Norwegian TV viewers watched burning logs for 12 hours


The well-known assertion that fire can be contemplated endlessly has been proved once again. Norway’s state-owned broadcaster, NRK, on ​​Friday night showed how the logs were burning in the fireplace. In addition, the fire on the TV screens burned for a long time - as much as 12 hours. The first part of the program was devoted to the question of how to rationally and correctly light a fire and what kind of firewood should be used. Viewers saw only this on the screen, well, even an employee of the television company, from time to time putting firewood into the fire.

The complete lack of dynamics in the program of viewers did not bother, on the contrary, the reviews were the most positive. Many viewers agreed with the statement of psychologists that people feel peaceful, looking at the burning fire and hearing the noise of crackling logs.

The popularity of the program can be blamed on the national mentality. However, the point is not even in the harsh climate of the northern kingdom, where it is cold, so fire is of no small importance in human life. Norwegian phlegmatic people are by nature and do not like surprises and bad events. Moreover, as the program showed, not only in life, but also on the TV.

It is known that the rights to the idea have already been bought by the popular British television company BBC. So very soon the fire burning in the fireplace will calm the representatives of foggy Albion.


Watch the video: Fireplace 10 hours full HD (June 2024).