How to make a lily out of paper with your own hands: three different ways (with photo). She is so beautiful - a paper lily with her own hands!


The paper folding technique appeared in our country from Japan.

This art was invented by monks who, with the advent of paper, began to send messages to the gods through such folded pieces of paper.

It was believed that this method is the most faithful and fast.

Then (over the centuries) paper fell in price and became easily accessible to all people.

Origami relatively recently appeared in Russia, but here she found her enthusiastic followers.

The most popular flower of all paper crafts is lily.

She is amazing in her beauty, simplicity of form and ease of assembly from paper..

In nature, lily comes in different colors: white, yellow, pink and red. For different peoples, it is a symbol of purity and innocence.

You can give a lily made of paper with your own hands, for example, to a birthday girl and it will delight her for a long time.

The first simple do-it-yourself paper lily model

Collecting a lily from paper is not at all difficult. It belongs to the classical types of origami and can be assembled by any person without special skills. In addition, the lily is a very beautiful flower that can delight with its presence on the table in the winter, if you try and do this master class with your own hands.

The sheet folding method is carried out according to the following scheme:

A sheet of paper is placed on the table. It is better if it is not white, but some color with a nice delicate shade. Next, sheet A4 is folded so that a square is obtained. Excess is cut and cleaned. The resulting square must be folded several times (Fig. 1, Fig. 2). The lower edges of the form fold to the middle and straighten back (Fig. 3). The upper sharp corner bends to the lower one and unbends (Fig. 4). In all places of the bends, marking lines for subsequent assembly were obtained.

Now the petal is going. One of the lower corners is turned up (Fig. 5). The same manipulation is repeated with the remaining three corners. The model is visually reduced in size. Further, the corners bend down from all sides (Fig. 6). On each of the four sides from the sides to the center folded leaflets (Fig. 7).

It is possible to form petals (Fig. 8). The model is rotated 180 degrees. Each edge bends and turns. Here you will need the help of a pencil, which is inserted to spread the petal in a 3D volume (Fig. 9). Caution, multiple folded paper can easily tear.

The resulting flower must be strung on the stem. As a stem, tightly curled paper is used.

And now you can make a whole bunch of lilies out of paper with your own hands. The scheme is already known and it will not be difficult. You can also experiment with the size of the original square of the leaf: unusually large lilies also look elegant and stylish.

The result was a wonderful bouquet that can be presented for any occasion for any reason.

The second model of a paper lily with do-it-yourself paper technique

This model of a water lily lily is a more complex technique of origami - twisting. First, the paper bends many times at the required angles and at the end it straightens once in the received lines.

First, a square piece of paper is placed on the table. You can use a regular napkin. The transparency and weightlessness of this paper will give the future flower more realism. Visually or in pencil, the sheet is divided into four equal parts (Fig. 1). Another square fits in the center of the square sheet (Fig. 2). All corners alternately fold to the center (Fig. 3). The folds are “ironed” (Fig. 4). The sheet is completely expanded (Fig. 5). Then again the corners are bent to the center (Fig. 6). Now, on each of the four sides, the top layer of paper stretches upward (Fig. 7). Pull is required slowly. The first petal is formed. And then the other three petals are pulled out. After which the model flips the leaf down (Fig. 8). All corners are bent outward. The model flips again. All four central corners slowly bend in different directions and the lily takes on its natural shape.

The result was a very beautiful and delicate lily shape made of paper with your own hands, which you want to put on a piece of paper. To do this, a sheet of green paper is taken and cut out according to the approximate natural shape of a sheet of water lily. After which the flower itself is placed on top. The resulting composition can be tested for floating properties in the bathroom.

DIY paper lily from modules

This is the most difficult technique in origami. The model is assembled from modules: small folded pieces of paper that are firmly inserted into each other. Thus, a large three-dimensional model is built.

Such a figure consists of rectangular leaflets-modules, not square ones, as was the case with the lilies described earlier.

An A4 sheet of paper is taken and divided into 16 small rectangles (53.5 / 74 mm.). It will take 30 small rectangles. Then they are bent into future modules exactly according to the scheme.

As you can see in the figure, the module has two pockets and a pair of corners. All known modules are inserted into each other by the same method.

First, a series of ten modules is assembled. A row is closed in a ring. Further, the remaining modules are connected in a checkerboard pattern, as in the figure.

And finally, a stem is inserted into the flower. The stalk can be prepared from thinly curled paper. You can use a thin wire wrapped in the same paper.

All known techniques for assembling paper lilies with their own hands are studied.

There are few methods. And, besides, it is especially pleasant to spend the weekend with children or in a warm friendly company a new unusual creative process.


Watch the video: DIY paper Water Lily How to make Water Lily With Paper (June 2024).