Is it possible to lactating mushrooms and how do they affect the body? Is it possible to nursing mushrooms and how they can be dangerous


Mushrooms are a delicious product that is difficult to digest by the stomach.

It is because of this that many mothers doubt whether it is possible to nursing mushrooms.

Will they bring benefits or become a serious danger to the health of the child?

Is it possible for nursing mushrooms: how they are absorbed and what are their benefits

Many nutritionists call mushrooms real forest meat. They contain a large amount of protein. In them, it is 2 times more than in eggs and 3 times more than in meat!

Mushrooms also contain a lot of phosphorus, even more than fish.

Despite its rich composition, forest delicacy is considered low-calorie. There are even special mushroom diets.

The product contains a substance such as beta-glucan. It is responsible for raising immunity. By the way, it is believed that thanks to this substance during the spring Lent people support their body.

Despite the benefits, mushrooms are considered one of the heaviest dishes. All contained vitamins, amino acids and substances are absorbed by the body extremely difficult. In order to imagine how difficult it is for the small intestine to pass mushrooms through itself, it is enough to imagine: the content of beta-glucans in mushrooms exceeds 60 microns, this is the maximum value that the intestines can miss. That is why after eating mushrooms, people still feel full for a long time.

Poor digestibility of mushrooms is also caused by chitin, which is contained in large quantities in the product. This substance the human body is not able to digest at all.

Is it possible to nursing mushrooms and what is their danger

Mushrooms - a product that is able to accumulate toxins and radioactive substances in its composition. This mainly applies to mushrooms that grow in the forest and for which mushroom pickers “hunt” in the fall. Even professionals who can easily distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible mushrooms endanger themselves and their relatives. It is impossible to determine the presence of poisons in mushrooms. You can get rid of them during heat treatment. At a temperature of 100 degrees, all toxins are destroyed, but with them, and most of the nutrients. As a result, even after cooking, mushrooms become useless food, which also heavily loads the stomach, cookies and intestines.

Because of these properties, mushrooms are contraindicated in children under 10 years old. Accordingly, it is not recommended to use them for nursing mothers. If the mushrooms contained toxins, they must penetrate into milk, and then into the body of the baby. This can even lead to poisoning, despite the fact that the baby did not eat the mushroom in its pure form.

In order to avoid this, do not pick mushrooms along the roads, as well as in unverified places. When choosing a product on store shelves, you should also be careful and purchase only trusted brands. Purchased mushrooms have their drawbacks - chemical additives are often used for their growth and long-term storage. This may not harm the mother’s body, but for the baby it can turn into a severe allergic reaction.

Mushrooms are also able to cause a baby to have gas, constipation, diarrhea, sleep disturbance, or even a complete refusal to feed. This will lead to stress in both the mother and the child. That is why it is not necessary to try to eat mushrooms in the first six months from the moment of birth.

It is also worth observing the rules for entering the product into the diet. First you should try a very small amount of mushrooms, literally half a tablespoon. In the next couple of days you do not need to eat them, and also introduce something new. If during this time the baby's well-being has not changed, you can safely enter a large portion of mushrooms.

Is it possible for nursing mushrooms: in what form is it better to eat

If a nursing mother wants to feast on mushrooms or the dish in which they enter, do not deny yourself this. Provided that she has no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, gall bladder and metabolism is not impaired.

It is better to purchase a product that is grown on plantations - oyster mushrooms and champignons. However, you should not collect them yourself or buy on the market "from grandmothers", as there is a high probability of acquiring a dangerous product.

Often, mothers ask themselves: is it possible to breastfeeding mushrooms and in what form? It’s worth mentioning right away that salted and pickled for the lactation period should be completely eliminated. In such mushrooms there are a lot of spices, vinegar, preservatives. These substances can not only cause an allergy or intestinal upset in the baby, but also seriously change the taste of milk, which will force the baby to completely abandon her breast.

It is allowed to eat fried, boiled or stewed mushrooms in small quantities. What kind of preference is the matter of every mother. There is no difference, however, you should be careful with fried foods. In itself, this method of processing food cannot be called useful. These three methods of cooking mushrooms equally deprive them of their beneficial properties, and after eating the product is equally long and hard digested by the stomach.

There is one condition that can somewhat facilitate the digestion of this food: mushrooms are finely chopped during cooking.

There is an opinion among doctors that if the mother did not deny herself a product during pregnancy, then during the period of feeding the baby will not have a response to this product. There is some truth in this, however, all children are individual. What does not cause concern in some may cause severe allergies or intestinal upset in others.

Is it possible to nursing mushrooms? As such, there is no strict prohibition on their use. However, you should not always include them in your diet, even if the baby does not react in any way to this. It is worth remembering that there is little benefit in mushrooms, but there is a lot of danger starting from the accumulation of toxic substances, pumping it through heavy processing of the gastrointestinal tract. You can occasionally indulge yourself with mushrooms and dishes in which they are contained. If, after the first intake of mushroom food, the baby begins to behave uneasily: it is naughty, tightens its legs (which indicates pain in the stomach), or it has redness and a rash, you need to stop eating the product for a while. It is quite possible to replace it with any other vegetables that will bring much more benefit to both mom and baby.


Watch the video: Psychedelics & Pregnancy - Part 1 (July 2024).