Varieties of highlighting at home - it can be different! Highlighting at home: a photo and step-by-step instructions for staining


Representatives of the fair sex, who want to change something in themselves, without radically changing the color of their hair, choose highlighting.

Highlighted strands allow you to look stylish and spectacular.

Until recently, highlighting at home remained a difficult and tedious procedure.

However, the appearance on the market of special kits for original staining made it available for every woman.

Highlighting at home: to do or not to do?

Highlighting, as an option to change the shade of curls, remains relevant for more than one season. A popular hairdressing manipulation is considered one of the safest hair for health. The fact is that not all hair is clarified, but only individual locks. For girls who decided to do highlighting, experts recommend weighing the pros and cons of this procedure.

So, among the shortcomings of highlighting, the following should be highlighted:

• clarified locks of hair become brittle and dry;

• hair loss is possible;

• difficulties with growing long curls.

But highlighting still remains an excellent alternative to staining.

Among its advantages are the following:

• allows you to look creative and younger;

• remarkably masks the gray hair that has appeared;

• suitable for any haircuts;

• used for all color types of women;

• perfectly shades the skin of the face, making its relief smooth and even;

• visually increases the volume, and also gives additional shine.

Highlighting at home: photos and features

Consider the types of highlighting and their features.

1. Partial (zonal) highlighting is suitable for women with dark blond and dark hair. A beautiful contrast of light locks and basic hair color is obtained by dyeing only the top locks of hair. The lower layer of hair can remain natural or dyed with a gentle dye.

2. Classical (traditional) highlighting involves coloring the hair along the entire length. Proper toning allows you to achieve a softening of the contrast between dyed hair and natural hair color.

3. Reverse highlighting is done on light curls. Strands of hair are dyed dark. This type of procedure makes it possible to gradually and painlessly return to the native hair color.

4. Delicate (gentle) highlighting is the clarification of individual strands of only 2-3 tones. Ammonia-free paint is used, which contains moisturizing component.

This type of highlighting, in turn, is divided into the following:

• majimesh;

• hut;

• shatush;

• crazy colors;

• blonding;

• multitonal.

Highlighting on fair hair, or as it is also called majimesh, allows you to give your hair an incredibly beautiful honey or wheaten tint. Balayazh is done on short hair. The technique involves lightening only the ends of the hair. Shatush is a chaotic coloring of ringlets. The procedure is carried out outdoors. The strands smoothly pass from light ends to dark roots.

Crazy colors - this is dyeing strands in bright colors. For this highlighting, a special gel is used. It is almost completely washed off, as a rule, after 6 hair washes. Thanks to blonding, you can achieve the most natural shade of hair. The overflow of colors is created using golden brown inks and light blonde shades. Multitone highlighting of hair is a combination of several pastel or bright colors. Glare of shades and the effect of overflowing colors look simply gorgeous.

Highlighting at home: the sequence of actions

The most affordable for conducting at home is the classic highlighting. Today we consider three popular techniques for performing the procedure:

• using a special hat;

• using foil;

• California highlighting.

Highlighting with a special hat

Highlighting through a cap is very popular among owners of short hair, the length of which is no more than 15 cm. For the procedure, you will need:

• composition for bleaching curls. (As a rule, this is a clarifying powder and an oxidizing agent. For dark hair, the percentage of oxidizing agent should be 12%, for fair hair - 8%, for weakened thin curls - 4%);

• gloves;

• a special hat with small holes. You can use a plastic shower cap or even a regular plastic bag in which to pre-cut holes in a checkerboard pattern;

• brush for convenient application of the coloring composition;

• non-metallic paint container;

• towel;

• a plastic comb with a sharp tip.

In order not to get dirty during the procedure, throw a towel over your shoulders. Then put a hat on your head and pull the strands of feathers into the holes with the tip of the comb. The effect of light highlighting can be obtained if you use every fourth hole in the cap, the middle - every second hole. Intense highlighting will turn out if you use all the holes.

In a non-metallic dish, prepare a coloring mixture. The mass prepared according to the instructions is applied to curls. We use a brush for this. If you want to achieve easy lightening of the hair, then the paint should be kept on the hair for about 15 minutes. A more pronounced staining can be achieved if you keep the mixture for at least 40 minutes.

After time, without removing the caps, rinse the dyed hair with warm water. Now you can wash your hair with shampoo and a nourishing conditioner or mask. Dry your hair and enjoy the result.

Highlighting at home using foil

To highlight this technique you will need:

• foil for coloring or food-grade aluminum foil;

• paint;

• brush or brush;

• crabs or hair clips;

• a comb with a long handle and a comb for separating strands;

• gloves;

• container for the preparation of the coloring mixture;

• towel.

Cover your shoulders with a towel. Cut the foil into strips. Their length should exceed the length of your curls by 2 cm. To prevent the bleaching mixture from leaking onto neighboring hair, the edge of each piece of foil should be turned inward by 1 cm.

The coloring composition is prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Next, the hair should be divided into zones, each of which should be fixed with a crab or a hair clip. Now use the tip of a comb to separate a small strand. Place foil under it. Lubricate the strand with paint and fold the foil in half.

Step back up about 3 cm and proceed to staining the next strand. Repeat manipulations throughout the head. Keep the coloring composition for about 30 minutes. Then each strand should be deployed and rinsed with water. Wash your hair with a shampoo and a nourishing mask. Allow the curls to dry naturally.

California highlighting

California highlighting is performed without the use of foil. This technique allows you to achieve the ombre effect, that is, a soft gradient of selected shades.

This type of staining is more labor intensive than those described above. The difficulty is that for California highlighting, you should use not one color of paint, but three to five colors. Staining will look better if the colors are similar in tone.

First, you should divide the hair into horizontal partings. You should get strands about 2 cm wide. In a plastic or glass container, mix the oxidizing agent and powder in a 1: 1 ratio. To prevent the ink mixture from spreading, you can use a special thickener.

Using a brush, vertically apply paint. The gradient is created precisely due to the lack of foil. Clarifier is applied 5 cm from the hair roots. After 15 minutes, it can be applied again, departing from the roots of 10 cm.

After 30 minutes, wash my hair with shampoo and hair conditioner. Hair styling. It should be noted that for California staining it is recommended to choose a professional paint that does not contain ammonia.

Highlighting at home: professional advice

So that the new image does not disappoint you, and the hair does not become dull and brittle, you need to follow the advice of experts:

• highlighting on absolutely healthy hair is best done;

• after using henna, it will not work to lighten the hair, so you will have to abstain from its use;

• trim the tips only after staining;

• after the procedure, try to use the hairdryer and ironing as little as possible;

• if highlighting did not give the expected result and you did not like the new style, then the hair can be tinted;

• Additional shine and elasticity after dyeing will help to give special gel fluids and serums designed specifically for hair care after highlighting at home.

Also, experts note that, choosing a natural shade of hair, you will always look great. Shades such as caramel, coffee, mocha, cinnamon remain fashionable always. The hair color will look as natural as possible if you select it based on the native hair color (no more than 3 tones lighter) and the shade of the eyes and skin (only 2 tones lighter).

No need to be afraid to experiment. Using our tips, you can always change your image. Highlighting at home is a wonderful opportunity to independently update a boring image, to please yourself and surprise others.


Watch the video: DIY HIGHLIGHTS USING CAP Revlon Frost & Glow Highlighting Kit (July 2024).