks. Pour in water (250 ml). Stir well.

5. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath. Cook until mixture reaches custard consistency.

6. Soften the butter (300 g). Beat it, gradually introducing the cooked cream into the oil. Introduce vanilla sugar. Mix thoroughly.

7. Soak gelatin in a separate bowl for 20 minutes. Heat to the maximum dissolution of gelatin.

8. Proteins must be pierced with a mixer with the remains of granulated sugar until stable peaks. Add gelatin and cream to the protein mass.

9. The assembly of the cake follows. Lay the cake in a round detachable form. Put the entire cream on it. The second cake is on it.

10. Break the chocolate, make icing out of it and butter. Coat the sides and top of the product with the obtained glaze. Cake "Bird's milk" without milk is ready.

Cake "Bird's milk" with mascarpone

What will be needed:

For shortcakes:

• classic biscuit dough

• Mascarpone cheese - 800 g;

• Sherry - 130 ml;

• water - 350 ml;

• granulated sugar - 700 g;

• lemon fresh - 25 ml;

• agar-agar - 11 g;

• large eggs (proteins) - 10 pcs.

What to do:

1. Initially, bake sponge cake according to the classic recipe, laying out the dough in a round shape.

2. Pour agar-agar in a saucepan, soak in water for 2 hours. Then place the stewpan. On moderate heat, bring agar-agar to complete dissolution by adding a rate of sugar.

3. Protein punch with a mixer at low speed until stable peaks. Enter into the resulting syrup from agar and sugar.

4. Pour dessert wine into the protein mixture. Put the mascarpone cheese. Enter lemon fresh. Beat thoroughly. One minute is enough.

5. Move the finished souffle to the mold. Distribute it evenly over the cake. Rearrange in the refrigerator for three hours.

6. Before the end of the indicated time, dissolve the chocolate in a water bath. This will fill the cake, which must be distributed on the surface of the cake. Again, move it to the refrigerator for an hour and a half. The production of “Bird's milk” cake without milk is completed.

"Bird's milk" on agar-agar without milk

What will be needed:

For shortcakes:

• granulated sugar - 230 g;

• buttercream - 100 g;

• baking powder - 11 g;

• flour;

• egg yolks - 6 pcs.

For souffle:

• granulated sugar - 400 g;

• filtered water - 160 ml;

• buttercream - 120 g;

• condensed milk - 110 g;

• agar-agar - 11 g;

• bitter chocolate - 2 tiles;

• egg whites - 6 pcs.

What to do:

1. Initially, you should make a dough from the components prescribed in the recipe.

2. Divide the resulting dough in half. Roll on baking paper into two cakes. Bake until cooked at 170 ° Ϲ.

3. In order to cook the souffle, add filtered water to the bowl. Add granulated sugar. Dissolve it completely in water.

4. Proteins to break until airiness. Introduce the prepared sugar syrup in a thin stream.

5. Dissolve the chocolate in a water bath.

6. Soak agar in a separate bowl. Gradually enter the protein mass there.

7. Dissolve butter, combine with condensed milk. Stir thoroughly. In small parts, inject the resulting cream into the protein mixture. Mix continuously.

8. On the first cake lay out one part of the filling. Cover with a second cake. Place the second part of the filling on it. Pour the surface of the cake with melted chocolate. Cake "Bird's milk" without milk is ready.

"Bird's milk" with gelatin without milk

What will be needed:

• cold filtered water - 200 ml;

• granulated sugar - 345 g;

• gelatin - 200 g;

• lemon fresh - 30 ml;

• egg whites - 8 pcs.

What to do:

1. Put gelatin in a deep bowl. Pour cold filtered water into it. Do not touch for 25 minutes - let it swell.

2. Separated from the yolks, pre-chilled proteins, pour into a separate bowl. Add sugar in the same bowl. Punch with a mixer for about 10 minutes to steady white peaks.

3. Move the bowl with the swollen gelatin to a moderate fire. Heat up. Gelatin must be dissolved completely. You can use a microwave for this purpose. But this is more problematic. It takes a minute to heat. Stir all the time. And do not miss the moment when the gelatin begins to boil, to immediately remove it from the microwave.

4. Pour the prepared gelatin into the protein mixture. Mix gently. Move the mass to a round shape. You can immediately pour into the blender bowl and punch the contents for 5-10 seconds.

5. Remove the resulting mass in the refrigerator. Allow to solidify.

6. Take out the cake, “cut” with a spatula in a circle so that the cake moves away from the bots. Carefully remove the mold ring. Cake "Bird's milk" without milk is ready.

7. Options: if you do with fruits, then canned fruits and a bag of fruit jelly. Put fruit on the frozen souffle, pour jelly. If to do with chocolate, then the dissolved dark chocolate should be introduced into the protein mixture.

"Bird milk" without milk with chocolate biscuit

What will be needed:

• flour - 30 g;

• potato starch - 35 g;

• cocoa powder - 35 g;

• sugar - 270 g;

• baking powder - 6 g;

• gelatin - 25 g;

• butter - 200 g;

• condensed milk - 200 g;

• water - 110 ml;

• dark bitter chocolate - 150 g;

• large eggs - 6 pcs.

What to do:

1. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Combine them with 90 g of sugar. Add to them sifted flour, cocoa, baking powder. Pour a little refined oil.

2. Using a mixer, punch the mass into a uniform mixture at a low speed.

3. Move the dough into a circular detachable form. Bake the cake for 10 minutes at 180 ° Ϲ.

4. Soak gelatin in water.

5. Beat butter with a mixer, gradually introducing condensed milk.

6. Add half the norm of granulated sugar to the gelatin. Put on a small fire.

7. Meanwhile, beat the mixer with a mixer, pouring sugar in parts. steady peaks should appear on the surface of the mass.

8. A thin stream pour gelatin in the protein mass. Add oil cream.

9. Dissolve the chocolate in a water bath. Enter it in the souffle.

10. Assembly of the cake. Put the biscuit out of the mold on a suitable dish. Put the whole filling on it. Next, place the Bird's Milk Cake without milk in the refrigerator for several hours.

"Bird's milk" (the simplest recipe)

What will be needed:

• sugar - 230 g;

• gelatin - 35 g;

• bitter chocolate - 125 g;

• egg whites - 4 pcs.

What to do:

1. Pour 125 ml of lukewarm water into the norm of gelatin.

2. After a quarter of an hour put the gelatin on a small fire. Hold until gelatin is completely dispersed.

3. Beat the whites with a mixer in a separate bowl. Add sugar in parts, continue to beat until stable peaks.

4. Without ceasing to beat, pour in the dissolved gelatin.

5. Pour the learned mass into the prepared form. Flatten on the surface. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

6. Dissolve the chocolate in a steam bath.

7. When the mass in the mold sets, pour melted chocolate over the surface. Remove to harden again.

Note to the landlady: secrets of Bird's milk cake without milk

• if gelatin is used, you can soak it in juice or fruit drink - the taste of the cake will be brighter and more saturated;

• it is permissible to substitute part of the flour with semolina - the cake will be more tender, with a more interesting taste;

• it is permissible to add lemon, orange, pomegranate juices in soufflé in small quantities - they add original notes to the cake;

• 2-3 teaspoons of strong jasmine tea can be added to the cake; it will bring an amazing new flavor to the dessert.
