Ivan tea: useful properties of "male grass". How beneficial properties of willow tea affect men?


Fireweed, Kopor tea, male grass - all these are the names of Ivan tea well known to folk healers.

The plant really has unique properties and is able to deal with various ailments.

Ivan tea: composition

A powerful healing effect, which gives the regular use of decoctions of healing herbs, is manifested primarily in the normalization of the endocrine, urinary and immune systems. The composition of the plant includes many active substances and a powerful vitamin-mineral complex:

• flavonoids;

• alkaloids;

• vitamins C (ascorbic acid), group B;

• carotene;

• chanerol (has antitumor properties);

• iron, potassium, copper, sodium, titanium, boron, molybdenum;

• pectin;

• tannins.

Flavonoids deserve special attention on this list. These substances belong to the category of vitamins of group P, responsible for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, reducing their permeability. As a result, blood pressure normalizes, and the process of blood supply to organs and tissues improves.

Actually, for this reason, fireweed is considered "male grass". For men, the beneficial properties of willow tea are to improve the supply of blood to the male genital organs. This helps to normalize or increase erectile function.

Ivan-tea has practically no contraindications if there is no pronounced allergy to herbal preparations and pollen.

Ivan tea: useful properties

Aromatic teas, decoctions, infusions are prepared from dried or fresh herbs. Any of the drinks has healing properties: restorative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic. The beneficial properties of willow tea help in the treatment of existing diseases, and are also used to prevent a number of ailments.

The course intake of tea from fireweed has a healing effect on the body:

• relieves insomnia and headache;

• has antipyretic properties, is good in the treatment of colds, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza;

• strengthens the vascular walls and heart, reduces swelling;

• relieves inflammation and accelerates wound healing;

• calms nerves;

• beneficial effect on digestion;

• helps the body to quickly remove poisons and toxins;

• prevents the development of caries;

• helps reduce the manifestations of skin diseases;

• slows down the aging of the skin.

However, along with the general therapeutic properties, the drink from Ivan tea has healing power in the treatment of serious diseases. In the presence of a serious diagnosis, it can only be included in the nutrition plan after consultation with the attending physician. The list of diseases in which the beneficial properties of Ivan-tea are fully manifested is as follows:

• anemia, vitamin deficiency;

• gastritis, stomach ulcer, enterocolitis, pancreatitis;

• prostate adenoma, prostatitis;

• infertility in men and women;

• hypertension;

• urolithiasis disease;

• inflammatory diseases of the oropharynx and bronchopulmonary system, including pharyngitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, sinusitis;

• poisoning and disruption of the intestines of various origins;

• epilepsy depression, alcoholic psychosis;

• female endocrine disorders, including menopause, menstrual failure, bleeding, PMS;

• immunodeficiency states.

Due to the wide spectrum of action, Ivan-tea can and should be drunk not only for men, but also for women.

Ivan tea: beneficial properties for men

The popularity of fireweed for healing problems in the male genital area is very high. Indeed, decoctions of herbs can not only improve potency by normalizing blood supply. The beneficial properties of willow tea for men are manifested in its ability to help in the presence of the following diseases:

• prostatitis (both acute and chronic);

• adenoma;

• urolithiasis disease;

• recovery after surgery on the prostate.

Decoction of Ivan-tea has anti-inflammatory, soothing, astringent and cleansing properties. It is very useful to drink it in the presence of any male problems. It is important to know how to brew a drink.

Ivan-tea intake regimens for men

With reduced potency and infertility, a glass of fresh boiling water should be taken on a tablespoon of dried raw materials, infused for one hour, and carefully filtered. During the day, take four times a quarter cup before meals. A full course of at least one and a half months, after which a mandatory break.

With prostate adenoma, as well as for the prevention of the disease, you need to drink two glasses of willow tea decoction daily. On a teaspoon of dried raw materials you need to take a glass of boiling water, leave for about ten minutes. Dosing schedule: in the morning after waking up on an empty stomach, in the evening half an hour before a night's rest. After 50 years, the drink should be included in the diet of every man who wants to stay healthy and masculine for a long time.

After surgery on the prostate during the recovery period, such a drink will help to recover faster. Moreover, taking a decoction is able to stop the growth of adenoma. In some cases, this helps to avoid surgery. To this end, you need to drink a more concentrated drink. 1 tbsp. l raw materials are poured 1 tbsp. freshly boiled water, insist no more than five minutes, filter and drink according to the same scheme.

For chronic or acute prostatitis, a fireweed infusion is prepared using a water bath. Two tablespoons of grass, brewed with a glass of boiling water, simmer over steam for 15 minutes, then insist 45 minutes and filter. The infusion is brought with boiled water to its original volume and taken at ½ tbsp. three times a day before the main meal. It is convenient to prepare several servings of the infusion immediately and store it in the refrigerator (no more than two days). One course: two weeks of admission, a week break, again two weeks of admission.

In chronic prostatitis, another treatment regimen developed by the traditional healer Ogarkov can be used: at 1 tbsp. l raw materials take a glass of boiling water, leave for two hours, strain. Drink warm 20 minutes before meals half a glass three times a day.

Ivan tea: contraindications

The main problem that may occur with regular use of a drink from Ivan tea is associated with uncontrolled intake for a long time. Of course, the beneficial properties of willow tea for men and women are encouraging. However, we must not forget that any medicine (and fireweed in this case becomes just a healing remedy) should not be drunk constantly.

The fact is that the composition of ivan tea includes the active substances of coumarins, which give the grass a special aroma. Coumarins quickly accumulate in the liver, negatively affecting its function and disrupting the natural processes of digestion. Therefore, with any regimen of therapeutic or prophylactic use of willow tea, after a month you need to break for 3 weeks.

The drink has sedative and laxative properties, and this should be considered when taking it in the morning. In order not to enhance the "sleepy" and laxative effect, you can not drink tea along with sedatives. In addition, it is not necessary to exceed the dose of raw materials recommended at one time. Limit the use of aromatic herbal tea to 3-4 cups per day.

Ivan-tea has direct contraindications in the following cases:

• hypotension (a drink lowers blood pressure);

• individual intolerance.

In all other cases, you can use a healing drink for the prevention of ailments or with their complex therapy.


Watch the video: Ivan tea collection workshop in Ishøj, 2017 (June 2024).