Honey sauce - the best recipes. How to cook honey sauce correctly and tasty.


Honey sauce - general principles and methods of preparation

The Latin word "sauce" in its etymology means "salted." What about sweetish sauces for meat, fish or vegetables? Consider honey sauce. If we talk about honey - then a combination of seemingly incompatible tastes is a common thing. Simple and affordable sauces with the addition of honey will make, for example, a baked bird breathtakingly tender and tasty. And imagine sweet honey pork ribs?

Back in the 19th century, honey was a tradition and very healthy food. Who knows what influenced the decline in its popularity more - the development of the sugar industry, which undermined the production of endless wars, or the departure of man from natural conditions and the accumulation in huge megacities. Today, this is a rare guest on the tables. Honey sauce requires a very small amount of honey in order to make our dish healthier and tastier. Try it - it's delicious and healthy!

Honey Sauce - Food Preparation

There are a lot of recipes for making honey sauce, but they all differ in taste. These differences are mainly associated with spices. Replace one component with another, or just add something new - and your sauce does not recognize! For example, chili pepper, vanilla pudding, ginger, garlic, hot and allspice, mustard - everything is taken according to a specific recipe. As for honey, flower varieties have a more delicate taste. However, we are not preparing pancakes with honey, but a sauce for meat, fish, casseroles, rolls and so on - therefore, choose any kind, it doesn’t matter.

Honey Sauce - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Honey Sauce with Ketchup and Tomatoes

Bright color, divine garlic aroma - tomato-honey sauce will make your dish attractive and inviting, perfect for both warm and cold dishes.

Ingredients: honey (50g), ketchup (100g), garlic, soy sauce (100g), vegetable oil (30g), pepper to taste, sugar (teaspoon).

Cooking method

We heat vegetable oil in a pan, add soy sauce, ketchup, honey, a little sugar. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and add garlic. Spices to taste - black or red pepper. It is better to insist a little dish. The sauce is great for meat - for example, chicken legs, pork tenderloin or beef.

Recipe 2: French Honey Sauce

Sauces in French cuisine are the basis of many dishes. Mustard-honey sauce is used for cooking meat and fish. Its bright taste will highlight the dish and make the usual dinner festive, and the festive - simply enchanting. Vinegar, by the way, you can choose any - apple, wine (at your discretion).

Ingredients: olive oil (3 tablespoons), vinegar (1, 5 tbsp. tablespoons), fresh mustard (half a teaspoon). From spices enough ground black allspice.

Cooking method

Heat the honey before cooking. In a bowl, beat the olive oil, gradually add the ingredients. Pour honey last. Beat with a mixer for another minute, if with a whisk, until the whitish hue of the whole sauce appears. In general, everything looks like mayonnaise, only cooked at home and without eggs. You can store it in a cool place for more than a week.

Examples of dishes with honey sauce

Recipe 1: Wings in Honey Sauce

This popular dish is now being prepared even in place of barbecue. You can fry them outdoors on the grill or grill, at home enough oven. You will be surprised how this simple dish has a festive taste. Although you can spend time on it, like a quick lunch.

Ingredients: chicken wings (600 grams), honey (2 tablespoons boats), soy sauce (2 tablespoons), ketchup (1 tablespoon), salt, pepper, mustard or adjika.

Cooking method

To start, we cut off the wings from the thinnest tips. We rinse them and dry them. Pickle in the sauce for several hours. Sauce: honey, soy sauce, ketchup, mustard or adjika are whipped in a mixer or whisk. In the heated oven, put the wings laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil. Bake for 40 minutes, but after 20 minutes it is better to turn them over. When you see that they are browned on both sides, you can get it.

Recipe 2: Pork in Sweet and Sour Honey Sauce

Many dishes in Chinese restaurants are served with this sauce. Sweet and sour taste kindles the appetite, gives the meat a certain flavor. Although this is all for everyone. Be careful, prepare the dish as a workout if you intend to treat them to guests.

Ingredients: pork tenderloin (500 grams). For the sauce: Bulgarian sweet pepper (2 pcs.), Honey (3 tablespoons), ketchup, sugar, soy sauce (2 tbsp. Each), mustard (1 teaspoon), salt, ground pepper and chili.

Cooking method

Sauce: mix the ingredients for the sauce, salt, pepper. Cut the meat into thin strips (about 1 cm each), pickle it in the resulting sauce and leave for a couple of hours. Put the prepared meat in a hot pan and fry it over high heat. It should turn out a delicious ruddy crust.

Separately, fry the sweet bell pepper in oil and combine it with meat. Put out another 10 minutes. In order to make the sauce thicker, you can add half a spoonful of starch to it. Garnish - boiled potatoes or rice.

Honey sauce - tips from experienced chefs

In the old days, sauces in the form of boil were used for cooking. Honey sauce with berries or fruits is becoming not only healthier, but also acquires a characteristic taste.

- Cranberry-honey for fried meat - squeeze juice from 500 grams of cranberries, warm with honey (half a cup), until thickened, add ground pepper.

- Lingonberry-honey jelly for roast: grind 2 cups of berries, boil, rub through a sieve, mix with 2 cups of honey and boil again.

- Rosehip with honey to fried bird: half a kilogram of rosehip berries, pour 1.5 cups of water and cook the compote until the berries soften. Add ¼ cup honey and ground pepper, vinegar and salt, mix well.

- Lemon with honey to fry: mix half a glass of honey and lemon juice, add a third of a glass of warm water, cook on fire for about 5 minutes. At the end, add a spoonful of butter.

- Honey with lemon and mint: add 1 tablespoon of dry chopped mint to the previous sauce before cooking.


Watch the video: Sticky Pork Ribs - Gordon Ramsay (July 2024).