The meaning of the name Elena


Name Helena has Greek roots and translates as "radiant", "bright." It has long been loved in various sectors of the population, and until recently, it constantly competed with the name Natalya for first place in the list of most popular names. Today, the name Elena is no longer so successful, however, it remains very common.

Elena - character traits

Elena usually resembles her father, especially in character, adding to her the inherent emotionality and integrity. Lena is sometimes considered closed and shy, but a closer acquaintance with her opens her up as a person of cheerful, optimistic and possessing great fiction.

Elena seeks to choose a profession from the field of aesthetics and art. Thanks to her emotionality, talent and ability to communicate, she can achieve success as an actress, musician, artist.

Elena, as a rule, is a good mother and wife, capable of creating a calm atmosphere and comfort at home. However, cooking, cleaning and doing laundry is just a boring task.

Elena - name compatibility

It is believed that Elena’s most successful marriages are with Alexander, Andrey, Valery, Vladimir, Dmitry, Igor, Leo, Peter, Roman, Ruslan, Stanislav, Yuri. She should avoid relations with Anatoly, Mark, Stepan, Taras.

Elena - famous people who bore this name

Perhaps the most famous woman in the history of mankind that bore this name was the beautiful heroine of Greek mythology Elena Spartan (Troyan), because of which the Trojan War broke out.

An important role belonged to this name in the Christian world. First of all, it is associated with the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Elena of Constantinople, who became famous for her piety and charity. This name was very popular among the ancient Russian nobility: that was the name of the wife of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaropolk Vladimirovich; the wife of Prince of Moscow and Vladimir Ivan Kalita, as well as the wife of Vasily III, who, after his death, ruled the Grand Duchy of Moscow for several years.

The popularity of the name Elena among the Russian people can be judged by the fact that it was worn by the heroines of the most popular fairy tales - Elena the Wise, Elena the Beautiful, Alyonushka. Among modern popular creative people there are also many Helens: Obraztsova, Nightingale, Yakovlev, Proklov, Korikov, Vaeng, Safonov and others.

Elena - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Elena - Gemini;
- patron planet - Mercury;
- color mascot - blue-gray;
- totem animal - deer;
- totem plants - ash, aster;
- stone mascot - chalcedony;
- happy day - Wednesday;
- happy season is spring.


Alena 04/08/2016
Each person, most likely has his own idea of ​​Helen. It comes from the kind of Elena you met in life. But, I think that such a number of fairy-tale characters, and simply well-known Helen - can not be just like that. So, there is at least some truth behind this.

Sasha 04/08/2016
I know a few Helen. The statement that they do not like ordinary household chores is the true truth. Of course, they do all this, but they consider their life gloomy. This is if there is no outlet, like a hobby, or your favorite creative work.

Elena 04/08/2016
A lot of famous Helen. What is Elena the Beautiful, which even modern children know. It's nice, of course))) But, I do not like ordinary names, therefore, I always wanted to be called, no matter how anyone around. And Helena, as far as I know, actually had beautiful mothers.

Catherine 04/08/2016
I have a neighbor from childhood - Elena, became an artist. She was always like that: she loved beauty, she looked at the sky, she adored animals. Now he paints landscapes. Good name. But, indeed, it was too often repeated.

Good girl 04/08/2016
About Helen, it is probably difficult to write something detailed, concrete. After all, there were so many, more recently! Almost every second is Lena. Therefore, the characteristics by name are very abstract. I, somehow - Len is not very ...
