How to create an unforgettable evening for your loved one


Men often tell stories about the difficulties that they had to overcome in order to gain favor with the person they liked. But words are words, but any girl knows: as soon as the “election campaign”, the so-called candy bouquet period, ends, the former romance leaves the relationship. The cause of this event can not figure out until now. But now, every girl can return the holiday to the relationship with her lover. It is only necessary to take the initiative itself and arrange a loved one, for example, a romantic dinner.

And where is the romance?

So men are arranged that after certainty in a relationship they relax and do not consider it necessary to spend money on empty words and such trifles, in their understanding, as signs of attention in the form of the same colors or candies. They do not see a catastrophe in this, in contrast to girls who do not have enough tender words, pleasant trifles, events for two. Men need to talk about it or take everything into their own hands. It will take a little time, and the chosen one will understand what is wanted from him (and if he does not, maybe it is not worth spending on such precious time). The guys vividly respond to the initiative of the girl: they try to color the relationship with various pleasant surprises, once again become extremely attentive. Even an ordinary candlelit dinner for two can work wonders: there are only two, their feelings and experiences. Everything else fades into the background.

That's just to arrange a romantic dinner for a loved one, will have to do a lot. It is important to correctly determine the place and time, choose the theme of the evening, arrange everything, create a menu taking into account the tastes and preferences of both. And, of course, the most important thing is that all this needs to be done in such a way that the beloved would not guess until the last minute what awaits him.

Good old classic

However, there is no need to write a script for a romantic evening. After all, if you fail to comply with all the conventions and do everything as planned, everything can go to ashes. It is better to take the classic options as a basis, adding one of them your own, which will be accepted unconditionally and with pleasure. Do not eat your man strawberries - do not offer. A guy doesn't like slow music - forget about her.

One of the most common choices is a dinner for two at home. This is optimal for those who have a separate apartment. At the same time, it does not matter how many rooms there are: for close communication with your beloved, even a small corner is enough. The room can be decorated with balloons and flowers, to create a special atmosphere it would be nice to use scented candles. As a treat, your favorite dish and a bottle of good wine are fine. In order not to fill the pauses that suddenly arose with on-duty phrases, prepare a couple of discs with romantic films or a photo album with funny pictures that will be interesting to see together.

A more expensive option is to visit a restaurant. But even here there are some pluses: no need to puzzle over the organization of the evening. You just need to choose a place in advance to taste (better if the restaurant is small) and agree on everything with the manager. Of course, it would be ideal if you pick up a corner table a little to the side or a separate room.

The rest, including decoration, is occupied by the restaurant, which will be reflected in the cost of the evening and the amount of tips. But it is worth it: after all, you don’t have to do the dishes after such a pleasant stay. On the contrary, you can go for a walk through the night city.

Everything is just for you

And yet, what needs to be taken into account so that the evening for a loved one does not follow the pattern scenario? And you need quite a bit: to know yourself well, your loved one and to understand your relationship correctly.

The evening will succeed only when it is built on the joint memories and experiences of your love. This may be an acquaintance, and the first date, and the first joint rest. The main thing is that the memory of this event was joyful. If we take as a basis one of the presented options for a romantic dinner, it will be appropriate to reproduce the brightest moment in your relationship. The necessary decorations, the corresponding music, the same dress as then - and that’s it! The guy will not be able to resist.


Watch the video: What Men Consider Great Sex - 4 Secrets! (July 2024).