May 11 Prediction on Runes for all zodiac signs


Runes are able to give you advice, a hint, to protect you from a waste of time and energy. Today they advise not to make sharp movements, not to rush with harsh words. Everything has its time. But, if you have definitely decided to do important things today - read on the prediction-advice from the runes on Saturday, May 11.

At the end of the article is RUNE OF THE DAY.

Aries is your rune today Gebo. This is the rune of love, prosperity and prosperity. She can manifest herself both in peace of mind and peace, and in strong support from the outside. In any case, no matter what happens today - know that you are under reliable protection. And if the day in the morning will bring you a lot of trouble, then by the end of the day you will definitely know why you have such an experience. Today is a particularly good day for those who are open to communication and spiritual growth. Be yourself and then no one can limit you.

Taurus - Your rune today, Perth. This is a rune of knowledge, obtaining important information. But how you get this knowledge and learn it is up to you. If today you are open to moving forward, attentive to prompts and to life in general - you can get tremendous support, an impetus for new beginnings. Today is not the best day for privacy, if something bothers you - share it with your loved ones, with colleagues. Only then can you get support. Those who suspect that they have an enemy today will be able to verify this.

Twins -your rune for this day Hyeres. This is the rune of the hearth, fertility. But, perhaps you are too tired of household chores that on this day you want to take a break from household chores. You will not lose anything if you postpone important household chores until another day. Prepare food with joy, if you have wanted for a long time - invite guests to the house. Create a feeling of coziness and warmth in the house and then minor problems and conflicts will not disturb you even at work.

Crayfish - your rune for this day Soul. This is the rune of spiritual growth, inner search and fullness of energy. Today you will be able to know your true anxieties and desires. You may spend all day in hustle and bustle, but they will bring you pleasure. Today you can do much more than other days. Your energy will be enough for others, therefore, share the joy. And if you have a gloomy mood in the morning, do not forget that all the best is ahead.

Lions - today you are patronized by the rune of Odin, it is also called the empty rune. On this day, everything will depend on you. The Universe gives you the right to choose what emotions and feelings, actions you will commit. But do not forget that whatever you do on this day, this will certainly affect your future. Today is not the best day for introspection; most likely, you will become even more confused in your desires and dreams.

Virgin -Today you are patronized by the rune Kenaz. This is a rather powerful rune in matters of moving towards a goal and making important decisions. But today you are more likely an observer than a fighter. Do not miss the opportunity to embellish your life. Today you can refuse any joys and spend the day as if in a scenario, but this will not solve your problems and questions. Do not stop, continue to develop, return today to those issues in the personal and financial spheres of life that have been put on the back burner.

Libra - today you got the rune Eyvaz. This is the rune of protection, the rune of the right choice, the right reasoning. Today you can feel stronger, your emotions can become stable, and your feelings can get stronger. It is important to trust yourself and your life. If someone tries to hinder you - do not be angry, these attempts will not succeed. Believe in yourself and yourself.

Scorpions Today is your rune of Dagaz day. This is the rune of divination, the rune of strength and intuition. If some question or some problem is eating you, then today you can trust yourself and your life and fully understand them. You may not solve the problem right away, but you can understand what the reason is and what the consequences will be. It is important today to make decisions quickly, not to doubt your strength.

Sagittarius - Today you have the Otala rune. This is the rune of finance, support, cash opportunities. Today you can seriously think about whether you are spending money correctly, whether you have chosen the job and type of earnings for yourself. These thoughts can upset you. But runes are advised to ask the question "how can I improve my financial situation", "what I want to get." The necessary answers will certainly come to you, as well as the possibilities of their implementation.

Capricorns - Today, the rune Laguz protects you. This is a rune of advice, clues, interventions from outside. Look carefully at your life if your decisions depend on external influences. Does no one hold you back, dictate terms? Today you can get important advice, pleasant communication, new acquaintances.

Aquarius - Today you have the rune of Berkan. This is a rune of fertility, beauty and strength. Your business should obviously go up. Believe it or not, you have every chance. Joy may appear in your life all of a sudden. You may be pleased with the little things, but in them lies the most important meaning. Uncover your true feelings on this day and believe in a positive outcome of any business.

Fish - Today, the rune of Turisaz protects you. This is the rune of victory, reaching a new level. If you could not risk it and decide on something - do it today. Even if you did not plan anything important and grand on this day, it will still be positive for you. Sadness will recede from those who look at the situation from a different angle.

May 11 general prediction rune

Gebo - This rune patronizes everyone on May 10th. For those who seek to improve their personal lives, establish personal relationships, she advises to open up spiritually, open up their thoughts and emotions, and not conceal anything. In financial aspects, it will give strength and confidence, but do not be afraid. You feed your own fears. In matters of health, it can promise improvement in cases, making the correct diagnosis. Today it is important to take time for yourself and your feelings, to be sincere.


Watch the video: HOROSCOPE OF THE DAY THURSDAY, MAY 11, 2017 (June 2024).