Levzea - ​​medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Leuzea - ​​general description

Lewsee (maral root, maral grass, safflower big-headed) - a herbaceous plant, the height of which often reaches 2 meters, belongs to the family Asteraceae. The rhizome of the plant is coarse and compacted, many small roots leave it, the stem is straight, the leaves are smooth and large enough, the inflorescences are large, in the form of a round basket, attached to the top of the stem. The flowers of Leuzea are purple in color, bloom in the period from June to August, the seeds ripen in September.

Leuzea - ​​types and places of growth

Leuzea is an alpine plant, it can be found at an altitude of 1,500 to 2,000 meters above sea level, less often in alpine meadows and among cedars.

The Seminsky Pass, located on the territory of the Gorno-Altai Autonomous Region, is considered the most famous place for harvesting leuzea. The most common plant in the territories of Southern Siberia, Gorny Altai, Western and Eastern Sayan.

Leuzea - ​​healing properties

Famous Siberian healers believe that a leuzea can save a person from 14 ailments, make him young and strong.

The plant extract has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, is an excellent tonic, able to cure a person of apathy, chronic fatigue, depression, leuzea significantly increases efficiency.

The plant improves metabolism and blood circulation, has a vasodilating effect, helping to regulate blood pressure. The use of medicinal products created on the basis of the plant can reduce blood sugar, it is recommended to use it for people suffering from diabetes. With the help of the root of Leuzea, people's healers are trying to fight alcoholism, impotence, insomnia and excessive irritability.

Leuzea - ​​dosage forms

Most often, the root of the leuzea is used as a therapeutic agent, it is harvested from September to October, and the root at the age of 3-4 years has the greatest beneficial effect on the human body, and the size of the rhizome should be quite impressive.

The process of preparing the roots is as follows: the basis of the future drug is dug up and cleaned of the earth (washed in running water), then kept in the sun for about a week (about 1 meter above the ground), if the rhizome is too large, it is cut into several parts.

The main drying takes place outdoors or in a warm and dry room. You can carry out the procedure in a dryer or oven, spreading the roots (the layer should not be more than 7-8 centimeters) and setting the temperature to 50-60 degrees ...
The dried plant retains its properties for 2 years.

Leuzea - ​​recipes

From the roots of Leuzea, folk healers prepare tinctures, decoctions and extracts, which are recommended for use with nervous disorders, chronic fatigue and loss of strength.

Tincture of Leuzea
100 grams of crushed root pour 1/2 liter of vodka and leave for 10-15 days, after the drug is infused, take it 3 times a day for half an hour before meals, 40 drops. The course of treatment is one month, then you need to take a break for several months.

Tincture of Leuzea liquid extract
Pour the plant extract with vodka (ratio of 10 grams of extract per 100 grams of vodka), take 2-3-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Tincture of lewsee on the water
Pour 10 grams of chopped Leuzea root with 1 liter of water, take 3 tablespoons 1 tablespoon each.

Erotic tincture
With the help of leuzea, one can cause excitement, it is not in vain that they treat impotence with it, it is enough to add red wine to the plant extract.

Leuzea - ​​contraindications

There are no contraindications and side effects when using the plant.


Maria 04/28/2016
This name of the maral’s root - leuzea, is also not familiar to me. And the root itself ... Who doesn’t know it. As far as I can remember, he was always in our house. His parents and grandfather drank it. So grandfather lived such a life !! And to the last, he was a real man, in every way.

Nina 04/28/2016
Well, there’s nothing to say about this plant. Maral root, and that’s it. I remember, in childhood, it was not so easy to buy it, and they got this medicine from somewhere through the thieves, through friends and relatives.

Ulyana 04/28/2016
I always knew that the maral root is simply unique. Even no one listed the diseases that can be eliminated with it. Everyone knew that this plant will give strength, cure, help recover from any ailments and stresses.

Vlada 04/28/2016
Just an amazing plant! Yes, besides, it’s not life threatening, it’s not at all poisonous. This, indeed, is rare. I still drank decoctions from this plant, as was a weak child. And now, I can confidently say that I got the maral root, raised me to my feet, gave me strength.

Kalina 04/28/2016
Leuzea is the name I hear for the first time in my life. And here - maral root - this, yes! Probably, only a lazy or absolutely healthy person doesn’t know about him, and even that ... Just an amazing, healing plant.
