How to restore skin elasticity on the stomach after childbirth? What to do if the skin on the stomach after sagging sagged, flabby and stretched


Every woman after childbirth is faced with a sagging abdomen.

Of course, there are lucky ones who manage to quickly return their figure to normal, who do not even have stretch marks.

Unfortunately, there are few such girls.

Most have to work hard to restore skin elasticity.

When the skin on the stomach after sagging sagged, it is necessary to deal with the problem comprehensively in order to achieve a truly effective result.

How to tighten the skin on the stomach after childbirth: an integrated approach

Before you begin to "fight" with your figure, you need to consult a doctor whether it is possible to start doing this. The first 40 days after birth, the woman’s body begins to recover on her own. The uterus is reduced, the process of regeneration of the skin of the abdomen starts. Doctors categorically forbid newly made mothers to resort to physical activity during this period. Until the uterine contraction process comes to an end, sport is contraindicated. Neglect of the recommendations can lead to bleeding, in the case of cesarean section to the divergence of the seams.

When the skin on the stomach after childbirth is stretched - this is normal. You need to have a little patience and understand that the body needs rest. However, there are some useful tips that you can follow already from the hospital to help your stomach recover.

1. If the child was born naturally without complications and the mother feels well, a special bandage can be worn in the hospital, which fixes the stomach. It is important that the woman does not experience aching pain in the abdominal area and discomfort, otherwise it would be better to refuse it for 1-2 weeks.

2. Pharmacies now sell many different creams based on nutrients designed to nourish the skin and restore its elasticity. They can also be used from the hospital if there is no individual intolerance to the individual components.

Many women are interested when the figure becomes the same. It depends on many factors. Among them are such as:

• weight gain during the period of gestation;

• heredity;

• Constitution of the fairer sex;

• what mom does in order to restore the figure to its former luxury.

It should be understood that it is important to follow an integrated approach to restore the elasticity of the skin of the abdomen. This is self-massage and proper nutrition in the first weeks after childbirth, physical exercises are allowed a little later. If it is not possible to restore elasticity in a natural way, modern cosmetology offers special procedures against sagging skin. In an extreme case, this is surgery.

The skin on the abdomen after childbirth is flabby: proper diet

The first thing a new mom should think about is diet. Its incorrect construction will affect not only the health of the woman, but also the quality of breast milk, which is so important for the baby.

When the skin on the stomach after birth is flabby, the presented simple rules for regulating the diet will help restore its elasticity without harm to the baby.

Rules for building a daily diet

1. During the day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of plain water. Liquid helps stimulate the body's metabolic processes, which will positively affect the state of the dermis. The stomach will recover faster, become elastic, the skin will acquire a healthy appearance.

2. The gap between drinking water and drinking should be 30-40 minutes.

3. Newly-made mothers are recommended to eat often, but in small portions. This will avoid the deposition of fat and ensure regular intake of breast milk.

4. You should abandon flour products. Baking and white bread are not only harmful to the figure, but also cause colic, allergies, bloating in the newborn.

5. The diet must necessarily contain fish and lean meat. These products contain vitamins and minerals needed to restore the body. They will also come with breast milk to the baby, which will positively affect the formation of his immunity.

6. Fatty meats and sugar are not recommended during breastfeeding.

Observance of simple rules will allow mom to start the natural process of restoration of the skin of the abdomen after birth. In addition, a properly constructed diet has a positive effect on the quality of breast milk.

The skin on the stomach after childbirth is stretched: the first exercises for a newly minted mother

The first 40 days after labor, the uterus contracts. During this period and during breastfeeding, a newly minted mother is categorically contraindicated in any physical activity. However, to stimulate the process of restoring the elasticity of the abdomen, self-massage is recommended. The presented complex of simple exercises must be performed every day, giving it 10-15 minutes.

1. Stroking. Gently stroking the stomach in a clockwise direction stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

2. Next, a smooth transition to kneading is carried out. Massage is done with fingers from the lower abdomen to the ribs. You can’t push hard, the exercise should not cause discomfort.

3. From sides to the navel, stroking is performed, but now with two hands.

4. Pushing. The stomach is gently stroked by the palms of both hands, while the left hand needs a little pressure on it.

5. Sawing. Hands are folded in the abdomen. The ribs of the palms of the skin "rubbed", while one hand moves up, the other down.

6. Light tingling with fingertips.

7. Stroking the pads with the finger of the abdominal press.

When the skin on the stomach after childbirth is stretched, in the first few weeks these exercises will stimulate the natural processes to restore its elasticity. They are performed lying on a flat surface for 10-15 minutes in the morning before eating.

You can also do wrap at home with clay and healing mud. It does not take much time and all components are in the pharmacy at an affordable cost.

Lower Press Exercises

After labor, the muscles relax. When the uterus stops contracting, it is recommended to consult a doctor and find out whether it is possible to start doing exercises. How to tighten the skin on the abdomen after childbirth? Giving the presented set of exercises a little time daily, problems with a sagging stomach will not bother a woman.

The emphasis is on the muscles of the lower press, since it is their "lethargy" that makes the figure unattractive.

1. The exercise is performed in a prone position, on a straight surface (best on the floor). Legs slowly rise, preferably at an angle of 90 degrees. The first weeks it will be difficult, since the muscles after childbirth are relaxed, so 6-7 approaches are enough.

2. Running. It is advisable to run jogging in the fresh air in the morning and before bedtime.

3. Ribbed hoop exercises. Now few people pay attention to this inventory. However, when it comes to how to tighten the skin on the abdomen after childbirth, it is the hoop that is the ideal way to achieve an excellent result.

4. The bar. This exercise strengthens the muscles of the whole body, so it is very useful for a woman after childbirth. A woman should stand on the floor on her elbows, at the feet - on her fingers. Ideally it will last 50-60 seconds in this position.

There is nothing complicated in the exercises listed. Performing the complex daily, sagging stomach will begin to disappear after a month.

Cosmetic procedures

If the newly made mother has some time for herself, you can visit the beauty salon. Now there are a huge number of procedures that combine the effect of lifting and lipolysis. A woman can not only get rid of the fat layer, but also tighten the sagging skin of the abdomen after childbirth. Before choosing a cosmetic procedure, it is advisable to consult a doctor so that he helps to choose the best option.

1. RF lifting. The procedure allows you to stimulate the body's production of elastin and collagen, which gives the stomach elasticity.

2. Ultrasonic liposuction. This procedure does not include surgery. It is carried out on special ultrasound equipment and is aimed mainly at removing subcutaneous fat. However, modern devices at the same time tighten the skin according to the same principle as RF lifting.

3. Massage LPG. Vacuum massage to save a woman from the “orange peel”. It also has a lifting effect on a sagging belly after childbirth.

4. Miostimulation. This procedure applies to medical. It has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin. When a woman is interested in how to restore elasticity to the skin on the abdomen after childbirth, doctors often advise precisely myostimulation. The procedure restores the cells from the inside, which is reflected outside.

5. Wraps and hand massage. Such cosmetic procedures are very useful for new mothers. The wrapping stimulates the metabolism, as a result of which the fat deposits disappear, the skin is tightened in the abdomen.

Modern cosmetology gives an excellent effect. However, it is worth noting that not every woman has time and opportunities to visit salons, because the procedures are expensive.

How to restore skin elasticity on the abdomen after childbirth: surgery

If at home it did not work out to get rid of the belly sagging after the birth of a child, you can consider the option of surgical intervention. It should be noted that the listed methods are not suitable for every woman, you should first consult with your doctor. It is recommended to resort to surgery only in extreme cases to women who are also suffering from overweight.

1. Abdominoplasty. To date, this procedure is the most effective and safe. It guarantees a long-lasting effect, allows you to get rid of excess weight and saggy skin in the abdomen.

2. Combined plastic. Incisions are made in the bikini area and along the midline of the abdomen. Skin tightening and weight loss are guaranteed.

3. Mini-abdominoplasty. It is performed in case of stretch marks in the abdomen and saggy skin.

If the skin on the abdomen after birth is flabby - this is not a reason for panic, because many face this problem. There are many solutions, which one to choose - the individual decision of each representative of the fair sex. It is important to understand that the approach must be comprehensive. Proper nutrition combined with massage and simple exercises gives an excellent result.


Watch the video: pictures of a stomach before and after-weight loss skin tightening (July 2024).