What things really need a newborn baby?


Are you waiting for a child and are worried about buying all the necessary things for the baby? Reread a lot of information and are shocked by the number of things that should appear in your home? Of course, buying children's clothes and accessories is a great pleasure for mom.

However, let us think about it - are things necessary, usually offered as a standard set of wardrobe items and baby care? Consider the functional benefits of these things, and you can decide which of them are really needed and what is not.

Stroller - a thing that is definitely useful. Even if you are a supporter of baby slinging, you may need a stroller to sleep on the balcony, or to send dad, grandmother, grandfather for a walk with the baby. If you are going to carry a child in a sling for most of the time, then it is reasonable not to buy a too expensive pram, you can even buy it from your hands.

Crib - it would seem, too, a necessary thing, but more and more mothers use elements of the natural parenting method (consciously or not, it does not matter) and put the baby to sleep in his bed. Decide for yourself: do you want to crawl out of a warm bed in the middle of the night to feed the baby, or are you ready that the child will be in your bed for several months, and sometimes years, and this may cause some discontent with her husband ( especially if you have the first child). You can discuss this issue with your husband in advance. In the second case, you can buy a cot later, when you decide to evict the child from your bed.

- Soft sides in the crib are needed not only to protect the baby from bruises, but also to protect him from the huge space around which the baby is not used to while being at her mother’s stomach.

- The canopy is a purely decorative element and only collects dust above the crib.

You can buy a wicker cradle on wheels - it is convenient to put it at night right next to an adult bed, and during the day it can be transported to different rooms, if needed. In addition, the baby is much more comfortable in a small cradle than in a huge bed for him. The lack of a cradle is that babies quickly grow out of it. Instead of a cradle, in the end, you can use the basket from the stroller.

Bath for swimming. If you want to provide a perfectly hygienically clean place for swimming, the bath is needed, but only for a few months. Choose inexpensive.

Libra. If you have extra money, you can buy it so as not to worry about the amount of milk eaten by the baby. But soon you will get bored with doing such nonsense as weighing a baby before and after eating, and you will understand perfectly whether you have enough food or not by weighing your baby and weighing it once a month at the clinic.

Changing table. The same luxury as the scales: all the mothers perfectly swaddle the child on the sofa, and massage is done on the desk, with a blanket.

Sterilizer very convenient if you are not going to breastfeed. Much better than messing around with boiling water and saucepans. In addition, there are sterilizers not only for bottles, but also for pacifiers at the same time. When breastfeeding is absolutely not needed.

Diapers. In our time, babies are often not swaddled, and dressed in blouses and romper suit, which is good for them. But there are kids who fall asleep heavily, since they are disturbed by waving arms and legs. Why not swaddle such a baby to save his psyche and my mother's? Another thing is that babies are sleeping now, mostly in disposable diapers, and therefore it is not worth buying a lot of diapers.

Oilcloth. It is necessary if you do not always use disposable diapers (everyone used to call them "diapers"), or for bedding when changing clothes for a baby and when taking air baths. Disposable diapers can also be used, but they are quite expensive.

Undershirts. Extremely inconvenient thing in comparison with bodysuits and blouses with buttons, buttons and strings. This is the case: if you constantly intend to use "diapers", then the body for a newborn baby will need three pieces. If sometimes or always a baby without a “diaper”, then buy at least 6-7 blouses (body, of course, will be inconvenient), since very often they will be wet along with sliders or diapers.

Sliders. Now the sliders are worn by a child from birth, but do not buy a lot of very small sliders: kids grow from them in just 1 month! And again, if you use “pampers”, then many sliders are not needed - 4-5 warm and cold ones will suffice.

Cap. A cap is needed after bathing the baby and under the cap in the cold season.

A blanket. Two options: either use blankets or sleeping bags. Both that and another should be both in warm, and in an easy variant.

Envelopes and walking suits. Everyone chooses how he likes - there is no fundamental difference. If you want to save money while the child is small, then use for your walks all the same blankets as at home. Of course, everything must be selected for the weather.

Dummy. If you are not ardent opponents of pacifiers, first buy one small orthodontic. They say that some children do not take pacifiers, but most likely they do not take it only for the first time and often it is orthodontic. Many kids love ordinary, cheap, latex soothers.

Baby cosmetics. Children's cream and powder with good care, timely change of "diapers" and clothes are often completely unnecessary, as well as bathing gels. Just do not need baby shampoo, if your baby does not have thick hair. Rather, you need wet wipes - this is convenient, although it is better to rinse the baby every time you change the diaper.

It is best to determine the choice of children's cosmetics after the birth of the child and in the maternity hospital to take so far only wet wipes, baby soap and ointment "Bepanten", which may be needed and your chest with cracks, and the baby, if you suddenly appear diaper rash.


Watch the video: Things a Newborn Baby & Mummy will need (July 2024).