Vinegar from wine grape varieties: the benefits and harms of the product. Why use grape vinegar?


Grape vinegar is a natural product with a number of valuable qualities. It contains useful acids, vitamins, trace elements: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine. Each of these components is very important for the human body, so the use of grape vinegar is useful in various fields of human activity.

What is grape vinegar?

The simplest definition of grape or wine vinegar is sour wine. In ancient Greece, fermented wine began to be used in ancient times. Due to its pleasant taste and wine aroma, vinegar was perfect for dressing salads, making marinades, sauces. Antique beauties used it in beauty recipes, and healers even then noticed the useful healing properties of vinegar.

The composition and useful properties of the product

Consider the benefits to the human body of the rich composition of wine vinegar. Firstly, it, of course, contains a large amount of acids:

· Milk - an important component of chemical reactions that occur during the life of the body: metabolism, muscle tissue, including contraction of the heart muscle, myocardial enrichment, functioning of the nervous system and brain;

· Pantothenic - vitamin B5 - a component necessary for the metabolism of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, the synthesis of important fatty acids, cholesterol (useful), choline, hemoglobin. Suffice it to say that morning stiffness and joint pain due to arthritis is a signal of a lack of pantotene in the body. Doctors in such cases prescribe calcium pantothenate for the treatment and prevention of the disease;

· Nicotinic acid (nicotinamide) - vitamin PP - the only vitamin that modern medicine considers a medicine, since only it controls the level of cholesterol - reduces bad and increases good cholesterol, participates in the metabolism and reactions of converting fat and sugar into energy;

· Ascorbic acid, vitamin C - the most popular organic compound in the human body, the most important component of connective and bone tissue, is involved in all redox reactions, is necessary for gums, teeth, tissues, bones, blood vessels, promotes the absorption of iron;

Tartaric and acetic acids also contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes, metabolism, digestion.

Vitamins A and C are powerful antioxidants, and the role of trace elements for the human body is, of course, difficult to overestimate - they are a component of all our organs and tissues.

The healing properties of grape vinegar

Even in antiquity, they noticed the benefits of grape vinegar for humans - it was widely used for indigestion, for the treatment of gout and vitamin deficiency. Today vinegar compresses are no less relevant for the treatment of arthritis, gout, salt deposition. The salts in the joints are alkaline in nature, so grape vinegar acid helps dissolve them. A compress applied overnight to salt deposition sites will effectively relieve pain and reduce accumulation.

The high content of potassium (this trace element is not found in food in its pure form, but only in the composition of acids) contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system, strengthen nails, hair, and prevention of caries. Potassium prevents the occurrence of pathologies such as tearing of the eyes (often occurs in old age), coarsening of the skin and the formation of calluses on the legs. You can make up for the lack of potassium by drinking after eating 1 tablespoon of vinegar, diluted in a glass of water.

Magnesium is useful for the work of the adrenal glands and the heart, fluorine, iron, manganese and other trace elements help cleanse the body of toxins. For chronic fatigue, nutritionists recommend consuming wine vinegar as dressings for salads and sauces.

IMPORTANT! Grape vinegar is very useful for low stomach acid or even zero. But with increased acidity of the stomach and gastritis, vinegar is by no means recommended - it can cause heartburn, bloating, belching.

Use in dietetics ...

A lot of nutritionists recommend consuming grape vinegar during weight loss diets - dress them with all kinds of salads, meat, fish dishes. It will speed up metabolism, digestion, thereby contributing to weight loss and supply the body with necessary nutrients.

Periodically, 2-3 times a year for a month it is useful to drink in the morning on an empty stomach an "beauty drink": 1 tsp. grape vinegar, 1 tsp. honey for 1 cup of water.

In addition, vinegar wraps prevent the appearance of an "orange peel": the problem areas are rubbed with wine vinegar and wrapped for 15 minutes with cling film. Then be sure to take a shower, thoroughly rinse off the remains of vinegar.

Grape vinegar diluted with water is an excellent hair conditioner. The fact is that all shampoos have an alkaline environment, make hair stiff, dull, contribute to loss, cross-section of the tips. If you rinse your head with a solution of wine vinegar after washing, you can avoid all these problems: the hair will become unusually smooth, obedient, shiny and will not be electrified.

Peeling will help to make the skin even, smooth and radiant: grape vinegar is warmed up a little, moisten a gauze napkin in it, squeeze it slightly, and put on a previously steamed face for 15 minutes - the effect will surprise you!

IMPORTANT! Owners of dry skin need to be careful not to cause burns and redness of the skin.

Cooking use

For any baking, it is useful to extinguish soda with wine vinegar - the dough will become lush and airy.

Meat or fish marinated with this product will have a special taste and aroma.

Cooking at home

Of course, the most useful is grape vinegar, prepared at home. The pulp can serve as raw material after squeezing the wine - you need to add 1 part of water to 3 to 5 parts of the pulp. You can take well-ripened grapes of white or red wine varieties (even damaged berries will do). You should not wash the grapes, and even pick it up a few days after the rain, since there are yeast bacteria on the surface of the berries, which provide the fermentation process - both wine and vinegar.

Whole grapes need to be well kneaded, put in dishes (for example, a 3-liter jar), add the necessary amount of warm boiled water, so that the whole mixture takes 4/5 of the dishes. During fermentation, the mass will foam, so it needs free space. Close the neck of the jar with gauze folded in 4 layers to provide free air access and gas outlet, and leave in a warm place for fermentation for 2 weeks. During this period, every day you need to mix the contents of the jar with a wooden spoon.

When the composition ceases to foam, the liquid is separated from the pulp, filtered, again covered with gauze and left to completely sour for about 1.5 to 2 months at room temperature. If desired, you can add a little sugar - 50 - 100 g per can, the taste will be softer and more pleasant.

For whom is grape vinegar harmful?

The product should not be used for people with high acidity of the stomach. It is harmful to use grape vinegar with sour-milk products, as well as vegetable ones - soy, wheat, beans, peas, beans, chickpeas, fried and baked potatoes. Acetic acid interferes with the absorption of plant proteins, causing bloating.

In any case, if you decide to introduce grape vinegar into the diet, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to accidentally harm the body.


Watch the video: 3 Healthy Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar (July 2024).