Pine uterus - healing properties and medical applications


The uterus is a gift for women, as it has a healing effect on the female genital organs. But, in addition, the plant is successfully used to heal the bladder and kidneys, it helps with prostate adenoma, nervous disorders, inflammation of the prostate gland, and diseases of the digestive tract. It treats fibromas with inflammation, heavy bleeding, infertility, uterine bleeding, uterine infantility, polyps, erosion of the neck of the uterus, obstruction of the tubes, menstrual irregularities with heavy periods, toxicosis during pregnancy.

Pine uterus - types and places of growth

A winter-green perennial plant 10–25 cm high. The leaves are serrate, alternate, ovate, with a short-pointed apex and a rounded wedge-shaped base, concentrated at the base of the stem on thin petioles. Flowers in a thick one-sided multi-flowered brush. Corolla white-green, almost bell-shaped. The fruit is an oval box. It blooms mainly in July, and bears fruit in August.

Pine uterus - healing properties

It is used for polycystic ovaries, mastopathy, infertility, uterine uterine fibroids myoma, inflammation of the appendages, inflammatory effects and obstruction in the fallopian tubes, toxicosis during pregnancy and cervical erosion. Uterine infantilism, postpartum hemorrhage, dysmenorrhea, hemorrhoids, amenorrhea, uterine dysfunctional bleeding can also be added to this. The boron uterus helps with incontinence in babies, and can be used to treat male infertility.

Pine uterus - dosage forms

Most often used in the form of alcohol tincture or aquanastoy.

For the preparation of alcohol tincture, you need 50 g of boron uterus 0.5 l of vodka or diluted alcohol and for a month it is infused, later filtered and the remaining greenish mass is painstakingly squeezed.

Aquanaste is made in proportion to a glass of boiling water 1 tablespoon. You can boil a little, but it is better to hold in a water bath for 20 minutes, and then insist 1-2 hours. The taste properties of aquanastoy leave much to be desired, because almost everyone uses it only for douching, and you can drink alcohol tincture, because it needs less size. In all variants of the introduction of the uterine uterus, such herbs as pear and wintergreen unmatched enhance the effect and complement its effect.

Pine uterus - recipes

1) 3 times a day, at one time of the day, before eating, drink diluted 40 drops of tincture in 60-100 ml of water. The course of treatment is 21 days. The break is 7 days.
2) Infusion can be drunk like tincture, 21 days, 100 ml each. A break of 7 days.
Pine uterus is used in cycles of 3 weeks with a break for a week. In this way, a cycle is being established. If you are prone to heavy and prolonged bleeding during menstruation, then on the 4th-5th day of the cycle, you need to start drinking the boron uterus according to the scheme. The course of healing is more than six months. Hormonal disorders are treated for a long time.

Pine uterus - contraindications

With dysfunctional uterine bleeding, it is first necessary to stop the bleeding itself, as this threatens anemia with all the consequences. Here, too, you can start immediately to take the hemostatic collection and the uterus.

The use of the uterus can be at any age with uterine bleeding, both in young girls and women, and during menopause and after childbirth.

It happens that the bleeding after childbirth is delayed for a long time, even if, after examination by a doctor, everything is as if safely. In this situation, the boron uterus can become the most harmless means to stop bleeding in a nursing mother.


Love 08/08/2016
Hello, site administration! It is unfortunate that useful developments are not skipped, and I want to help people! Yesterday I tried to share the results and my comments “did not pass” your censorship, but it's a pity. It seems that you are chatting with yourself, so your forum is so poor in reviews.

Ilona 04/17/2016
That's about the fact that the boron uterus can be used to treat male infertility - I hear for the first time. Maybe because I always spoke on these topics only with women about their problems. But. I really believe that this wonderful weed will help men.

Elena 04/17/2016
Who has not tried to be treated with a uterus - he has not tried to be treated at all! This is just a wonderful grass, it is not for nothing written that it was given for ladies. All problems on the female side can be solved with this weed. Give it a try!

Sveta 04/17/2016
My friend could not get pregnant for a long time. Not just a long time, but a very long time! She is 35 years old now. And she is pregnant !!! But all this is thanks to this wonderful grass. She began to drink it, not really hoping for a result, and now - the result is already growing!)))

Daria 04/17/2016
Yes, this miraculous weed is just a find for every woman !! I highly recommend it to everyone !! With any problems in a feminine way - drink a pine womb! She will definitely help! And no matter to what extent you have a disease, of course, it is better to start treatment immediately.


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