Can fortune telling fortune telling?


Everyone has long known that people are arranged this way - they want to know what will happen! Fortune telling has been popular since ancient times. People always had a great desire to learn at least with one eye what awaits them in the future. As you know, demand creates supply.

Fraudsters and swindlers

Therefore, at present there are a lot of esotericists who are scammers. It may be difficult for a person who does not understand this field of knowledge to distinguish a real specialist from a swindler.
Is it worth talking about the benefits of fortune telling a scammer? Fortune-tellers often tell the client exactly what they really want to hear. And this may not be true. Therefore, what esoteric says should be treated with some skepticism.

Does belief in a fortuneteller program the result?

Of course, there are real fortunetellers who have the ability to read the necessary information. But it is possible that the result may also upset.

On the other hand, it will help to fix something in the current situation. However, there is the danger of programming a person’s subconscious mind on the outcome of fortune-telling.

This means that a person will behave in such a way that this forecast comes true. And it’s good if it’s positive, but it could be otherwise.

We can say that the world and the events in it are a huge matrix. It contains the most diverse options for the development of certain situations. It follows from this that fortune-telling predictions may change periodically.

When the client is read on the cards (for example, Tarot or Lenormand), he is shown the most probable outcome of the situation at the current time. But it is not static and may become different. After all, a person, if desired, is able to adjust his behavior and the forecast can change for the better.

Miscellaneous results

It also happens that a person goes to several esotericists and they get different results from one situation. There is nothing surprising.

First of all, different fortune tellers can read information in completely different ways about one person, which is associated with the individual abilities of each individual magician.

Secondly, each esoteric has his own channelsfrom which he reads the information he needs.

Thirdly, if a person orders viewing the situation many times, then this can be compared with multiple x-rays of the same organ of the human body.


Excessive exposure to x-rays is harmful to humans. Numerous fortunetelling have a similar effect.

This can to a greater or lesser extent harm the human energy field.

Summing up, I want to say that fortune telling is possible, but with some reservations.

In such situations, it never hurts to be guided by the mind, no matter how difficult it may be. In any case, they should not be abused so as not to become dependent on other people's advice.


Watch the video: CHOOSE A CARD AND REVEAL YOUR FUTURE. fortune telling online (July 2024).