March 14: what are the holidays today. Events, birthday and birthday on March 14.


Holidays March 14

International Day of the Rivers

River Day is annually celebrated by many countries of the world. For the first time, an environmentally significant event began to be celebrated in 1998 and was referred to as the "International Day Against Dams" (some called it "Day for the Protection of Water Resources"). So, it all started on March 14, 1998. On this day, the organizers of the anti-dam movement of dozens of countries held mass rallies in defense of the rivers. In the first months, thousands of concerned people took part in demonstrations and river cleaning activities. A year later, the Companions was about one hundred thousand. Activists of the anti-dam movement have already achieved great results. In the United States, several dams were dismantled, and Sweden adopted a series of laws, according to which it is prohibited to build such structures more than 15 meters high in the country. The cardinal "coups" have not yet touched the Russian Federation.

International day of the number "Pi"

The day of the number "Pi" - an unusual holiday, but very relevant. For the first time the event was marked in 1988 by the largest popular science museum located in San Francisco. With the mathematical meaning of "Pi", a person begins to collide from the school bench, studying the geometric circle. The digital value of the number "Pi" is 3, 14 ... and has an infinite duration. It is surprising that the unusual holiday coincides with the birthday of the legendary modern scientist A. Einstein. For scientists around the world, the day of the number "Pi" plays a very important role. As a rule, on March 14 they gather around a symbolic round table, bake round-shaped cakes and cakes, and then, arguing about the mystery of the mathematical constant and the merits of Einstein, drink tea.

Leipzig Book Fair (date for 2013)

The book fair in Leipzig was first opened at the end of the 17th century and today is the second largest in the world after the Frankfurt book fair. The event usually lasts four days, presenting the literature of various publishers and types (from school magazines and calendars to audio books). At the exhibition, each visitor can purchase the printed materials he needs, as well as familiarize himself with the history, attend general education lectures and personally meet with many prominent modern writers.

March 14 in the national calendar

Avdotya Plyuschikha and Evdokia Svistunya

On March 14, people remember the holy martyr Eudoxia of Iliopol. In her youth, Evdokia was very beautiful, and, being a harlot, she earned a considerable fortune. Everything changed when on a life path a woman met monk Herman. According to legend, the saint wrapped the harlot into Christianity. After that, Evdokia distributed wealth and took the veil. Soon the saint became the prioress in the convent. The viceroy admired by her beauty tried to capture the girl, but Evdokia remained faithful to this vow.

In Russia, Evdokia was nicknamed Whistling, and this is due to the fact that on her day, as the peasants noticed, strong winds “whistled”. They also called this day Avdotya Plyushchikha, as spring begins to "crush" ice and snow, tearing them to shreds. People believed that the snow melted on March 14 has healing powers. There were also many weather signs for this day. For example, if warm winds blow on Evdokia, then summer will be damp. A warm day testified to a fine spring, a sunny summer and a notable harvest.

Historical events of March 14

March 14, 1797 - American Eli Whitney patented a machine he invented to separate cotton fiber from debris, seeds and husks. The fiber processing apparatus was a wooden drum equipped with a variety of metal hooks. He rotated with the help of hands or by means of "horse artillery". Before that, people cleaned the cotton by hand, which took too much time. Therefore, cotton products were considered at that time a luxury.

March 14, 1875 - Italian circus Ciniselli first introduced the children's pantomime "Cinderella, or the Crystal Slipper". The participants of the performance were children, the youngest of whom was about three years old. The premiere was a stunning success and for a couple of decades was played five hundred times in many countries around the world, including Russia.

March 14, 1939 - The Germans began the occupation of Czechoslovakia. Subcarpathian Rus and Slovakia were formally proclaimed independent. In the city of Mistek, resistance flared up under the command of Captain Pavlik - his army engaged the Nazis in combat, which was the only case of organized resistance against the German invasion.

March 14, 1953 - Nikita Khrushchev has achieved the separation of powers: state and party. George Malenkov left the post of Secretary of the Central Committee, and the leadership passed into the hands of Khrushchev. Later it became clear that what had happened was a big mistake by Beria and Malenkov, who considered it more important to retain control over state power.

March 14, 1956 - The American company Ampex demonstrated the first video recorder, designed exclusively for professional television needs. Ordinary people could not afford such an expensive pleasure, and the dimensions of the equipment left much to be desired, or more precisely, less. Ampex products enjoyed unbelievable success. By the way, two years later, the Soviet company "Kadr" released its own VCR, which was distinguished by its smaller size and more convenient "style" of use.

March 14, 2004 - Vladimir Putin’s re-election to the office of president. Candidates for the post of President of the Russian Federation were nominated: Sergey Glazyev, Vladimir Putin, Oleg Malyshkin, Irina Khakamada, Ivan Rybkin and Nikolai Kharitonov. Already the first round gave the expected results: more than 71% of the votes were cast for Vladimir Putin. Recall that Vladimir Vladimirovich became President for the first time as a result of the popular elections held in 2000.

Born on March 14

- March 14, 1879 was born in a small German town Albert Einstein - the legend of world science. Despite the love of science, Einstein was a deeply religious man. As a child, he became interested in scientific work and reading relevant literature. The research and hypotheses of a theoretical physicist turned the scientific world upside down. In fact, Albert Einstein became the "father" of theoretical physics in its modern variations. Friends described him as an extremely modest, friendly, kind and sympathetic person. He never put himself above other scientists and willingly, with humor, admitted his mistakes.

- Michael kane (born in 1933) - a talented British actor, two-time Oscar winner. He played roles in such famous films as “The Eagle Sat,” “The Detective,” “The Rotten Scammers,” “The Man Who Wanted to Be King”, etc.

- Nikolay Korolev (1917-1974 gg.) - Soviet boxer, coach. Honored Master of Sports. His name is associated with an entire era of Russian boxing.

- Vasily Peskov (born in 1930) - Soviet, as well as Russian writer, traveler, journalist and TV host. Especially remembered the country as the leading documentary television program "In the animal world."

Name Day March 14

Denis, Peter, Matilda, Agapy, Daria, Antonina, Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Anna, Donat, Veniamin, Vasily, Domna, Evdokia, Matrona, Ivan, Nestor, Mikhail, Nadezhda, Olga, Nikifor, Sofroniy and Sylvester.


Watch the video: Vlog. Weekend At Home. March 14 - 15, 2015 (June 2024).