How to choose and create the perfect shape of the eyebrows?


What kind of epithets do not come up with women's eyebrows, and it is no coincidence: sometimes eyebrows become the most important aesthetic dominant, and their shape determines the entire perception of the face. At the same time, eyebrows - the most easily "corrected" part of the appearance, and you need to be able to use it correctly. How to choose the perfect shape of the eyebrows? What are the ways to correct it? This will tell the specialists of the beauty center Noble Manor.

In fact, many experts are involved in eyebrow correction: make-up artists, stylists, tattooists, cosmetologists. Each has its own approach to this issue and its own "zest". Therefore, among the tips, perhaps everyone will find something important for themselves.

Rule one:

Many have heard of the Golden Section, as the rule of general harmony and beauty. According to this rule, the eyebrow should be located between the rays, conducted from the extreme point of the outer edge of the nostril, through the inner and outer corner of the eye, and the highest point of the eyebrow is located at the intersection of the beam, conventionally conducted from the nostril through the pupil. The main thing in this rule is that it has the opposite force of influence: in order to narrow the upper part of the face and the distance between the eyes, it is enough to bring eyebrows a little together. And, on the contrary, having placed eyebrows wider, you optically "move apart" eyes.

Rule two:

The three points of the eyebrow, defined by the Golden Section, are not exhaustive, they only show the approximate distances between the parts of the eyebrow. The form of the arc connecting these points is very important. And it is determined depending on 6 main types of face: oval, round, square, pear, rhombus, heart.

Think of the eyebrow as a visual vector. Accordingly, the rounder the eyebrow, the more optically more rounded the face appears. A sharp eyebrow fracture accentuates the angularity of the face. The upward tips of the eyebrows (eyebrows stray) optically raise the cheekbones and upper eyelid. Where the face requires visual expansion, we use sloping elongated eyebrows, for narrowing - more rounded, for lifting and the effect of "open look" - eyebrows flawed. By the way, not only makeup artists, but also cosmetologists, as well as plastic surgeons, actively use this rule. It is no coincidence that browlifting is one of the most sought-after lifting and rejuvenation techniques.

Rule Three:

The eyebrow should create an accent, but not cut the face, therefore the optimal color of the eyebrows is darker than the hair by no more than a couple of tones. By the way, fashion often makes its own adjustments. Since now there are various options for coloring hair (Brond, Ombre, Deep Dai), the tone of eyebrows is chosen exactly the same as the darkest strands. In this case, the overall appearance becomes absolutely harmonious. Another principle of the "color" solution eyebrows: the darker the outer part of the eyebrows, the wider the distance between the eyes, and vice versa.

In which case eyebrows can be handled independently, and when should you turn to professionals? If your face does not require significant correction, and you do not need to radically change the shape of the eyebrows, the help of professionals will not be required.

If your eyebrows are thick enough, then it is better to turn to a competent aesthetist: he will “deduce” the perfect shape for you, and in the future you will be able to maintain it.

If your eyebrows are far from ideal: rare, do not have a clear form, and “it would be better if they didn’t exist at all”, if you constantly have to pull them out and draw again, then feel free to contact a specialist in permanent makeup, and save yourself from the daily, not always productive, occupation.

The situation is much more complicated if your eyebrows require correction in anatomical terms: they have an undesirable shape, coupled with an eye cut (for example, eyebrows with a house), or have undergone age-related changes (become empty, sagging on the upper eyelid). In this case, simple drawing will not lead to success, contact a competent cosmetologist. In particular, in our beauty center specialists have a huge experience and opportunities in the field of non-surgical face remodeling. A few units of botulinum toxin - and the tips of your eyebrows will go awry, or bend beautifully.

Note: sexy and young people seem to be on which the eyebrows are emphasized by the projection of the brow ridges. If the eyebrows seem to be anatomically flat or empty in case of age-related involutional changes, contour plastics with micro-cannulas will come to the rescue. Another way to raise an eyebrow is thread lifting. And when the eyebrow is not simply drawn, but “supported” by a sculpture of the face, then we can talk about the perfect correction of the eyebrow.

In any case, if for some reason you are unhappy with your eyebrows, it makes sense to turn to professionals.


Angelina 08/20/2016
How many did not try to create for myself the shape of eyebrows, I could not do anything. In the end, I decided to go to a professional. Masters chose a stock from Biglion. And I was pleased with the result. Now I have neat and beautiful eyebrows that emphasize my eyes.


Watch the video: How to Shape Perfect Natural Eyebrows (June 2024).