Do you often use valerian, considering it absolutely harmless? Find out what to do if an overdose of valerian occurs.


One of the most common sedatives is valerian infusion or valerian tablets. Such drugs are in every home, in every medicine cabinet. They take valerian, both adults and children, considering it safe, in comparison with other medicines.

This is partly true, but what will happen if you do not calculate the dosage? How to avoid a similar situation and take the drug correctly?

How does valerian affect a person?

Valerian, as a rule, is taken in case of increased nervousness, or with insomnia. The main component of the drug is cat root. The medicine acts on the human body as follows:

1. The primary effect is the normalization of the central nervous system, which eliminates insomnia.

2. Normalizes the work of the cardiac and nervous system, by slowing the rhythm of the heartbeat and vasodilation. Which increases a person’s resistance to stress and helps calmly endure crisis situations.

3. Relieves spasm of the digestive and genitourinary system.

4. Increases the secretion of gastric juice, acting as a choleretic agent.

5. In the case of application during the full cycle, significantly reduces pressure.

In the case of taking the medicine without a doctor’s prescription, it is necessary to limit yourself to a minimum period of 10 days. It is important to note that the maximum period should not exceed 30 days in case of continuous use of the drug.

What are the symptoms of an overdose of valerian?

First of all, it should be noted that valerian has a dangerous feature - it accumulates in the body. Due to this property, a positive effect is achieved from taking the medicine, and there is a danger of negative consequences. The effect on the body is manifested, as a rule, after at least 10 days of continuous use of the drug.

The optimal dose and time of taking the drug for various categories of patients are indicated on the package. It is important to strictly follow the instructions for use of the medicine, and make changes only on the recommendation of a doctor.

The main symptoms of an overdose of valerian are as follows:

- nausea, possibly vomiting;

- violation of the digestive system, which is manifested in the occurrence of sharp pain, heartburn and diarrhea;

- headache;

- lowering blood pressure;

- reduced efficiency and depression;

- lethargic state, drowsiness;

- exacerbation of chronic diseases;

- indifference to the world, apathy.

An overdose occurs, as a rule, in the case of the use of valerian in doses higher than recommended for a period of more than a month of continuous use. However, most people take the medicine without adhering to any deadlines and norms, without thinking about the possibility of an overdose of valerian and its consequences.

The consequences of an overdose of valerian tincture?

In the case of taking valerian tincture, it is important to remember that an overdose in case of exceeding the recommended doses may occur after the first dose. Before you start taking the drug, you must consult your doctor. Valerian tincture is much faster than tablets, but contains alcohol.

In addition, the medicine contains alcohol, it must be taken strictly in dissolved form. Perhaps addiction to the drug in case of prolonged use. For children under the age of four, the use of valerian tincture is strictly prohibited! When taking the drug by the elderly, monitoring the dosage of the drug is necessary.

An overdose of valerian tincture is not a myth, but a reality. Taking the drug may make you feel unwell. It is important to remember and adhere to the dosage when taking this drug. The optimal dose of 15-25 drops of tincture 2-3 times a day, valerian drops must be diluted with water and drink in dissolved form.

In case of an overdose of valerian tincture, unlike tablets, a fatal outcome is possible, as a result of exposure to ethyl alcohol. But for this it is necessary to drink a large amount (about 2 liters) of the drug.

Symptoms of poisoning with valerian tincture:

- Headaches similar to migraines.

- Bradycardia as a result of a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

- The occurrence of an allergic reaction to the drug.

- Violation of the nervous system, which leads to lack of sleep and increased irritation.

The effects of poisoning with valerian tablets?

As a rule, valerian tablets are used by elderly people who have problems with the nervous system, and cores. Since valerian is not the only one of the arsenal of medicines found in such people, it is not always possible to trace the amount of medicine used.

However, it is necessary to know and remember well that the maximum dose should not exceed 200 mg of valerian per day. In the case of taking valerian in tablets, this means taking 2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Since the signs of drug poisoning are identical to the state of a person in old age, it becomes even more difficult to determine an overdose. With that said, older people need to be extremely careful when taking valerian and take into account its compatibility with other medicines.

Young people also take valerian tablets, but less often. Since the drug is sedative, use it in difficult periods of life, without thinking about the dosage and possible poisoning with the drug.

Poisoning with the drug inhibits the functioning of the central nervous system, which leads to a slowdown in the reaction, and as a result can cause emergency situations on the road.

Symptoms of valerian poisoning in tablets are as follows:

- Suppression of the central nervous system, and as a result of lethargy, drowsiness, apathy.

- The reverse effect may also occur - instead of suppressing the central nervous system, its activation may occur, as a result of overexcitation. Lack of coordination, dizziness, dilated pupils and small tremors in the hands.

- The heart and blood vessels, with an overdose of the drug also experience the opposite effect, which is expressed in an increase in blood pressure.

- The digestive system shows all the signs of classic poisoning - nausea, vomiting, heartburn and diarrhea.

First aid for valerian poisoning

Since valerian has a calming effect on the nervous system, an overdose of the drug can lead to its inhibition. If the recommended doses of the drug are exceeded, impaired consciousness and loss of contact with the person are possible. So what actions should be taken in case of poisoning with valerian?

1. If it was possible to determine the poisoning with the drug immediately (within 2 hours), gastric lavage at home can help the victim. First of all, you need to induce vomiting in the victim, for this you need to drink a large amount (3 liters) of warm water and put pressure on the root of the tongue.

2. If the problem was not immediately identified, or if after washing the stomach the condition of the victim did not improve, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Next, gastric lavage will be carried out in stationary conditions, and measures of restorative therapy.

3. An allergic reaction to the drug is eliminated with antihistamines.

4. In case of complications caused by an overdose of valerian, emergency hospitalization of the victim is possible.

5. If any negative effects of the drug were detected when taking valerian, it is necessary to reduce the dosage, or even abandon the use.

Perhaps the appointment of valerian in combination with another drug, to increase the effect of the latter. In case of manifestation of any negative consequences, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to obtain qualified advice.

Valerian is a good helper for people experiencing difficult times. Remember that you need to take the drug correctly observing the dosage and taking breaks! So you save your health and the health of loved ones.


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