The meaning of the name Ulyana


Ulyana - a simplified form of the obsolete name Juliania, it comes from the ancient Roman name Julianus, which in Latin means "happy." In every note of this gorgeous name, a huge charge of optimism and vitality is heard. Today it is a very rare, beautiful and harmonious name.

In the Russian nameserver, Ulyana's analogues are such names as Julianna, Juliana, Juliania. The name Julia is also considered close in etymology, but anthroponymonists say that, despite the identical roots, the owners of two similar-sounding names have completely different characteristics.

In the 18th century, the name Ulyana was widespread among all classes, but was more common among peasant women. By the 20th century, its popularity fell to its lowest levels. It remains rare to this day.

Ulyana - character traits

Ulya grows up as a painful, withdrawn and indecisive child, she is afraid of everything, does not adapt well to the new team, so parents need to help the girl as much as possible to overcome fears and find a common language with other children.

Growing up, Ulyana becomes more sociable and more confident in herself, she is stubborn, hardworking and patience with all the difficulties in life, while maintaining enormous stamina and showing heroic optimism. In relations with people, he shows cleanliness and decency, loves children and finds an approach to each child.

Ulyana is a kind and sympathetic nature, does not accept the cruelty of the world, challenges him, fighting for justice, but often suffers because of this. She has a peculiar hobby: each trinket in her hands can turn into a work of art. Ulyana is a great needlewoman, she can sew toys, knit, weave various accessories, has a lively, vivid imagination.

Ulyana is an open, simple and trusting person. She believes people and often turns a blind eye to their shortcomings, trying to find an excuse for everyone, she will never condemn anyone, believing that she has no moral right to do so. For all its openness, some mystery, mystery, which so attracts and attracts people, including men, is traced in Ulyana.

Ulyana - name compatibility

Behind a curtain of simplicity and poise, the girl hides a deep passion that she reveals only to her beloved. Ulyana - a truly Russian woman, a real peasant; she proudly bears the burden of life, believing that the family is the main happiness of a woman. She is not jealous, but in case of betrayal of her husband, she will file for divorce. Perhaps this is the only reason that can destroy her marriage - Juliana adheres to strict moral principles.

Happy girl in marriage will be with Alexander, Igor, Andrey, Gabriel, Nikita, Taras, Julius and Fedor. Difficulties and misunderstanding can arise with Arseny, Arkady, Vadim and Rodion.

Ulyana - famous people with this name

U. Barkova is the hero of Socialist Labor (1906), U. Lopatkina is a ballerina, artist, U. Semenova is a Soviet basketball player, Juliania Tverskaya is the daughter of Prince Alexander Tversky, U. Babkin is a great craftswoman, U. Urvantseva is an actress, U. Kravchenko is a Ukrainian writer, Juliana Banze is an opera singer.

Ulyana - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac of the name - Scorpio, Leo;
- heavenly bodies-patrons - Venus, Mars, Jupiter;
- the number of the name is 5;
- favorable colors - red, orange, dense yellow;
- totem plants - lemon balm, maple;
- animal - snail;
- stone mascot - amber, labrador;
- The patron saints are Ulyana Martyr (name day on November 14), Juliania Vyazemskaya (January 3), I. Olshanskaya (October 11).


Elizabeth 04/11/2016
That's really - a truly Russian real woman !!! All-all traits, every moment of character, speaks of its purpose. Ulyans need to be the mistress of the house, give birth to children, take care of a loving husband. And no career ... Is this not a dream of every man ?!

Svetik 04/11/2016
Nothing to myself that I learned! I always thought that the name Ulyana came from Ulyanov))) Well, from the leader of the proletariat))) And then it turned out that ... I’m even a little ashamed, I belonged to the name ... uh, not very well. I do not like all kinds of leaders)))

Pava 04/11/2016
Of course, if everything is as it is, and the Ulyans are just such, even approximately - it is very difficult for them in life. In our time, and it has always been like this - you need to be able to achieve everything, perhaps - pull out with claws. And if you cannot ... life will not seem sweet.

Zlata 04/11/2016
I know exactly such Ulyana. It is simple to describe, and at the same time, difficult. It is really simple and open, there is absolutely no deceit in it, it will never collect gossip and denigrate a person. You can rely on her and trust her.

Dina 04/11/2016
Ulyana is a very rare name. I only once met Uliana in my life. From this meeting, only a positive impression remained. Correctly written - Ulyana is kind, open, and some kind of defenseless person.


Watch the video: How to pronounce Ulyana RussianRussia - (July 2024).