Is the best friend a pillow?


If you have a neck in the morning, your head is splitting and your shoulders are sore, and the day before you didn’t overwork yourself mentally or physically and didn’t sin in the many-hour feast, then a pillow could be a very likely cause. More precisely, an uncomfortable pillow.

Therefore, the question of the doctor "And what are you sleeping on?" It should not be regarded as stupid - the relationship between the quality of sleep and the subject on which your head rested for several hours at night was not indirect. However, how to choose a pillow that would suit you in all respects (shape, size and filling)?

As for pillow fillers, they are of two types: natural (down, feather, wool, wool, buckwheat / rice husk, corn fiber) and synthetic (synthetic winterizer, polyester, comfort, foam rubber, latex). There are, of course, options from the category of "a bit of everything," that is, stuffed with pieces of faux fur, fabric, etc., however these are decorative items on which it is not recommended to sleep.

Fluff is considered one of the best fillers, especially when it comes to waterfowl fluff pillows - they are light, warm and comfortable. Such a filler, while retaining heat, makes moisture volatilization unhindered. But pillows made of pure down are rather expensive and, perhaps, because they are rarely seen in stores. An almost alternative option is a half-down, the cost of which is somewhat lower (the price difference depends not so much on the size of the products, as on the percentage ratio of down and feather). Moreover, the down-dresser products are considered more durable than the actual down ones, and some items can even be washed. Even more economical option - feather pillows.

Alas, all of these fillers have a significant drawback - they are not recommended for allergies. In addition, such pillows should be, as they say, disinfected, so that they do not firmly settle ... a tick is inconspicuous to the eye, but a very harmful creature.

Wool pillows are known for their ability to absorb moisture, while remaining almost dry, they retain heat for a long time. Most often, the market offers products of combed sheep or camel wool. Minus first - after a few weeks, they can fall together and bring them to their original state will be unrealistic.

Cotton pads do not cause allergic reactions, easily absorb moisture, pass air well. They are almost the cheapest, but, alas, quickly lumped together.

But the buckwheat husk is a rather expensive filler (as well as rice) due to the fact that the pillows from it have not only an aromatherapy effect, but are also known for orthopedic properties (the husk is freely sprinkled inside, repeating the contours of the head). Inside, you can add any herbs: melissa, lavender, etc. It is assumed that this improves the quality of sleep, relieves headache, normalizes blood pressure, disappears overall fatigue, and even ... decreases snoring.

Corn fiber does not have such pronounced medicinal qualities, but is also considered a very decent option. It costs about a third less than from buckwheat husks.

Pillows made of synthetic winterizer and polyester fiber canvas - from those that can be bought everywhere: in the markets, and in large stores, and in private shopping facilities. The main drawback is that obscenely lumps together, but the budget price allows changing them as consumer properties are lost. Somewhere twice as expensive pillows from cholitex (hollow synthetic fiber) cost, but they are also more “tenacious”.

On sale is also infrequent, but there are pillows with comfort - artificial fiber, twisted into balls. There are products with silicone balls. Pluses of such pillows - they are easily erased and restore the form. Foam cushions are hard, but elasticity is just their main advantage. Most often they are small in size, have an orthopedic form (repeat physiological curves).

What do physicians recommend when choosing pillows?

- You should choose a pillow of that height, which is as close as possible to the length of the “shoulder strap” - shoulder width. But this shoulder should not be placed on the pillow, since the latter is intended solely for the head, neck. Violation of these rules is fraught with squeezing of the vertebral arteries, besides, you risk aggravating cervical osteochondrosis

- If a person mostly prefers to sleep on his back rather than on his side, then his case is a lower pillow.

- If the surface on which you are sleeping (mattress) is soft, then the pillow should also be from a low discharge.

- A higher pillow is relevant if you feel that the hand is constantly stretching itself under the head or under the pillow.

- Keep the filler clean. In particular, if it is a feather or down pillow - disinfect it with the method specified by the manufacturer, twice a year.


Watch the video: DIY Best Friends Pillows. HG Craft. HelloGiggles (July 2024).