Britney Spears and Jason Travik starred in a romantic photo shoot


Pop singer Britney Spears and her agent, and part-time groom, Jason Travik starred in a chic photo shoot for Elle magazine. The photographs show that Britney is prettier, thinner and just happy.

Also in the October issue, a couple in love spoke about the intricacies of their life-being. Answering the question of who took the first step, Jason said: "It was one of those moments when you walk, and then suddenly turn around and come face to face, and then ...". At this Britney interrupted him, specifying: "Okay! Already enough information, honey!"

They met back in 2006. And after two years of friendship and cooperation, romantic feelings flared up between them. And in 2009, Britney and Jason began to position themselves as a couple. Yes, love does wonders for people. And Hollywood stars are no exception.

A few years ago, Jason weighed 20 kg more, but now he regularly visits the gym and actively demonstrates his “cubes”. Britney regained her glamorous sparkle and a sincere happy smile.

Despite the fact that Britney has finally reached her ideal parameters, the singer admits that there are days when she returns to her favorite jeans: "In fact, in my heart I am just a tomboy girl." "It’s really hard for me to be like Kim Kardashian. Every time I leave home, do makeup and hairstyle."

By the way, Britney has a debut next week. The singer will participate in the American show "X-factor" as a judge.


Watch the video: Me dancingtewarking (June 2024).