Why the lymph nodes are inflamed behind the ears: causes and diagnosis. Methods for the treatment and prevention of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears


The human body is constantly in close contact with millions of disease-causing organisms.

But thanks to protective abilities the body has the ability to recognize enemy agents and prevent the development of pathologies.

The protection mechanism, thoroughly elaborated by nature, has a rather complex structure, of which the lymphatic system is an integral part.

Lymph nodes, which number up to 1000 units, play the role of a natural barrier and prevent the spread of infections throughout the body.

However, there are situations where immune system fails and lymph nodes do not cope with the task, and they themselves are attacked by pathogens, which leads to their inflammation.

Quite often there is inflammation of the lymph nodes located behind the ear.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear

The lymphatic system consists of a complex plexus of capillaries, vessels and nodes designed to transport lymphatic fluid, saturated with metabolic products of cells, toxins and leukocyte residues, other cellular structures and microorganisms.

Lymph, falling into the nodes, is actually cleared, as these formations perform the task of the filter. Lymphocytes and reticular cells located in the lymph nodes are able to recognize, capture and destroy foreign agents. Lymphatic fluid, before it enters the venous blood, undergoes several stages of purification, passing through various nodes. In addition, lymph nodes are directly involved in the synthesis of lymphocytes - cell guardable to fight off various infections.

Since the lymphatic system is closely connected with the circulatory system, the majority of lymph nodes are located along the veins.

About the lymph nodes is located ear posterior veincollecting blood vessels located on the temporal and parietal areas.

Normally, the lymph nodes behind the ear are not palpable and are not visualized, as they have microscopic dimensions and a soft consistency.

Inflammatory process in lymph nodes occurs when various pathogens and toxins penetrate into them against a background of weakened immunity or damage to the structure of the lymph node.

Inflammation is accompanied by an increase in size and a change in the structure of the lymph nodes. Because of this, they are palpated during palpation, and with a strong increase visible and visually.

Causes of local inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear

If, during the inflammatory process in the lymph node behind the ear, pus formation is not observed, accompanied by soreness, local lymphadenopathy is diagnosed. This condition confirms the introduction of infectious particles into the lymph node, to which the lymphatic system has reacted. Local inflammation is most often associated with ENT diseases.

Provocative factors associated with local inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear become

1. Ear diseases in the form of:

• chronic or acute otitis media;

• Eustachitis;

• fur of the outer ear;

• neuritis.

2. Pathology of the nasopharynx type:

• rhinitis;

• pharyngitis;

• tonsillitis;

• pharyngeal abscess;

• flux or caries.

3. Specific infectious diseases in the form:

• pigs;

• measles;

• scarlet fever.

With local lymphadenopathy, confirmed by infectious pathologies of the ear or nasopharynx, lymph nodes behind the ear:

• have a soft elastic consistency;

• do not merge between themselves and other tissues;

• mobile and painless.

The lymph node may increase in one ear with a unilateral arrangement of the main pathology. Systemic and chronic illnesses can provoke bilateral inflammation of the lymph nodes.

The size of the enlarged node can reach 3 cm. However, the dimensions in each case are individual, which is explained by the age and personal characteristics of the patient, as well as the activity of the infectious process.

The most common cause of an increase in the lymph node behind the ear becomes otitis or ARVI. With timely treatment of the underlying disease, the size of the inflamed lymph node behind the ear returns to normal.

Causes of purulent inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear

If suppuration occurs with symptomatology of infection in the form of painful sensations, local redness of the skin, increased body temperature, headaches, lymphadenitis is diagnosed.

There is purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes. behind the ear as a result of its damage by opportunistic bacteria, intracellular parasites or anaerobes:

• staphylococcus;

• Clostridia;

• streptococcus;

• E. coli;

• Mycobacterium tuberculosis;

• Francisella (causative agent of tularemia);

• pale treponema (causative agent of syphilis);

• aspergillosis;

• chlamydia.

Isolated lymphadenitis may appear:

• as a result of cat scratches located on the head on the parietal or temporal part;

• under the influence of syphilis;

• for wounds, abrasions, boils, infected with scratching on the head;

• due to actinomycosis of the scalp;

• due to external or average otitis;

• with tuberculosis;

• with mastoiditis;

• with lymphogranulomatosis;

• with tularemia;

• due to metastasis of various tumors;

• with tick-borne encephalitis (with a bite in the temporal or parietal part).

A more common cause of purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear systemic lesions of the lymphatic system become:

• as a result of rubella;

• due to adenovirus infection;

• during measles;

• under the influence of lymphoma;

• for HIV infection;

• as a result of infectious mononucleosis.

In patients with purulent inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear symptoms in the form of:

1. Swollen lymph node. The accumulation of inflamed lymph in a confined cavity leads to a stretching of the capsule with an inevitable increase in the size of the lymph node.

2. Hyperemia. As a result of the inflammatory process, the blood vessels in the affected area widen significantly, leading to stagnation of arterial blood. At the same time on the skin above the inflamed lymph node redness is observed.

3. Local temperature rises. With an active cellular process, which is accompanied by increased blood flow, there is a sensation of heat and a local increase in skin temperature.

4. Pain sensation. As a result of puffiness, the nerve receptors are squeezed, which react with painful signals. Their sensitivity is greatly increased under the influence of active substances released by the cells that break down during the pathology.

Purulent inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear - quite dangerous pathology. First of all, with this ailment there is a risk of abscess and damage to nearby tissues. Since the behind-the-ear lymph node is located on the head, the risks of brain damage are doubled. In addition, active pathogenic infections that affect the lymph node, can spread with the flow of lymph and affect distant organs and systems.

Therefore, treatment of a purulent inflammatory process in the lymph node behind the ear must begin immediately and only under medical supervision.

Enlarged lymph node behind the ear: diagnosis

Regardless of the cause of the inflammatory process in the lymph node behind the ear, self-treatment is strictly prohibited. Given that such a pathology may be serious, and sometimes life-threatening diseases, it is necessary to find out the real origin of the pathology.

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will conduct an external examination of the enlarged node behind the ear. With the help of careful palpation determine the size and consistency of education, as well as the presence of pain.

To determine the source of the pathology, the doctor examines and probes the lacrimal glands, tonsils and thyroid gland.

Sure to blood tests are scheduledthat help confirm and determine the degree of complexity of the inflammatory process in the body.

If the initial treatment does not produce results or the test results show serious abnormalities, you may need to additional examinations in the form of:

• computer or magnetic resonance imaging;

• X-ray or ultrasound examination;

• lymphoscintigraphy;

• lymphography.

To exclude cancer pathologies, puncture the lymph node. The resulting biological material is sent for extended histological examination.

Inflamed lymph node behind ear: treatment

Due to the fact that the lymph node behind the ear is inflamed under the influence of other infectious diseases, the treatment is primarily aimed at eliminating the precipitating factors.

In case of catarrhal diseases and ear pathologies, it is enough to cure the main ailment to restore the lymph node. After recovery, the lymph node returns to its standard size within a couple of weeks. Therefore, in such cases, the treatment is carried out using methods of treatment of colds infections.

Only a doctor can prescribe a suitable course of therapy, based on the results of a preliminary examination.

To destroy a bacterial infection that provoked acute inflammation of the lymph nodes, antibiotics are prescribed, which have a wide spectrum of action. Most often resort to the use of antibacterial drugs cephalosporin, sulfanilamide group.

For viral or fungal infections use of antibiotics is inappropriate.

To restore immune abilities and activating the forces of the body, doctors recommend taking:

• antihistamine drugs that reduce inflammatory reactions;

• immunomodulators, normalizing immune abilities;

• vitamin complexes that promote the activation of immune cells.

Also, for inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear, local physiotherapy procedures are resorted to:

electrophoresis using proteolytic enzymes that prevent the lymph node from merging with other tissues;

UHFto reduce inflammation;

laser therapyto help restore blood flow.

Attention! When inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear, any procedure of a warming nature is prohibited.

With purulent inflammation of the lymph node resorted to surgical opening of the pathological formation. After removal of pus and destroyed tissues, antiseptic treatment and loose suturing of the incision are performed.

Surgical intervention is required for long-lasting painful inflammation of the lymph node and in the absence of results of conservative treatment.

Lymph node behind ear: prevention of inflammation

With the wrong treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears, as well as ignoring even seemingly seemingly not dangerous colds, it is likely that the infection will spread throughout the body and more serious pathologies will appear. Therefore, it is important to take effective steps to prevent inflammation in the lymph nodes.

For preventive purposes it is necessary:

1. Regularly undergo preventive examinations at the dentist, otolaryngologist, therapist. This will allow timely identification of sluggish infectious processes in organisms.

2. Timely treat chronic and acute infectious diseases. Do not neglect the recommendations of physicians and do not self-medicate.

3. If you get injuries or scratches in the head area, treat them thoroughly with antiseptic agents to avoid infection.

4. During colds to comply with bed rest and not to carry the disease on his feet.

5. Strengthen immunity by hardening, exercise, nutrition.

With the help of simple and affordable preventive measures, you can actually prevent the inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes behind the ears and avoid serious complications such as the further spread of pathogens throughout the weakened body.


Watch the video: Neck Mass: Swollen Lymph Node (July 2024).