Air ionizer: useful properties and nature of the impact. Air ionizer - health benefits with tangible results


Life in the 21st century and the development of the industry alienated man from nature, but did not exclude the needs of the human body for its beneficial effects.

The main advantage of being in nature - air, saturated with negative ions, giving people energy and health. In daily life, the only compensation for the lack of healthy natural air is air ionizer.

Air ionizer: what it is and how it is applied

To maintain high performance, activity and health man must breathe light negative ions, but due to the impact of electrical devices, excess air pollution of exhaust gases and emissions of factories, natural ionization of air is greatly weakened.

In nature the formation of air ions is due to the impact cosmic rays or lightning discharges electricity: oxygen molecules capture electrons and become negatively charged due to them. Negatively charged oxygen aeroions enrich the air, as they have an increased biological activity.

The concentration of ions in enclosed spaces fifteen times lower than the required rate. To fill the missing ions are used air ionizers.

Air ionization is the process of formation of ions, respectively, the ionizer is air ionization device.

Feature of the ionizer - the impact on dust in the room. It sinks to the floors and furniture, so wet cleaningin which there is an ionizer, held three times more often.

Ionizer can not be used around the clock, the instructions for the device must indicate the time of use of a particular model.

In smoky and dusty rooms, the ionizer is not used in the presence of people.

When using an ionizer It is important to correlate the power of the device with the size of the roomin which it is used, as an insufficiently strong ionizer in a spacious room will not bring tangible benefits, and a strong ionizer in a small room will have a negative impact on the concentration of ozone molecules.

It is better to place the ionizer in accordance with the attached instructions at a specified distance from the walls, electrical appliances and people.

The correct location of the device - the first rule on the way to a good result.

Second moment - appropriate care. In order for the air ionizer to benefit the body, it is important to regularly clean it of accumulated dust. In addition, do not forget to ventilate the room: airing is recommended immediately before turning on the ionizer.

The process of ionization is simple: a current is applied to the ionizing electrodes, causing a discharge, and electrons fly from the needles of the working ionizer to connect with oxygen molecules.

Air ionizer: what is the benefit for the body?

Penetrating with the air, the ions enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body: penetrating power, together with the beneficial effects of ions, underlies the beneficial properties of the air ionizer.

Air ions penetrate the human body in two ways: through the skin and through the lungs. The ions produced by the air ionizer enter the skin and excite its receptors, increasing gas exchange. However, the skin is responsible for 1% of the body's gas exchange, so the main work is given to the respiratory system.

At the same time, the effect of ions on skin receptors changes tactile and pain sensitivity, accelerates hair growth. Due to this, the air ionizer helps people suffering from hair loss and baldness. Ionization through the effects on the skin allows to treat skin diseases: acne, psoriasis, eczema.

By acting on the skin receptors, aeroions reflexively change the tone of the central nervous system and affect metabolism.

These factors relate to external electrical exchange.

Internal electrical exchange occurs in the lungs: ions partially settle on the walls of the upper respiratory tract, in the bronchi and trachea, but 80% penetrate inside. Internal exposure increases lung gas exchange, affects the tone of the central nervous system, cleanses the body, reducing the manifestations of allergies.

Air ionization is used as an alternative to drugs. in the treatment of hypertension, asthma, diseases of the nervous system and circulatory disorders.

Summarize what benefits the air ionizer health benefits:

1. Activates and enhances the protective functions of the body.

2. Increases appetite.

3. Normalizes the cardiovascular system.

4. Eliminates insomnia, improves sleep quality.

5. Reduces fatigue.

6. Prolongs youthful skin.

7. Prevention of respiratory diseases.

8. Increases the body's resistance to infections and harmful environmental factors.

9. Reduces allergic manifestations.

10. Interferes with influence of radiation from electric devices.

Ionizer is extremely useful for kids, elderly people and people with poor healthwho suffer from problems with the respiratory system.

Air ionization is important for everyone, without exception, during the flu and cold periods, for people sitting at a computer for three to five hours daily or staying twelve hours a day in a room with working electrical appliances.

Air ionizer: what is the harm to health?

If we look in detail at the work of the ionizer, it can be noted that it is far from useful in all cases.

1. Dust and bacteria.

The negative moment of the operation of the air ionizer is that in addition to oxygen it charges particles of dust and microflora in the room. Microorganisms and dust, charging, scatter on all surfaces of the room and in particular on the ionizer itself.

After ionization, a wet cleaning of the room is the settled dirt can become a source of diseases.

If, when ionizing a room with dusty air, there are people inside, unwanted pollution will settle on them.

The same principle works while in the environment of the premises of viruses. If in the room there is a person suffering from an infection transmitted by airborne droplets, when you turn on the air ionizer, the risk of infection of the infection of others increases three to five times.

If the appliance does not fulfill the additional role of a dust collector (built-in electrostatic precipitator in some models), it is recommended not to include it in the presence of people, otherwise the air ionizer will cause harm.

2. Oncological diseases.

For people with cancer, using an ionizer Absolutely forbidden. The reason lies in the principle of work: aero ions increase metabolism, which leads to improved nutrition of the body tissues. If there are malignant tumor cells in the body, their nutrition will also be accelerated.That will lead to undesirable consequences.

3. Increased temperature.

Ionizer increases metabolism, which further increases body temperature.

4. Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to ionized air.

5. Breast children.

For children under the age of one year, the ionizer do not use due to unformed immunity and the risk of catching a viral infection.

6. Bronchial asthma at the acute stage.

7. The postoperative period.

It is highly undesirable to use an ionizer due to the risk of infection.

8. Acute violation of cerebral circulation.

9. Diseases of the central nervous system.

10. The acute phase of pneumonia or emphysema.

11. The acute phase of rheumatoid arthritis.

Air ionizer: useful or harmful

The effects of air ionizers on the body can be considered both harmful and beneficial.

  • When you turn on the device, some people have negative moments in the form of dizziness, headaches or severe sleepiness. These states are natural, if after a long stay in the city, you go to relax on the nature - the feeling will not be different.

  • Ion starvation is accompanied by urban residents due to the ecology and the workload of life with electrical appliances. Children and people with reduced immunity feel this acutely.

  • Headaches, poor health, fatigue and frequent catarrhal diseases are the first signs of acute ionic starvation, which will be dealt with by an air ionizer. It will fill the room with a concentration of ions that occurs in forests and mountainous areas.

  • Ionizer is indispensable for improving the quality of everyday life.

  • A frequent argument about the dangers of an air ionizer is a possible overdose of the body by ionization. Such assumptions are not reasonable, since the ability of blood to absorb oxygen is not unlimited. Hemoglobin molecules that supply oxygen to the cells absorb a fixed amount of oxygen. Ions that are not absorbed by the blood, freely displayed outside.

  • The benefits of using air ionizers while observing the rules outweigh possible negative consequences.

  • The study of ionizers has been conducted for forty years, during which time the harmful effects of ionizers on humans could not be found, but a positive one is obvious.

  • The benefit to the body of the air ionizer is that ionization accelerates the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, angina, hypertension, rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and bronchitis.

  • The air containing air ions accelerates the healing of burns.

  • Air ionization reduces physical and mental fatigue, strengthens the immune system, has a calming effect on the body, normalizing sleep.


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