The meaning of the name Barbara


Word Barbara consonant with the meaning that characterizes this name. It came to us from the ancient Greek language. In those days, they called them a stranger. The literal translation of "Barbarian" is "barbarian, savage."

Since wars often occurred during the heyday of the state of Ancient Greece, foreigners and foreigners had to deal with constantly. In Russia, the "Barbarian" has a noble color. This is one of the old names that black-haired girls (most often) were called. Barbara is the heroine of Russian folk tales, possessing magical abilities and incredible beauty. Although by birth she, of course, is not from Russian lands.

Barbara - character traits

Barbara is an outstanding person. Since childhood, she is distinguished by ingenuity. She is resourceful and active. She will not sit still and quietly wait for her mother. Beyond Varka needs an eye and an eye. She is so agile that the people around her are simply amazed at her indefatigable energy.

As a teenager, Barbara can bring a lot of problems to her parents. But all that will be done to her is not from evil. In this way, Barbara learns the world around him. The trial and error method is the most frequently practiced option for achieving the goal. Barbara is curious and inquisitive. And this natural desire for knowledge often draws her into trouble. Although, nothing serious will happen to her, because her charm can literally "resolve" any situation.

Barbara is a creative and capable person. She is best able to work in an area where her flight of fantasy is unlimited. Barbara can be a great actress or teacher of fine arts. The main thing is freedom for creativity.

In relationships with men, Barbara often acts frivolously. But all this, again, from the desire to learn more about the representatives of the opposite sex. Only in this way will she be able to find her only one with whom she will be until the end of her days.

Barbara - name compatibility

Barbara does not seek a quick marriage. She is so impulsive that growing up comes a bit late - at thirty. And up to this age, she is immersed in creative pursuits with fleeting hobbies and love affairs.

Barbara will be happy with the sedate and reasonable Barbarian, Igor, Konstantin or Vladimir. Barbara’s marriage with Alexander, Boris or Sergey is not desirable.

Barbara - famous people who bore this name

Barbara is the stage name of the popular Russian singer Elena Susova.

Barbara Radziwill (16th century) - her husband was the king of Lithuania and Poland Sigismund II August.

Barbara (Polish version of the name) Brylska - actress, starring in the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!".

Barbara - interesting facts about the name

In the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" Polish actress Barbara Brylska spoke not in her own voice. She was duplicated by Valentina Talyzina, who also played the role of Nadina’s girlfriend in the film. And all the songs were performed by Alla Pugacheva herself. Nobody expected such a popularity of the picture, and even more so the awarding of the Polish actress with the State Prize became all the more sudden.


Watch the video: Barbara Meaning (July 2024).