Why do chickens dream? The main interpretations of different dream books - a dream about one or more chickens


In a dream you can see a wide variety of events. You can become a member of unforgettable adventures. You can be invited, you can have an important conversation.

But why do chickens dream? How to interpret such a dream?

What chickens dream of - the main interpretation

If you dream of a chicken - such a dream promises you minor troubles with children and people who need your care. Try to give your loved ones maximum care and maximum attention. Do not deprive them of anything. Try to help them in everything.

It is important to consider all the details of a dream, not to miss a single important point:

• Where did the chickens come from in your dream;

• Have you picked them up?

• What color was their plumage;

• Who else dreamed about you;

• What feelings did you have with it.

If you dream of black chickens, you will have quite difficult times. You will be all in troubles and worries and will not know how to avoid difficulties, where to put yourself, so as not to harm either yourself or others. Because in the near future you will be all nerves, it will seem to you that you are underestimated and disliked. All this will put pressure on you.

If you see that in the courtyard you have a huge number of chickens, they run around it and squeak - you will have troubles associated with your loved ones, with children. You may have to participate in a mass event that will not bring you pleasure, will not be a holiday for you. You will be very tired, you will even be disappointed in what happened in your life.

If you dream that you are feeding the chicken from your hand - such a dream means that someone will enjoy your trust. You will enter the position of a person, become very close to him, and as a result, you will get trouble from him.

If you dream that you are stroking chickens - you will be favorable to those close to you. After such a dream at work, you can improve, you can become active and joyful. You will become more involved in personal affairs, because at work at your place everything will be all right.

If you dream that the chickens are sick, you should be wary of unforeseen health situations. It can deteriorate dramatically, and you will not know how to influence it. It will seem unfair to you that you are helping a lot, but you have a problem. And when you need help, nobody will go to meet you. You will just wait, when you will be regretted, accepted, forgiven. But this moment will not come.

If in a dream you see dead chickens - it means that some part of your life will remain in the past. You can forget about something important, that confused or disturbed you. Now you will be free from many troubles, become more free and more holistic. Do not try to attach people from the past to yourself. Do not try to earn their approval. Take care of yourself and your goals more. Try to rise above the problems and forget about them. So that problems do not become your companions.

If you dream that someone is carrying away chickens, you will meet a person who will give you joy and then take it away. You can no longer count on active communication with this person, because he will disappear from your life, he will give you hope and will soon take it back.

Do not be upset. The dream book advises you to enjoy a favorable period of life and does not seek to prove anything to anyone. Be mindful of yourself and your desires. Much depends on them in life.

If you dream that chickens hatch and squeak loudly - such a dream portends you great joy. You will be happy that your loved ones are with you, that everything in your life is finally getting better and you can finally enjoy all its moments. Do not worry if after sleep you temporarily feel apathy and despondency. Perhaps you cannot believe that everything in your life will be so wonderful, so beautiful. Strive to be an important and necessary person for other people.

If you see a cat running after chickens - someone cunning and two-faced will come into your life and difficulties begin in it. You may not be ready for such a turn of events, you may not be ready for what he will tell about you later. Therefore, the dream book advises not to trust your secrets to anyone, not to trust your personal life and try to diversify your vacation, try to diversify your life and not depend on anyone at the same time. This is actually very simple. The dream book advises to try only once, and everything will turn out.

The dream in which you cook chickens promises you unhappiness and disappointment. At first, it will seem to you that you won the argument, won the war with some kind of person. But all events will turn against you. You will be trapped. You will now fall into anger, then into joy. You will try your best, but you will not be able to return to the measured way of life that you had before. The whole reason is that you have become too self-confident. And that prevents you from looking sensibly at things.

If you dream that a chicken is eating somewhere in your house and you just can't find it - such a dream means that you will have trouble and you will try to pay attention to your loved ones, forgetting about yourself. This will lead to frustration and even anger. You will not be able to restrain emotions and will be constantly on the platoon.

The dream book advises to learn to disconnect from everyday problems and include the realization that minor household troubles are inevitable, but they can be quickly and effectively addressed. You can learn to cope with everything on your own.

Why do chickens dream about Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that chickens dream of troubles and misunderstandings in their personal lives. But they will ultimately lead to a beautiful future and happiness. A dream interpretation promises the appearance of pleasant romantic moments between you and your partner, if in a dream chickens surrounded you.

You will also be surrounded by attention and care. You will be filled with positive emotions and happy. Such a dream promises a lonely girl a meeting with a pleasant gentleman with whom she can have a lot of fun. Nothing serious can come of these relationships, but they will remain in her memory for a long time.

The dream in which the girl washes chickens indicates that she will be able to get rid of envious people and those who prevent her from building relationships. Those who bring discord and sadness to them. It can be gossipers, ill-wishers. If a girl dreams that the chickens are all black, she will have unpleasant chores associated with relationships.

White chickens promise romance and the opportunity to get an offer to get married. It can be so sudden that the girl is confused. Dead or sick chickens dream of problems in their personal lives. They will become so sudden for you that you are confused and can not do anything about it.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a chicken, she will soon become the happy mother of a healthy baby. If the chicken is sick, she should also listen to her body, isn’t it difficult for her? Is she tired? If so, it's time to take care of yourself and relax.

What are the dreams of chickens in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that chickens dream when you are almost ready for a new stage in your life. It will be a joyful period that will bring you happiness and success. Get ready for it. Do not delay the opportunity to improve your life.

A dream in which you see a man carrying chickens in his hands promises you a protector and an assistant. You will be glad to see such a person in your life. You can finally feel complete happiness and freedom from routine.

Why do chickens dream of other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that chickens dream of little troubles. You will work a lot, but also get a wonderful result from your work. If until recently you were discouraged, then after such a dream you will be full of strength and joy. You will try to establish your personal relationships and your personal connections. Try to live with a future perspective.

What are the chickens dreaming of by Aesop's dream book? They dream of happiness and success. But, if they annoy you and you want to run away from them, such a dream promises you a great desire to put an end to the past and tackle the present. Be vigilant, after such a dream your enemies can become more active. But they will no longer be able to harm you. They will only be able to observe how happy and successful you are. You really will be happy with everything that will happen to you, wait for this bright moment.


Watch the video: What does chicken or hen dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).