Squids in sour cream - the best recipes. How to cook squids in sour cream correctly and tasty.


Squids in sour cream - general principles and methods of preparation

The sight of squid swimming in the seas and oceans is far from attractive. And especially large individuals can even be scared. But on a plate this mollusk looks very appetizing, the fried or stewed pieces of which are requested in the mouth. This is a very popular seafood. Unlike other marine delicacies, squid is more affordable, and in terms of the content of some useful substances it is in many ways superior to them.

For a very long time, squid was used mainly as one of the main ingredients in the salad. But independent dishes from this mollusk are no less tasty. Especially if you cook them in sour cream. You can immediately put it out, or pre-fry with onions, cut into rings. You can stuff it with mushrooms, boiled eggs, cheese, onions, and then pour carcasses filled with minced meat with sour cream and bake or stew. You can add neutral spices to sour cream, such as salt and pepper, or with a more saturated taste - garlic, bay leaf. To add spice to the dish, add hot pepper or hot sauce.

Squids in sour cream - product preparation

Squid meat is very tender if not digested. Therefore, the heat treatment of the product should take no more than three to five minutes. This does not apply to sour cream sauce. The meat, stewed in sour cream for ten to fifteen minutes, remains all the same soft.

Before cooking, squid must be cleaned of the film. This can be done quickly, if you still lower the frozen carcasses into hot water or pour over boiling water. Waste film is easy to separate from meat. It remains only to remove the chord (transparent core) and squids are ready for heat treatment.

Squid in sour cream - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Squid stewed in sour cream

Unusual, but very tasty squids. They are first fried, then stewed in sour cream along with onions.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 2 onions, black pepper, 150ml sour cream, salt, flour, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Cut the squid carcasses into rings. Pepper, salt and roll in flour. Heat the oil and quickly fry the squid until golden brown. Put the fried rings on a plate, and fry the onion chopped in rings or half rings in this pan. Transfer the squid back into the pan, mix, pour sour cream and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes.

Recipe 2: Stuffed Squid in Sour Cream

Fans of mushrooms and sea delicacies will be delighted with this dish. Its preparation does not take as much time as it seems. Stuffed carcasses can be sewn with thread or stabbed with a toothpick.

Ingredients: 6-8 pcs. squid (depending on size), 500 g of fresh mushrooms, 50 g of butter, 5 eggs, 150-200 g of cheese, a bunch of green onions and parsley (greens can be chosen to taste), 2 onions, 500 ml of sour cream, salt, flour, pepper.

Cooking method

Peel the squid carcasses. Hard-boiled eggs.

In butter, fry small onion cubes and mushroom slices until half ready.

Grate cheese, finely chop the greens and eggs. Prepare minced meat, for which mix mushrooms, onions, eggs and cheese, pepper and salt. Fill the squid with the mixture and pinch the edges (with a toothpick or sew up). Place stuffed carcasses in a cauldron or non-stick dishes, pour on top of sour cream sauce, for which mix sour cream, a spoonful of flour, salt, pepper. Simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes with medium boiling.

Recipe 3: Squid in sour cream, baked with buckwheat

A delicious juicy casserole of squid and buckwheat porridge is a full-fledged dish that can be served for dinner or, as a second, for lunch.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 200g buckwheat, 300ml sour cream, 3 onions, vegetable oil for roasting, 1 table. lie flour, 50 g of cheese and butter.

Cooking method

Cook buckwheat porridge. Sort the groats, rinse, add water (1: 2), salt and cook until cooked.

Boil the squid for two minutes (15 g of salt per 1 liter of water), cut into rings or slices.

Sasser the finely chopped onions, add the squid slices, fry for two to three minutes. Salt, pepper.

For the sauce, fry the flour in butter, add sour cream, salt, pepper, mix and boil for two minutes.

Collect the casserole. Grease the bottom of the mold with butter, put the porridge out, and smooth the surface. Place squid with onion on top and pour in sour cream sauce. Sprinkle with chopped cheese and bake for fifteen to twenty minutes (180C).
Cut the casserole into portions and serve.

Recipe 4: Squid in Sour Cream with Soy Sauce

Sour cream gives squid meat creamy tenderness, and soy sauce - piquancy. Together they give the dish an interesting and unusual taste.

Ingredients: 500g squid, 100ml sour cream, 5 tablespoons. soy sauce (preferably shrimp), 2-3 peas. allspice, 1 bay leaf.

Cooking method

Boiled squid boiled for two minutes in salted water. Cool, cut into rings. Pour in sour cream and simmer for ten minutes. Pour in soy sauce, put peppercorns, bay leaf and boil for another five minutes.

Recipe 5: Squid in Sour Cream with Garlic

A dish is prepared in literally minutes. The result is a delicious squid with a spicy aroma of dill and garlic.

Ingredients: 1 kg squid, 300 ml sour cream, a bunch of dill, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, a pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

Cook the prepared carcasses for three to four minutes in salted water. Cool and cut into rings. Put them in a pan, add chopped herbs and garlic, salt and pepper, pour sour cream, mix. Stew for three minutes.

Recipe 6: Hot Squid in Sour Cream

Squids in sour cream can be not only tender and creamy, but also burning. What very delighted fans of spicy. The most common sour cream, tomato sauce and chili pepper, combined, give the dish a truly inimitable and magical taste.

Ingredients: 700g squid, 250ml sour cream, 1.5 table each. lie flour and tomato sauce (or ketchup) Chili, 2 onions, salt, hot ground pepper.

Cooking method

Peel the squid carcasses and cut into strips.

Fry the half rings of the onion until golden, add the squid and fry for another four minutes, add flour at the end and fry it for a minute.

Mix tomato sauce and sour cream, add a pinch or two of hot red pepper and pour squid into this mixture. Stew for five to seven minutes.

Squid in sour cream - useful tips from experienced chefs

- The carcasses of frozen squid should be easily separated from each other. If they stick together, it only means that the product has repeatedly been thawed and frozen. Such squids can give a bitterness, which appears during heat treatment, or even boil away.


Watch the video: Jamie's Crispy Fried Squid (July 2024).