October 2017 lunar haircut calendar: favorable and unfavorable days for haircuts, curls and hair dyes


Caring for your hair in October, you need to pay attention to the recommendations of the lunar calendar of haircuts.

This will help get rid of negative feelings, strengthen health, restore shine and beauty to curls.

You can plan haircuts and various beauty treatments on the growing moon.

During this period, the hair, together with the whole body, absorbs cosmic energy, strength, and therefore responds well to care.

In October, the Moon grows from the 1st to the 4th, from the 20th to the 31st. The full moon begins on October 5, the new moon - on the 19th. On such days, you should be careful not only about the procedures associated with the hair, but also generally monitor your health.

Melting of the lunar disk is observed from October 6 to 18. A good time for cutting to strengthen the roots and structure of tired, brittle strands.

October 2017 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

Perm is always the greatest stress for hair. If the components and the exposure time are chosen incorrectly, then instead of a luxurious wave or tight curls, you can get dead strands deprived of life and health.

It is very good to make up a wave for the days of the zodiac Virgo. During this period, the risk of burning, spoiling the curls is minimal, and the degree of curling will turn out exactly as it was planned by the client and the master. The moon is visiting Virgo on the sixteenth and seventeenth of October. Khimki will be successful and last long on the hair.

To curl on the 13th, 14th and 15th of October, stars are advised only to owners of thick, heavy, naughty strands. These days, the moon visits the house of Leo. This zodiac gives curls a natural undulation. If the hair is light, porous, curl from nature, then on the lunar lunar day it is better not to subject them to a perm: it will turn out to be too tight a curl.

Do not make permanent permanent waving on such days:

• 1st, 28th (Aquarius);

• 11th, 12th (Cancer);

• 20th, 21st, 22nd (Scorpio).

These zodiacs are unfavorable for the procedure. Hair after it will deteriorate, and the result is unlikely to please.

October 2017 haircut lunar calendar - hair coloring

Moon growth is favorable for the procedure for changing the tone and color of the hair. Therefore, feel free to conduct home or salon staining in the first four days of October, and then from the 20th to the 31st. The color will be saturated, it will not be an unpleasant surprise, it sweeps for a long time.

With the help of correctly selected pigment and tips of stars, you can attract positive energy in yourself.

For hair coloring, these days are good:

• 2nd, 31st: will send you cash flows;

• 4th: slightly changing the shade of curls, you can attract success;

• 5th: dark paint will hide from enemies and troubles;

• 7th: reddish and light shades will help to overcome disagreement between relatives and colleagues;

• 8th: in order to win success and happiness, it is worth returning to the color of hair that was on the hair in the brightest period of life;

• 9th: natural paint will strengthen business ties;

• 11th: if you need useful connections and acquaintances, repaint yourself in a light color;

• 12th: a return to natural color will increase well-being;

• 15th: the dark tones of the dyes will help establish business understanding with the boss or find a new job;

• 18th: a radical change in color will enhance health and raise money;

• 22nd: natural beauty will affect the growth of working capacity, improvement of well-being;

• 24th: natural dyes enhance business qualities;

• 28th: ​​Natural color helps to clear all negative.

On the thirteenth lunar day (October 3rd) should refrain from staining. The negative background of this day can paradoxically affect the result of staining.

Staining should be transferred from the 10th, 16th, 20th and 25th of October to another day. A change in hair color is fraught with negative events, unstable mental state, conflicts at home or in a team.

October 2017 lunar haircut calendar - favorable haircut days

You need to freshen up the tips or do short haircuts on the days of combining the Moon with the houses of Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and Gemini:

• seventh, eighth (Taurus);

• ninth, tenth (Gemini);

• sixteenth, seventeenth (Virgo);

• 25th, 26th, 27th (Capricorn).

Hair will become thicker, stronger, will cease to be cut, and the hairstyle will be perfect. To strengthen the roots, you should schedule a haircut on the 13th, 14th or 15th of October. During this period, the moon swims through the starry house of Leo.

To win positive, to avoid conflicts and troubles, you need to use the advice of stars on planning haircuts:

• 2nd, 22nd, 31st: promises additional profit;

• 3rd: improve health, help solve the problem with finances, sharpen intuition;

• 7th: can radically change the life situation, achieve long-awaited success. If life suits completely, you should refuse to visit the salon;

• 10th, 15th: improves mood, attracts positive energy;

• 11th: improve health;

• 12th: increase authority, strengthen health;

• 18th: gives charisma, enhances natural charm;

• 21st will renew the body;

• 24th: good for creative natures;

• 25th: accelerate healing;

• 26th: sharpen intuitive understanding of what is happening.

Tip: brush your hair with a comb made of natural materials (wood, bristles) twice a day. This will improve the health of the scalp and hair structure, prevent split ends.

October 2017 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

The full moon (October 5th) is better not to get a haircut. The tips will begin to split, the hair thinning. Unforeseen health problems may occur.

Negative consequences after visiting a hairdresser threaten to appear on such days:

• 4th: can trigger the development of depression;

• 5th, 9th, 29th: worsen the state of health;

• 13th, 14th: will bring disharmony in relations with colleagues and relatives;

• 16th, 17th: will worsen psychological health;

• 23rd: it is unlikely that the haircut will turn out successful.

The haircut threatens the adverse effects during the waning moon, from October 6 to 18. At this moment, the immune system is weakened, so the body does not need the additional energy loss associated with cutting the ends of the hair.

October 2017 lunar haircut calendar - conclusion

The moon helps to care for hair, choose the best days for various manipulations with curls. Given the advice of the lunar calendar of haircuts, you can get rid of many problems associated with hair growth, and at the same time attract positive energy to your side.


Watch the video: How to Read the Lunar Hair Chart. Tutorial (June 2024).