The plot to love a man - which one is the strongest? How to read the plot on the love of any man (boyfriend) or husband at home.


Love is so wonderful and inspiring feeling that a person who is in love with someone is ready to reach any heights and do something that he previously believed he is not capable of. This feeling to this day is the reason for quarrels, crimes and murders.

If love is not reciprocated, then the world ceases to exist for us. Everything becomes black, empty and unnecessary. It seems that the meaning of life is lost forever and only the existence begins. Each step and a breath brings a heartbreaking pain, and it is impossible to get up in the morning, because a new day begins, which you will spend without the person you are in love with without memory.

Not everyone is able to distract himself with something and continue to live on in this situation. Some become self-contained, some fill themselves with work so that there is not even a minute to think. There are those who decide on a very desperate step to try to arrange the necessary person to yourself - this is a conspiracy for love. In any case, you will not lose anything if you try to do this, because if everything really works out, you will find long-awaited happiness next to your beloved, and if nothing happens, then the problem will remain in place and certainly not worse.

This kind of ritual and conspiracy for the love of a man can be done right in your home, without asking for help from a professional. Moreover, in the modern world everyone earns his living in the way he does best, so too many charlatans have divorced who make a lot of money on grief and the problems of other people. Finding a person who really possesses certain abilities and knows how to make a white plot for love is really difficult. And, this service will cost you a lot of money. In this article we will consider all the nuances of rituals and reading a conspiracy to love, therefore, having studied the material, you can do it at home.

Types of conspiracy to love

There are many different love plots that are used for completely different purposes. It is very important that you do not confuse, because if you read the wrong conspiracy that you need, you will get what you did not expect and did not ask for. Love conspiracies are of these types:

1. A conspiracy to attract love to yourself. This type of conspiracy is used by those who are deprived of male attention and those who want to find their soul mate and start a serious relationship as soon as possible, start a family. As a rule, such conspiracies are resorted to by women who are over thirty, and they have not had a long relationship with anyone.

2. A conspiracy pushing in a serious step. It is read by women who have been in a relationship with a loved one for quite a long time and think that they are ready to marry him. Plots of this type cannot force a man whom you just recently met to marry you. They work, pushing to decide to make an offer to the guy who himself wants it, but does not know whether it is ready.

3. Conspiracy on the location of a certain man to himself. Such a conspiracy can be used by girls who are far from their halves and want to be sure of their loyalty. With the help of such conspiracies it is quite possible to fall in love with someone who previously did not reciprocate. Use these plots with the mind, because if you do not want to be in a relationship with the person you are talking to, then for him it may all end badly. There have been cases of suicide.

4. Conspiracy to return the beloved. They are used when the boy left the family or the husband left the family. Such conspiracies can not only return the beloved to you, but also revive his old feelings.

How to read a conspiracy on love

1. A conspiracy to love a guy will be especially effective if you read it on a rising moon. Rumor has it that it is this lunar phase that gives energy to all rituals, rites and conspiracies, endowing them with special power. So, you should definitely buy the lunar calendar if you are going to talk to someone.

2. If the conditions of the ritual did not indicate the time of the day when it should be performed, then give preference to midnight. Make sure that you are alone in the room and no one can disturb or interrupt when you read the text of the plot. Any noise and extraneous sounds will be very distracting, not allowing to focus on what you are doing, and this is absolutely unacceptable.

3. A plot to love a husband can be read only by those who actually have problems. Do not use magic just like that, because you are curious and wondering what can come of it. Otherwise, the ritual can turn into something for you that you could not expect. The effect will be completely opposite.

4. If you do not believe in magic at all, do not consider it something serious and do not think that such ceremonies and conspiracies can give a person what he needs, then do not undertake to do it. Plots of love at home will be effective only when the person who reads them truly believes in everything that he does and is sure that he will achieve the result he expects.

5. Perform the ceremony only when you are in a good mood, all thoughts are devoid of negativity. If you are going to conspire on a person who you do not need, and do it only from offense to revenge, then you should know that any consequences of such actions will affect you and your family. If something happens to you because of your fault, then you will have to go to church and pray for your sin for a very long time.

6. Any magic is a special sacrament that cannot be told to anyone. All the work that you have done, or have already done, keep secret. Even if you got what you wanted, it is not at all necessary for anyone to know about it.

A plot to love a man with an apple

This white conspiracy for love is perfect for girls who want to receive signs of attention from a certain person and make him miss and think only about the one who read the plot. If you want a person to remind himself or call you, then this plot is perfect for this.

You need one beautiful red apple. It must be very large. Take the most that you can find. The ritual is performed only at night in an empty and dark room. Put an apple in front of you and light some candles, arranging them so that the apple is in the center. Cut the apple into two even halves and cut out its core so that small halves are formed in the halves. Now you need to take a small piece of paper and write on it your full name and the full name of the one who was going to speak. Fold the leaf so that it can fit in a hole in one of the halves of the apple. Cover it with the other half and tie it with a blue satin ribbon. It should not be too narrow, but not very wide. One that could hold the halves of an apple together, and it did not fall apart the next day.

When finished, place the apple with a ribbon in front of you and say this text three times: “The red apple in the sun will dry and wither. Let the same (name of the right person) dry over me. . Each conspiracy word should be pronounced moderately loud and as clearly as possible. If you get lost or stumble, then start a conspiracy to love to read from the beginning. Imagine at this moment the face of the person you need, think only about him.

The apple must be stored in a place that is well lit by the rays of the sun so that the apple starts to dry. As it dries, the person you speak will fall in love with you.

Strong conspiracy to love man

This conspiracy is perfect for those girls who think that soon the guy will throw them. Often it is used in order to attract the attention of the object of his adoration. But before you do anything, think carefully about whether you need it at all. It is worth noting that the plot is quite strong, so it can not be pronounced again, even when it seems to you that it did not act. So you risk to call on yourself and on the one who was going to speak, grief.

This conspiracy consists of three steps, completing which, you will certainly achieve his.

Step 1

Look at the lunar calendar, when there will be a phase of the growing moon. Wait for that day night, become near the window and you can start. Bite your tongue a little, and then say the following words: "I bit my own tongue and you, my dear (the name of the person you need) bewitched. I want you to miss me a lot and even not have a rest and sleep." After you say these words out loud three times, immediately go to bed with thoughts about this person.

Step 2

The next time you see your lover, speak the above text in your mind, looking at it from the side. You can not even approach him and not talk to him. For a plot it is required that he simply be in your field of vision. Words need to be said no more than three times, but only one, without diverting the gaze from the person you need.

Step 3

Invite the subject of your adoration to visit or just say that you want to talk to him. Make sure you are alone and no one will disturb you. Look the guy straight in the eyes and mentally speak the same words that are written in the first step of the ritual. At this time, you can tell him anything, joke, laugh. The main thing is that you have visual contact for exactly as long as you finish speaking the right words in your mind.

If you simply do not have the opportunity to do the second and third step, then it is better to give preference to another plot, because this ritual will not be effective if you do not do it completely.

Effective plot on husband love

This conspiracy will suit you if you are already in a relationship or marriage with someone and began to notice that your lover has lost interest in you or you suspect that you have a certain rival with whom he is cheating or flirting. With the help of this particular conspiracy, it is possible to make him fall in love with you again as much as he used to stop looking at other women, noticing only you by his side.

During the ritual, you should be alone at home. Turn off the phone and do everything necessary so that no one interrupts you. Take a photo of your beloved, which depicts him alone. Place a photo on the floor and press it with the heel of your right foot. Now, say the following words: "As I crushed this photo to the floor, love will also crush you. As the photos from my body are hard, it will be difficult for you without me." After you have finished speaking these words, stand on your photo for a few more minutes, closing your eyes and imagining your loved one's face. You can not repeat the ritual.

Of course, love in a pair should be. It's great when you are lucky, and reciprocity responded to your feelings. Then you never have to resort to magic. Read plots on love at home only in those cases where you can say with all certainty that you really need it and when you realize that you will not have life without this person. But first, consider whether you are acting too selfishly. Yes, you love him and, naturally, you will be happy just because he is next to you, but imagine what it is to whom you spoke. He will not understand why he wants to be with you, but he cannot leave. It can be very difficult for him, especially if he had to leave his family for you. Do not take on the soul of sin, if you can not cope with the consequences and, in the first place, with remorse of conscience that accompanies you both day and night. Not every woman will eventually be able to come to terms with all this. Many people rejoice at first, feel happiness, and then begin to feel sad because a man fell in love with them not because of his will, but because of the conspiracy they did. If it were not, they would never agree. I hope nothing like this happens to you and you will be happy with the plot, or without it.


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