How to get rid of alcoholism? We are looking for the most effective way to get rid of alcoholism on our own


If you do not know how to get rid of alcoholism - no problem.

Read, evaluate the sober-up situation, and you will surely find "your" way to get rid of alcoholism.

The perniciousness of alcohol was expressed by many famous scientists and philosophers, starting from the most ancient times. For example, Plutarch claimed that "wine can damage any, even the strongest body," and Abul al-Faraj said that "drunkenness is the mother of all vices."

Centuries have passed, but the problem has not gone away. Is there a sure way to help get rid of alcoholism once and for all? Let's find out.

Alcoholism: causes

Alcoholism is a serious disease that, like other pathologies, has its own causes. Improve your mood, diversify a sluggish life, get rid of shocks, self-doubt, feelings of loneliness, or just boredom: you can find a lot of motives that guide people when applying to a glass.

Conventionally, all causes can be divided into three large groups: physiological, psychological, socially adaptive. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Physiological. Alcoholism is, first of all, a disease that can be caused by a number of physiological reasons: previous illnesses, metabolic characteristics, psychiatric disorders, brain diseases and injuries.

Of course, alcoholism can have more "deeper" root causes. In particular, a genetic predisposition. According to statistics, addiction in children of alcoholic parents is five times higher than in non-drinkers. However, it is worthwhile to understand that physiological causes are only a background for the development of alcohol dependence. To know for sure how to get rid of alcoholism, you need to disclose all the factors that affect a person’s condition.

Psychological. This group of reasons depends on the upbringing of a person, his self-esteem, character, as well as his ability to adapt in the modern world.

Loneliness, the impossibility of self-realization, a large number of complexes, obsessive fears, shyness: all this can become a serious argument to begin to abuse alcohol. Drinking often acts as a psychotropic means by which a person can relax, improve mood.

Alcohol is always available, unlike tablets, and therefore many people prefer this "proven method", completely neglecting visits to a specialist.

Socially adaptive. It is the social causes of alcoholism that are most common in modern society. Looking into history, we notice a huge layer of traditions, one way or another, associated with the use of alcohol.

A drink in honor of the birthday, topple the glass "for health", to remember the deceased relative ... Not a single feast can do without a good portion of alcohol. In addition, a person often begins to drink, not because an irresistible desire arises, but because the influence of others is too great. It’s hard to resist when colleagues, friends, classmates or relatives offer a drink, right?

Types of Alcoholism

Before you get rid of alcoholism, you should study in detail not only the causes of its occurrence, but also understand what type of disease you are dealing with. Only after that it is possible to choose the optimal solution to the problem. There are 3 main types: chronic, drunken, secret.

Chronic. During it, alcoholic beverages are consumed regularly. Often they can be an integral part of a ritual: the end of a working day or meeting with a friend. On the one hand, such actions seem completely harmless, but with chronic alcoholism, the body already shows serious changes:

• loss of self-control;

• the presence of a hangover syndrome and alcoholic psychosis;

• general vulnerability of the body.

Getting rid of such alcoholism should begin with the destruction of the usual "rituals", and only then prescribe medication or other treatment.

Drunken. This type of alcoholism is characteristic of people who, for whatever reason, cannot regularly drink alcohol. However, with the slightest psychological destabilization, they go into a binge for several days, and often months. After the exit and the rehabilitation period, everything is repeated in a circle.

This alcoholism is the most dangerous for the human body: the vulnerability to alcohol is too great. Before treatment, experts recommend finding a “button” that provokes a person to take alcohol.

Secret. It is extremely difficult to get rid of secret alcoholism. It can be both chronic and drunken. However, its distinguishing feature is the fact that the patient shelters his disease.

Most often, victims of secret alcoholism are women and wealthy people who consider their addiction to be shameful and try to hide it in every possible way. But all the secret quickly manifests itself: alcohol leaves its mark on the appearance, behavior, as well as the general condition of the body.

How to get rid of alcoholism: drugs and treatment in a hospital

There are many drugs that can easily relieve the patient of alcoholism for a relatively long period of time. But not forever. Modern tablets are usually divided into several groups:

• causing hostility to alcohol ("Teturam" and "Torpedo");

• reducing the desire to drink ("Metadoxil");

• relieving withdrawal symptoms;

• treating mental disorders caused by alcohol;

• reducing the harmful effects of alcohol on the body.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, additional troubles cannot be avoided.

Alas, today there is no single remedy that would help once and for all get rid of alcoholism. We need a comprehensive technique, which consists of several stages.

1. Relief of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. This is done with the help of special medications that have a detoxifying effect on the body, normalizing the work of internal organs.

2. At the second stage, the main goal of treatment in a hospital is to eliminate craving for alcohol. Experts apply a number of psychotherapeutic techniques aimed at enhancing the patient's motivation for a complete rejection of alcohol.

3. The next step is the consolidating result. As a rule, the doctor selects long-acting medications that prevent breakdowns. The patient remains under the supervision of a specialist for some time.

4. Finally, the most important step is resocialization. It is imperative that a person who is freed from addiction can easily adapt to a new life. It is extremely important to establish the right interaction with society. It is almost impossible to do without the support of relatives and relatives.

How to get rid of alcoholism: folk remedies

There are folk remedies that can temporarily cure addiction: cause an aversion to alcohol. All manipulations with herbal decoctions and other methods of treatment should be carried out only after prior consultation with a specialist.

Consider some of the most popular folk methods of getting rid of alcoholism.

Bay leaf. Familiar to all, "Lavrushka" can repel cravings for alcoholic beverages in a matter of days. One has only to put a root and a couple of sheets of laurel in a glass of vodka, insist for two weeks, and the patient’s desire to drink will disappear for a long time.

The apples. Apple treatment for alcoholism is extremely popular. Pick a sour variety, stick 6-7 nails in each apple, and leave for a day. On the day the patient should eat 3 of these apples.

Pumpkin seeds. A glass of seeds must be crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, and then pour vodka. Insist a day, and give the patient a drink in several approaches. Craving for alcohol will disappear for a while.

How to get rid of alcoholism: magic will help?

Many are not limited to traditional medicine, trying to get rid of alcoholism with the help of magic. Lapels, conspiracies, rituals: even our grandmothers actively used such specific, and, it is worth saying, quite radical methods.

It is believed that as a result of lapels and rituals in the patient’s body, cardinal changes for the better take place. Indeed, positive results are available in practice. But is this magic, or just self-hypnosis? One can only guess.

If you decide to fix the problem by such methods, be extremely careful: in the modern world there are a huge number of charlatans. Healers with some supernatural powers do not advertise their services, and even more so - do not take huge money for healing.

Official or traditional medicine, magic or the help of healers: no matter what method of cure for alcoholism you choose, remember that health is at stake. And this is the most precious thing that every person has. Weigh the pros and cons before embarking on a fight against the disease.


Watch the video: How I overcame alcoholism. Claudia Christian. TEDxLondonBusinessSchool (July 2024).