The best way to whiten teeth at home. How to whiten your teeth at home, technology and tricks


The presence of a bright beautiful smile with white teeth is one of the signs of a person’s success.

The lack of plaque and yellowness on enamel suggests that a person is doing well with health, and this applies not only to the oral cavity, but also to the entire body.

What is the best way to whiten teeth at home?

Let's figure it out in order.

Teeth whitening at home: is it possible?

In order to whiten teeth, it is necessary to directly affect the pigmentation of enamel. Often, atomic oxygen is used for this purpose, penetrating the surface tissues, in contact with the pigment and destroying it.

Determining for yourself the best way to whiten teeth at home, you need to choose the most suitable method that can clean out plaque without damaging the enamel. The methods, as a rule, are based on two processes: cleaning the crown and changing the color of the enamel. Before determining the best way to whiten teeth at home, you need to understand the nuances of a safe process.

The best way to whiten teeth at home: technology

Use all kinds of traditional medicine should also be careful. A professional bleaching procedure is a rather expensive job, and unprofessional actions at home can seriously damage the enamel, and in order to restore it again then it will take a lot of money. Therefore, before starting the process of whitening at home, we recommend that you follow the general recommendations.

So, The main nuances of safe whitening at home.

1. Bleaching agents, which should act on the enamel, should in no case get on the gums and mucous membrane of the oral cavity, as this can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as chemical burns and mechanical damage.

2. The frequency of procedures must be observed clearly according to the instructions. Doctors often encounter situations when a person who wants to quickly whiten his teeth begins to do the procedure more often than necessary. There are even cases when people use immediately all the known methods of whitening at the same time. Such haste, as a rule, does not give any positive effect, but on the contrary, it can seriously damage tooth enamel.

3. The use of teeth whitening products sold in pharmacies is necessary at regular intervals. We will talk more about them below. When choosing a daily toothpaste, it is also important to dwell on restoring or strengthening options, and not with the whitening effect, since this type of toothpaste can be used no more than 1 time per week.

4. Abrasive substances, which are present in almost all variants of home whitening, can harm tooth enamel, so you need to brush your teeth exclusively in vertical movements.

Enamel yellowing prevention

To avoid yellowing of tooth enamel, we recommend that you follow the basic rules for caring for the oral cavity. For example, you need to brush your teeth 2 times a day with a medium hard brush, rinse your mouth with saline after each meal. Also pay attention to the following factors:

  • too frequent consumption of coloring products (chocolate, coffee, tea, tomatoes, blueberries, as well as products containing synthetic dyes);

  • smoking;

  • antihistamines;

  • tetracycline antibiotics.

Compliance with these simple rules will help you keep a snow-white smile for many years. However, sooner or later, the problem of yellowing of the teeth still comes back. Therefore, we bring to your attention the most popular methods of teeth whitening at home.

The best way to whiten teeth at home: what is needed?

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a fundamental component of most of the finished gels, which are used for whitening enamel. Peroxide perfectly whitens teeth at home without the use of expensive finished products. To remove yellowness on enamel, 2 methods are used: rubbing and rinsing.

Teeth are rubbed as follows:

1) a cotton swab is wetted in a solution of hydrogen peroxide;

2) then with a moistened swab you need to gently rub your teeth;

3) rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

To rinse, you need to take 1/3 cup of water and add 25-27 drops of the finished 3% peroxide purchased at the pharmacy to it. After treating your teeth with peroxide, you must rinse your mouth with clean water.

Basic theoretical information on hydrogen peroxide bleaching

This method to the present time is the most popular and effective way. Hydrogen peroxide does at the same time 2 actions: cleans the coating and discolours the enamel.

In this process, the main role is played by free oxygen, which easily interacts with atoms of other substances and produces their oxidation. Atomic oxygen is the main cause of the destruction of various bacteria and toxins in the oral cavity.

The use of peroxide for cleaning teeth is the basic component of most dental gels, the main task of which is to brighten enamel. As a rule, in dental clinics, a concentrated peroxide solution (up to 38%) is used, which makes it possible to lighten enamel by up to 15 tones. At home, a weaker solution is usually used - up to 10%, the maximum value of which is 8 tones.

Activated carbon

The use of coal as a bleaching agent is another affordable and quite effective option with which you can whiten your teeth at home. In the oral cavity, activated carbon immediately performs 2 actions:

  • kills toxins and putrefactive bacteria;

  • how an abrasive cleans plaque from enamel.

Before starting the procedure, the tablets must be crushed to a powder state, which can be used as a ready-made method or as an additive to paste. To apply the latter method, you need to take a toothbrush, dip its bristles into water, and then into a powder of coal, which needs to be brushed for 2-3 minutes.

Another option is to take a couple of tablets of activated carbon and chew them well.

For preventive purposes, teeth need to be whitened with charcoal once a week.


Baking soda acts on tooth enamel in the abrasion of plaque, and as an antiseptic for the oral cavity. Therefore, the very frequent use of soda as a dentifrice can make the enamel too thin and sensitive.

Soda copes with yellowness on the teeth, which often occurs in smokers. The process of whitening soda is as follows: take a toothbrush, soak it in water, then sprinkle wet bristles with soda and rub it in the teeth. At the end, be sure to rinse your mouth with clean water. Too zealous here is not worth it, as unpleasant consequences are possible, such as bleeding gums or allergic reactions in the form of redness inside the oral cavity.

In this case, a more suitable and gentle way is soda rinse. To do this, take a glass of warm water (30-35ºC) and dilute 1 tsp. soda. Such a solution can also be used for inflammation of the nasopharynx. Rinses with soda also produce a whitening effect, without destroying the enamel.

In any case, the use of soda as a bleaching agent for teeth is a rather aggressive procedure, therefore it is not recommended to use it on an ongoing basis.

Tea tree oil

This oil is a wonderful natural antiseptic. The productivity of such a method as a bleaching agent can be estimated as average. The oil is able to restore the microflora of the oral cavity and remove plaque. The effect of this method will not be visible immediately, since the process is gradual, but after 3-4 weeks the first real results will appear.

This method is distinguished by the fact that in addition to the whitening effect, it is also able to remove bleeding gums and remove the inflammatory effect, so it can be called universal for the entire oral cavity.

Tooth whitening pencil

This method is the simplest and most affordable among all methods of cleaning teeth. In this pencil there is a gel with carbamide peroxide, which enters the enamel and binds the yellow pigment. One use of such a pencil with gel is enough to lighten enamel in 6-9 tones.

Gel for whitening mouthguards

You can also whiten your teeth with the help of cap, which you need to wear on the surface of the teeth before bedtime. Before putting on the cap, you need to fill it with a special gel. The longer they stay on the teeth, the better the whitening effect will end up.

Toothpastes with whitening effect

Such pastes can have different effects on enamel, for example:

  • dissolve plaque;

  • suppress the mineralization of existing plaque;

  • to prevent the appearance of a new plaque.

The majority of pastes with a whitening effect contains baking soda and polishing abrasives, so it is not recommended to use such pastes regularly, as they can break and wipe the enamel.

How to choose from these methods is a purely individual matter. However, before starting any of the procedures, it is recommended that you still consult with a specialist to determine the most suitable dosage and period of use.

Stay always healthy and beautiful!


Watch the video: How to manage tooth sensitivity with Philips Zoom! Whitening (June 2024).