Classic dumplings are a thing! Recipes of classic Russian, Georgian, Chinese, Italian and Asian dumplings


Even without leaving the territory of Eurasia, you can find hundreds, if not thousands, of recipes for classic dumplings.

They have many different names and some differences in cooking technology.

But the basis of the recipe is dough and minced meat. Or not stuffing, but stuffing: depending on what is considered to be a classic in the culinary tradition of different nations, who consider dumplings to be their national heritage.

Classic dumplings - the general principles of cooking

Guided by some simple technological principles, it is possible to arrange a holiday of international dishes in your kitchen. It constantly helps out by its presence in the freezer, in case of lack of time. Those who love dumplings and on the way home run into the department of convenience foods, content with the services of catering, consider the process of cooking classic dumplings troublesome and tedious exercise.

If the question is only to save time, then try the following:

a) use in the kitchen, in addition to the rolling pin and knife, modern appliances and special devices - homemade stuffing and dough will still be tastier than the same products in any restaurant in the world.

b) if all family members take part in the molding of ravioli, then, firstly, the process of their preparation will be reduced in direct proportion to the number of family members participating in it, and, secondly, joint labor creates prerequisites for the most harmonious relations in the family. In addition, if the family has small children, the modeling is their vocation. No child will refuse to help mom in the kitchen.

Types of modeling

Let's start with the most difficult question, which is the main reason that homemade, classic ravioli lovers, following the least resistance path, buy "a cat in a bag."

Sculpting is a monotonous process, therefore it seems tedious. But we do not live in the last century, so it’s better to immediately abandon the grandmother’s methods: rolling the “sausages” out of dough, cutting them into pieces and molding each one individually.

If there is a special device for rolling dough, then we can already assume that the work is half done. If there is also a dumpling, then in general the whole process of preparing classic dumplings for several months will take no more than an hour. Such dumplings, although they will have a prosaic form, but they will still be homemade, and therefore tasty.

For some types of ravioli (manti, poses, khinkali) a special form of modeling is required: they are larger in size and are filled with minced meat. They must be sculpted in accordance with the requirements of the national cuisine.

Without special equipment, classic dumplings according to recipes of Russian cuisine can be sculpted in many different ways, using an ordinary rolling pin, a knife or any round shape for cutting. At the same time, the dough is rolled out on a working surface with a large layer, cut into pieces of the desired shape and size, spread the mince on them, and then cover the form with another layer of dough, or fold the half on which the minced meat is laid and make edges with an “ear” or other shape. In this case, minced meat, with a fine and uniform texture, can be deposited on the dough using a pastry bag or using a plastic bag, cutting a hole of the desired diameter in its corner.


Of course, there are very specific requirements for the quality of the dough, because the dumplings must be tasty, look appetizing. The dough should not be torn either during modeling or during cooking. Plain unleavened dough is used for almost all recipes of classic ravioli.

Any dough must necessarily, at least a little, salt. Not only for taste. Salt retains moisture. This means that during the modeling it will not quickly dry out and burst. And after cooking, it will not be dry and tough.

The dough must be plastic and elastic, for the same reason - so that it does not tear and does not "float". It follows that the flour must contain a sufficient amount of gluten, that is, after all, it is better to take flour of the Extra grade. And, of course, even for the preparation of unleavened dough, the flour must be sifted in order not only to clear out any foreign inclusions, but also to fill it with air.

Naturally, sanitary requirements are imposed on eggs for the test. They need to be washed and not thrown at once into the dough, but broken into a separate cup one by one, and then poured into the dough, in case you suddenly get a stale egg: so that you do not have to throw everything out.

Eggs make dough ductile and soft, and also stabilize and loosen it. During cooking between the protein threads that are contained in the egg white, air bubbles are formed, which increases the dough in volume, making it loose and soft. In egg yolks there is a large amount of fat, giving plasticity to the dough. If the dumplings are cooked by vegan vegetarians, then instead of eggs they use any vegetable oil, soda and starch, while replacing the minced meat with any other filling of plant origin.

For the pelmeni dough, instead of water, milk can be added, partially or completely, so that it becomes even softer and delicate in taste. For the test, buckwheat or rice flour is sometimes used as an additive.

For a more attractive and appetizing look, the coloring components that make the dish bright and colorful are added to the unleavened dough: carrots, spinach, beets, cranberries, adding the juice squeezed out of them into the water for dough. Colored dumplings will surely cause an appetite in children, so give preference to natural dyes.

The first method (on the water):

• Eggs, chicken - 2 pcs.

• Flour (v / s), wheat - 0.5 kg

• Water - 200 ml

• Salt.

The second method (egg dough):

• Water - 50 g

• Flour - 0.4 kg

• Salt.

• Eggs - 3 pcs.

The third method (in milk):

• Wheat flour - 0.5 kg

• salt

• Milk −170 ml

• Egg - 1 pc.

• Water - 50 g

Fourth method (in oil):

• Flour (v / s) - 0.7 kg

• Butter (cream) −3 Art. l

• Eggs, chicken −3 pcs.

• warm water -180 ml

• salt

The fifth method (on sour cream):

• Flour (s) - 450 g

• Sour cream (21%) - 100 g

• Egg - 1 pc.

Yolk - 1 pc.

• Water (18-22 ° C) - 75 ml

• Salt.

If sour cream is liquid, then do not add water.

Kneading dough according to recipes №№ 1−5 you need in the usual way. It is better to introduce water gradually, in small portions. For the dough, all ingredients must be warm.

The sixth method (choux dough):

• Flour (s) - 400 g

• Oil, vegetable - 75 ml

• Drain. oils - 70 g

• Water (boiling water) - 150 ml

• Salt.

First, the flour is combined with salt and oil, and then, with continuous stirring with a whisk or spatula, pour boiling water. Next, the dough is prepared on the cutting table in the usual way, until tender.

Seventh method (buckwheat dough):

• White flour (premium) - 100 g

• Buckwheat flour - 150 g

• Egg - 2 pcs.

• Water - 100 ml

• Salt.

Buckwheat dough steamed. To do this, boil water and gradually pour into it the sifted buckwheat flour, stirring the mixture. There should be a mass with a consistency, like that of a kissel, without lumps. When it cools down, add wheat flour (for viscosity), add eggs and knead until done. The test should be allowed to cool and rest, a couple of hours. And it is better to leave it in the refrigerator for the night. Knead and chop one more time, sprinkling the surface with wheat flour. Leave it in the fridge overnight. Knead and chop one more time, sprinkling the surface with wheat flour.

Buckwheat dough is cooked for dumplings with minced duck, goose, game or bear meat.

Eighth method (rice dough):

• Eggs - 3 pcs.

• Rice flour - 450 g

• Boiling water - 150 ml

As with buckwheat dough, sifted rice flour is brewed first with half the cooked volume of flour. After cooling, the eggs are hammered into the mass and the remaining part of the flour is gradually mixed in. It should be less steep dough than needed for ravioli. After proofing (it is better to leave overnight) rice particles will absorb moisture, and the dough will become drier and more elastic. It is convenient to carve it on a surface sprinkled with wheat flour. You can use a mixture of wheat and rice flour equally.

Rice dough is ideal for meat dumplings with fish.

Ninth method (old recipe):

• Flour, white - 280 g

• Water (ice) - 90-100 ml

Water is poured into the sifted flour in small portions and at the same time very steep dough is prepared. Then it is frozen and after natural defrosting at room temperature they begin to undress.

Color dough

In any dough of white flour instead of water pours the juice of vegetables or fruits containing dyes.

• From beet you can get pink, raspberry color;

• From carrot juice - yellow, orange color;

• Blueberry - blue;

• From spinach leaf juice - green.

You can use the juice of cherry, viburnum, sea buckthorn. Get more or less intense color can, increasing or lowering the concentration of juice.

The dough can also be made from corn, rye or soy flour. The list of test recipes for classic dumplings, of course, is not exhausted.

About stuffing and stuffing

Their diversity within one city can reach hundreds of options, not to mention national cuisines, where almost any kind of meat, fish, cheese, vegetables or fruits is used for mincemeat. Stuffing and stuffing for dumplings are made from several ingredients, with the addition of spices and spices.

In addition to grinding the ingredients, in its preparation it is important to achieve a homogeneous and coherent structure. The consistency of the meat should keep broth (or juice). For some types of dumplings cook minced meat. In this case, in order not to cut the meat by hand, you can grind it with a meat grinder, if you install a grill with large holes on it. Minced minced meat is mainly prepared for khinkali and some types of ravioli in Asian cuisine.

List these types of meat, fish, vegetable or other stuffing - time-consuming task.

The ratio of dough and stuffing (stuffing) in the ideal semi-finished products of classic dumplings should be mixed in the direction of meat, because the dough volume in boiled form increases by about 3 times. Consider an example:

Classic dumplings come in different shapes and sizes. On average, one ravioli type "Ravioli" takes 4 g of finished dough. At the same time the circle should be rolled out in 1 - 1.5 mm. The weight of one finished semi-finished product is 16-17 grams. Therefore, 11-12 g is the weight of minced meat or stuffing.

Of course, in the home kitchen it is not necessary to measure each dumpling with compasses, rulers and weights, but in industrial technology the requirements for dumplings, at least, should be exactly that. The above example is another argument in favor of home-made classic dumplings, because even if you buy, measure and weigh each individually, you still have to search for a manufacturer for a long time without reproach.

It remains, to the above recipes for the dough, to choose the appropriate filling and start cooking classic dumplings.

Recipe 1. Classic dumplings, in Russian

Composition of products:

• Dough number 2.

For minced meat, in equal parts:

• Beef;





Pepper and salt to taste.

Preparation Procedure:

Water for dough taken from the refrigerator. All ingredients for mince twist the meat grinder twice. Starting the modeling, take the dough for rolling in small portions so that it does not dry out and does not become chapped.

Recipe 2. Classic dumplings - Chinese "Wonton"


• Dough number 8.

For minced meat:

• Pork, cabbage, onions - in equal parts.

• Spices.

Cooking method:

Chop the minced meat using a meat grinder. Make Chinese dumplings in the shape of triangles. To do this, roll out the thinnest sheet of dough, make square blanks of it. Putting the stuffing in the middle, roll the dough into a triangle, covering the edges.

Chinese dumplings served with greens and soy sauce.

Recipe 3. Classic dumplings - "Khinkali", in Georgian.

Composition of products:

• Water 50 - 100 ml

• Flour (high grade) - 400 g

• Salt water - 100-120 ml

• Lamb, fat - 300 g

• Salt, cumin, pepper mixture

• Onions, bulb - 100 g

Preparation Procedure:

This is one of the variants of Georgian Khinkali. For the preparation of minced meat also use cilantro, fresh parsley, other types of spices and herbs, as well as various combinations of meat.

The modeling process and the interesting shape of the products remain unchanged. From flour and salt water make a steep, almost dry dough, wrap it in film and clean in the freezer for an hour.

Roll out the dough layer (2 cm) and cut circles of 40 g, then roll them into thin circles (2 mm). In the middle of the circle spread, also 40 g of minced meat. Next you need to take the circle by the edge and collect the dough with a fold, across the entire diameter. When you collect the "skirt", press it down firmly at the base to make the dough stick together, and tear off the top "frill", leaving only the base of the "skirt" untouched.

Now, about mince. Meat can be chopped with a knife or use a meat grinder, setting the grill with a large hole. Also do with onions and greens, if you want to decorate the taste of the dish. To mince juicy, add water to it and season with spices.

Cook "khinkali" in a wide and shallow dish, putting one product in boiling, salted water. And here they have to hands.

Recipe 4. Classic dumplings with duck and quail

List of ingredients:

• Dough number 7;

• Muscovy duck breast, chopped - 300 g

• Quail fillet, chopped - 200 g

• Butter - 50 g

• Onions, chopped - 100 g

• Orange Peel


Add minced zest, soft butter and spices to minced poultry meat. Well knock out and put away, forty minutes, in the fridge.

Buckwheat dough, roll out and cut circles of 6-7 grams, using a glass of thin glass or a metal cavity for cookies. In the middle of the circles lay, equal to the test, the amount of minced meat. Grip the triangle: take the dough by the edges on three sides and glue them in the center, then close up each edge separately. Cook caramelized onion and orange juice for buckwheat and poultry dumplings.

Recipe 5. Classic dumplings, multi-colored, with chicken breast


• Dough number 4.

Divide the cooked dough into three parts and add finely grated vegetables to each, individually: carrot, spinach, and beetroot. Stir the dough again and, if necessary, stir in the flour to bring it to the desired consistency.

For minced meat:

• Chicken mince - 0.5 kg

• Onions - 150 g

• Ghee - 3 tbsp. l

• Spices


Season with minced meat with spices and, mixing everything, with the addition of melted butter, let it stand in the refrigerator.

Color dumplings will interest children. To make this happen for sure, roll out one layer of green dough, cut out pieces using figured molds for cookies. Now roll, for example, the yellow layer. Grease the bottom layer with egg white to make the dough stick together better. Spread the mince on it, cover with the cut pieces on top and using the same notches, exactly repeat the cutting of the bottom layer: so that the figures match.

There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your child having dinner with pleasure.

Recipe 6. Classic dumplings - "manti"

Composition of products:

For the test:

• Flour - 1.0 kg

• Eggs - 2 pcs.

• Water - 0.6 l

• Salt.

For the preparation of minced meat:

• Beef (or lean mutton), chopped - 750 g

• Fat (beef or mutton), chopped - 250 g

• Onions, shredded - 500 g

• Salt, pepper, zira.

• For modeling: vegetable oil, flour (on the subfield).


Prepare a cool dough, temporarily hide it in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a while. Pulling out of the freezer, roll out the layer, squeeze out the cups with a notch. Trout them with flour, roll out so that you get a circle with a diameter of 6-7 cm in diameter with a thickened center and very thin edges. The weight of each semi-finished product in raw form is 80 g, so the stuffing should be placed in the middle of the dough piece an equal amount. Each circle begins to pinch along the edges, from four sides. The middle remains open. Sometimes manti make closed completely. Do as it is convenient.

To make mincemeat convenient to cut, lightly freeze the meat and use a sharp knife. Ready stuffing also need to stand in the cold before the start of modeling.

Recipe 7. Classic dumplings - ravioli with salmon, in Italian


For the test:

• Yolks - 4 pcs.

• Salt.

• 2 grades of flour (premium and Krupchatka) - 0.5 kg

• Olive oil - 25 ml

For minced meat:

• Fresh salmon (or salted), chopped - 350 g

• Olives (black, seedless), chopped - 100 g

• Broccoli, fresh, chopped - 50-100 g

• "Mascarpone" (or any soft cheese with a neutral taste) - 150 g

• Olive oil

• Salt.


We make pasta from yolks, olive oil and flour, or, in Russian, the dough for homemade noodles and give this pasta a "rest" until it becomes a bit softer. If there is no special device for the dough, then take the thickest rolling pin, since it will be much easier for it to roll out the finished dough. Its thickness should be the same as that of egg noodle dough. Immediately prepare the next sheet of dough to cover the bottom, with the filling. Smear the lower layer with protein so that ravioli will not become unstuck while cooking. On the lower piece, mark the circles (the smallest, 2 cm), and spread the stuffing on them. The ratio of minced meat and dough - the same amount by weight. Cover with a second layer of dough. Convex places, filled with minced meat, cut, using the same notch.

For the stuffing all the components are finely chopped and joined. Ready stuffing set aside for proofing for half an hour.

Ravioli boil for 3 minutes, adding bay leaf, spices and garlic to it before cooking.

To serve prepare a special sauce:

Pour two spoons of butter into a saucepan, throw in garlic, thyme, and cherry (whole tomatoes). Fry and strain with butter and broth. Put ravioli in the prepared sauce.

Italian classic dumplings are cooked not only with meat and fish.

Recipe 8. Classic dumplings - Kuban "shtrumby"


• Dough number 1

For minced meat:

• Pork and beef - 250 g each

• Spices

• Onions - 150g


From the "rested" dough we roll out the layer (5 mm). We put mince on it, evenly. Wrap the dough with minced meat in a roll and cut it into pieces, 2 to 3 cm each. In a saucepan, with a high rim, pour the butter and lay out the "shredders". Add water so that the products are half covered. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes and season with sauce.

Sauce, which will be covered with "lazy" dumplings cook in another pan. We seed the onions (we choose the quantity arbitrarily), fill it with sour cream and tomato paste (also arbitrary) and season with spices. Stewed with ready-made sauce "shtrumby" stew until complete readiness.

If you do not like sauce or stewed dumplings in general, you can simply boil them and serve with sour cream or butter.

Classic dumplings - tips and tricks

• If the dough crawls or sticks to the hands, despite the repeated addition of flour, then it most likely does not contain enough gluten. Take the same flour, and in the same amount, and make another batch of dough by the method of brewing. Mix and mix both pieces of dough well together. It will turn out twice, but it will no longer "float." The dough can be wrapped and stored in the refrigerator, spending as needed.

• Do not try to completely fill the cake with minced meat when making pelmeni. It should be a little room for broth or juice, released in the process of cooking. Otherwise, too filled with minced meat, dumplings will break the dough and turn into a completely different, unplanned dish.

• When making pelmeni, part of the dough that you are not working with, cover with a napkin or put it in a container with a lid so that the dough does not wind and does not dry out.


Watch the video: These Russian Dumplings Will Blow Your Mind. Fork Yeah (July 2024).