Useful properties of milk oolong - what effect does it have on the body. Possible harm from milk oolong


Milk Oolong Tea is a popular tea with a pleasant cream aroma. When brewing tea acquires a light lemon hue. The composition of tea is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. But despite the rich composition, the product has some contraindications, if not observed, it can harm milk oolong.

The benefits of milk oolong: rich composition and beneficial properties

Tea leaves can be given a milky taste in two ways. The first is to treat with a solution of Cuban sugar cane. Then everything is processed with instant milk and covered with rice husk.

The second method is to process the already collected leaves with milk extract. The quality of this tea is slightly lower, respectively, and the cost. Milk tea has a lot of beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals, which determine all the beneficial properties. These include:

• caffeine;

• essential oils;

• antioxidants;

• polyphenolic compounds;

• mineral and vitamin complexes.

The main beneficial properties of oolong tea:

1. The product contributes to the preservation of youth of the dermis.

2. Tea has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and the state of capillaries.

3. Promotes normalization of the functioning of the brain, helps to focus and strengthen working capacity.

4. Oolong tea has a good effect on the digestion of food and normalizes the digestive tract.

5. Helps strengthen the body's overall resistance to various infections and viruses.

6. Reception of tea helps to improve mood, acquire a state of harmony in depression.

7. Normalizes blood cholesterol.

8. Helps to remove toxins and harmful substances from the body, therefore it is useful in dropping excess kilos in combination with other means.

This is a natural means for losing weight, as tea is able to break down fats. After taking the drink, you may experience a feeling of hunger, which is associated with the removal of toxins and toxins.

The benefits of milk oolong for the circulatory and immune systems

After taking tea, many feel better. Tea has a strengthening effect on the walls of capillaries. That is, the drink acts as an excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis. With the help of tea, blood formation and blood circulation come back to normal. The functioning of the spleen improves. Thanks to this complex effect, the risk of progression of cardiovascular diseases is reduced.

Leaves of milk oolong are rich in vitamins of groups B, C, E and D. They also contain trace elements such as fluorine, selenium, manganese, iron, calcium. Thanks to this set, it is possible to strengthen the immune system, especially in the spring, when the body is weakened.

By strengthening the immune system, tea prevents the progression of colds. It is recommended to drink tea from rosehip and ginger in parallel. This quality is the most valuable.

An important property is the preservation of youth. Milk oolong has antioxidants in its composition. Since free radicals break down in cells, this has a good effect on oxygen metabolism. As a result, the life of each cell is prolonged.

After consuming such a drink, the dermis will always be toned, radiant and supple. The shade and structure of the skin improves. You can also overcome various irritations. Tea is especially useful for those who are prone to allergies and have sensitive skin type. Since tea removes toxins from the body, this normalizes metabolic processes. And besides this, the drink is an excellent diuretic.

Benefits of milk oolong - proper storage and use

Good milk oolong in the package should not contain dust and broken leaves. If this occurs, then the beneficial properties are reduced. The composition of the leaflets includes a huge number of important substances, including amino acids, vitamin complexes and so on.

In order to get the maximum benefit from the drink, tea must be properly stored. Milk oolong is a fragrant drink. It is able to absorb any odors. This has a significant effect on taste. Also, the benefits of drinking the drink are reduced.

All healing properties will be preserved if the tea is stored correctly. Store tea in a cool, dark place. The capacity should not be metal. A plastic container, a glass jar is perfect. The container must be tightly closed and do not allow air to pass through.

If there is a need for long-term storage of tea and preservation of all properties, then the jar should be refrigerated. At the same time, all taste qualities will be preserved. Improper transport of goods will spoil a healthy drink. You also need to remember that oolong should not be stored along with other teas.

To benefit, you must properly brew and drink tea. To brew a drink you will need a porcelain teapot, tea leaves, water. It is advisable to use spring water or filtered. Pour boiling water over the teapot and heat it. Put the tea leaves in the kettle to taste. It is recommended to add 9 grams of tea to 0.25 liters of boiling water. Pour the tea leaves. To get a good result, a delicious drink rich in vitamins and minerals should be filled with water at 85 degrees. After welding is filled with water, drain and pour new hot water again. Leave the drink for a couple of minutes to brew. Some people prefer to brew only 10 seconds. This is for everybody. It is possible to brew one brew from 6 to 8 times, depending on its quality. But in no case do not abuse tea, as you can harm your health.

Harm of milk oolong: contraindications and adverse reactions

What and any other tea can be harmed by milk oolong. With excessive consumption, adverse reactions can occur and the culprit is caffeine. If you exceed the permissible norm, then such third-party reactions can occur:

• lightheadedness;

• irritability;

• trembling limbs;

• trouble sleeping;

• heartburn;

• constant urination.

With prolonged use of tea in large dosages, the following problems may occur:

1. Dependence develops. After awakening, a person feels tired and sleepy. The body simply requires a dose of caffeine. Throughout for a person experiences weakness, dizziness, poor mood.

2. Caffeine leaches calcium. Excessive consumption causes problems with the nail plates and teeth.

3. There are problems with the stomach gastritis.

Some may have an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance. It is not recommended to drink the drink to pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is also forbidden to drink tea for gastritis and other stomach problems.

With extreme caution, resort to drinking tea with diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. This is due to the fact that oolong is a very strong diuretic. This can cause unwanted movement of stones.


Watch the video: What If You Stopped Drinking Tea At All? (June 2024).