Chicken pasta in a creamy sauce - the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cook pasta with chicken in a creamy sauce.


Pasta, they are also macaroni - this is a super product that even people who work 24 hours a day will surely find, because the dry product does not need special storage, it is quickly prepared and combined with many products and sauces.

The shape of the paste is classified into two types: short (spirals, bows, shells, tubules) and long (spaghetti, fettuccine, papardelle) and you can serve them with different sauces. But Italian cooks adhere to these rules:

- short varieties of pasta combined with heterogeneous sauces (meat and vegetables cut into slices);

- long varieties of pasta combined with homogeneous sauces.

In this post we will describe the step-by-step cooking of a short pasta with chicken meat in a creamy sauce.

Pasta with chicken meat in a creamy sauce - the best variations of its preparation

Recipe 1: Chicken Pasta in Cream Sauce

This dish of Italian cuisine is an excellent version of the so-called everyday dishes. The combination of ingredients such as nourishing pasta, dietary meat, delicate taste of cream, parmesan and the invigorating aroma of parsley will relieve fatigue and lift your spirits after a hard day's work.

Ingredients Required:

- paste - 400 grams (packaging);

- Chicken breast - 2 pieces;

- carrots - 1 piece;

- garlic - 3 cloves;

- fat cream - ½ chchash from under the paste;

- water - 1 bowl from under the paste;

- Parmesan (grated) - ½ bowl out of the paste;

- dried thyme - ½ tsp;

- fresh parsley - a small bunch;

- olive oil - 2 tablespoons (for frying);

- Salt, cayenne re (pinch), black pepper.

Cooking method:

To cook pasta with meat in a creamy sauce, it takes 45 minutes, including the preparatory stage - 15 minutes, heat treatment - 25-30 minutes.

Phased plan, cooking pasta with chicken meat in a creamy sauce.

Preparatory stage:

- Chicken breast cut into strips.

- Carrots are cut on a coarse grater, garlic - marvel, parsley - finely chopped.

Heat treatment:

- The paste is boiled in the recipe indicated on the package. Save the ladle of yushki, in which the paste was boiled, for making sauce.

- Meat fried 5 minutes in olive oil in a shallow, but wide pan. Carrots and garlic are laid to the hen of golden hue. After 3-5 minutes, the ingredients are poured with water and brought to taste with salt, basil, peppers (black, cayenne) and parsley. After another 10 minutes, put Parmesan and fat cream. The dish is stewed on a low heat until the cream sauce thickens, about 3 minutes.

Control the density of the sauce yourself as you like. If you prefer liquid sauce, increase the amount of water; for a thicker sauce, add cream.

Cooked sauce served with pasta. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 2: Chicken Pasta in a Cheese and Cream Sauce

There is no time to cook a full-fledged lunch, dinner or half an hour unplanned visit of the guests, then this dish is a “lifeline” for you. Pasta, meat and cheese-cream sauce - a win-win, few people can refuse such a hearty treat.

Ingredients Required:

- paste - 400 grams (packaging);

- chicken fillet - 300 grams;

- fresh champignons - 200 grams;

- bow - 1 head;

- hard cheese - 200 grams;

- cream - 250 milliliters;

- olive oil for frying;

- pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

To cook pasta with chicken and heterogeneous cheese-cream sauce, it takes 30 minutes, including the preparatory stage - 15 minutes, heat treatment - 25-30 minutes.

Phased plan, cooking pasta with chicken meat.

Preparatory stage:

- Chicken fillet is cut into medium-sized bars, mushrooms - plates.

- Diced onions.

- Cheese is cut on a coarse grater.

Heat treatment:

- The paste is boiled in the recipe indicated on the package.

- On the heated olive oil, stirring constantly, fry the onion. After 5 minutes, the chicken is laid, and after another 10 minutes - mushrooms. The ingredients are seasoned with spices and continue to languish for 10 minutes. The last stage - laid cheese and cream. Cheese and creamy sauce is heated at minimum heat for 3-5 minutes.

The dish is served in this way: pasta is laid out on poultry meat with sauce and chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 3: Chicken Pasta in Cream Sauce

As practice has shown, pasta with chicken and sauce is quite a quick and very satisfying dish. This pasta recipe is not only different in taste - boiled chicken zest, bacon and wine, but also reduces cooking time, provided that the meat and broth were prepared in advance.

Ingredients Required:

- paste - 250 grams;

- Chicken fillet (boiled) - 400 grams;

- canned tomatoes (crayons) - 100 grams;

- bacon - 2 strips;

- garlic - 5 cloves;

- red pepper (ground) - ½ tsp;

- dry white wine - ½ cup;

- chicken broth - 1 cup;

- cream (fat) - ½ cup;

- salt, pepper, greens.

Cooking method:

To cook pasta with chicken fillet in a heterogeneous creamy sauce, it takes 25 minutes (taking into account the fact that the fillet and chicken broth are prepared in advance), including the preparatory stage - 10 minutes, heat treatment - 15 minutes.

Phased plan, cooking pasta with boiled chicken meat in a creamy sauce.

Preparatory stage:

- Bacon is cut into squares.

- Small canned tomatoes are cut into halves, large - into quarters.

- Boiled fillet is cut into strips.

Heat treatment:

- The paste is boiled in the recipe indicated on the package.

- Fry bacon in a wide pan. After 5 minutes, laid chicken, garlic, red pepper. Frying lasts 1-2 minutes, until the garlic turns brown. Then pour wine, broth, cream into the pan. As soon as the liquid is slightly evaporated, ready-made pasta is laid for the meat.

Pasta is brought to taste and heated at a minimum heat for 2-3 minutes.

The finished dish is served steaming with canned tomatoes and chopped greens. Enjoy your meal!

Chicken pasta in a creamy sauce - useful tips from chefs

The taste of the second dish - pasta with chicken meat in a creamy sauce is 50% dependent on the taste of the pasta.

Pasta is a capricious product and so that it is tasty and has an attractive appearance, it is important to observe the following rules when cooking:

- when cooking pasta, it is impossible to move away from the recipe, the cooking time is indicated on the package;

- the paste is boiled in a large container with thick walls, in boiling and salted water (for 1 liter of water - 12 g. of salt, 100 g. of product);

- pasta for the above dishes should be cooked al dente, as it is combined with hot sauce or it is heated for a few minutes with meat;

- pasta is poured with sauce just before serving, as the finished product will quickly become slack.


Watch the video: Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe - Easy Dinner (July 2024).