Mechanical face cleaning - description of procedures, photos before and after. Reviews about mechanical facial cleansing


Clean skin is the foundation of female beauty.

Comedones, acne, acne inflammation occur for various reasons, one of which is insufficient care and cleansing.

There are several types of cleansing, but still the most effective is the mechanical cleaning of the face.

Description of the mechanical cleaning procedure

No matter how thorough the daily cleansing of the face may be, it will not be possible to avoid the formation of sebaceous plugs, keratinization, clogged pores. Poor ecology, excessive sebum secretion, negative weather conditions (dust, heat, ultraviolet), cosmetics - all this leads to the formation of comedones, sunburns, acne, acne on the skin surface. Get rid of them will help mechanical facial cleansing, which is carried out by cosmetologists.

A description of the procedure for mechanical cleaning of the face can be found in the public domain. In fact, it resembles an independent home deliverance from pimples and clogged pores, which every girl resorts to. The difference is that in the cabin the procedure is carried out in completely sterile conditions, which eliminates infection, and with the help of special highly effective tools.

Mechanical cleaning of the face according to reviews is a rather painful, but most effective procedure. The cosmetologist will remove even the deepest skin plugs, which neither peeling, nor ultrasound, nor vacuum or laser can cope with.

The procedure has two varieties:

• instrumental cleaning (using special tools);

• manual cleaning (with fingers wrapped in a special disinfectant cloth).

In fact, in the cleaning process, the specialist often combines both methods of exposure, achieving perfectly cleaned pores. As tools, a double-sided spoon of Unna (or Uno), a Vidal needle are used. On the one hand, there is a sieve nozzle for removing the upper layer of keratinized skin cells and sebaceous secretion, on the other hand, a funnel with an opening for removing individual sebaceous plugs or blackheads.

In the process of cleaning the skin is constantly disinfected, so you can not bring the infection. If there is any doubt about this, you should definitely read the description of the procedures for mechanical cleaning of the face. It is especially important to do this for the mothers of teenagers, who very often suffer from rashes and need professional help. The cosmetologist works in sterile gloves, always prepares the face for cleaning and soothes the skin after the procedure. Therefore, it is not worth fearing (a feast provided that the procedure is done by an experienced specialist).

Despite the fact that mechanical cleaning is an independent procedure, it is well compatible with other types of cleanings (hardware or chemical). In addition, this skin care method is effective not only for the face. Mechanical cleansing of the décolleté zone, shoulders, and back is successfully carried out.

The benefits of mechanical cleaning

Despite the rather tough way to deal with acne and cleanse clogged pores, mechanical cleaning remains the most effective way to deeply cleanse the skin.

The cosmetologist works with individual pores and inflammatory elements, acting on each individually. The purulent elements and compressed skin secretion are extracted from the mouth of the sebaceous duct, the pores are really cleansed. Thanks to the manual dosed action, even very deep comedones that cannot be reached by other methods can be removed.

Need to understand that with all the advantages of manual face cleansing, the procedure has its drawbacks. Since a deep effect on the skin injures it, red spots on the face will persist for 2-3 days. On the photographs taken after mechanical cleaning of the face, it is clearly visible that the skin will require quite a lot of time to recover. Therefore, if some important event or date is ahead, the procedure must be postponed.

Besides, the pain at the time of pressure is quite severe. This is indicated by some reviews about mechanical cleaning of the face. If the procedure is done by an inexperienced cosmetologist, then he can seriously injure the dermis. Deciding to clean, do not save. You can only entrust your face to a professional.

How is the mechanical cleaning procedure carried out

Facial cleansing involves several stages:

• face training;

• opening of pores;

• cleaning with a sieve nozzle;

• funnel cleaning;

• disinfection;

• pore tightening;

• hydration.

The description of the procedures for mechanical cleaning of the face begins with the preparation stage. The skin before any cosmetic effect, especially associated with a violation of the skin, should be completely cleansed of cosmetics, dust, fat. After washing with a mild cleansing gel, the cosmetologist steams the face with warm steam (using a vaporizer) or warms it up with a special lotion, gel or applies a steaming mask. It is necessary to open the pores: without this, it is impossible to penetrate deep inside.

The procedure itself is carried out in a horizontal position under good lighting. Thanks to a powerful lamp, the beautician sees the client’s face clearly and can carefully work out all the problem areas. It will be necessary to work quickly and accurately, since within half an hour the pores will close.

First of all, with the help of a filter nozzle, a cosmetologist treats the surface of the skin, removing fat and dead cells of the stratum corneum. Inflamed skin is not treated, acne is passed. The movements during exfoliation are sliding, reminiscent of hatching. A heavily contaminated sieve is washed in the process with hydrogen peroxide or an alcohol solution.

Next comes the very stage for which cleaning is carried out. The cosmetologist uses a funnel to remove the ripened blackheads, black dots (comedones), greasy plugs. The funnel opening is combined with the treated pore, after which the beautician presses on the edges of the funnel and extracts the contents. Immediately after removal of pus and sebum, the treated area is disinfected with alcohol.

If it was not possible to remove the secret with the help of a spoon, the cosmetologist carries out the procedure manually, wrapping his fingers in a sterile cloth and pressing on the area around the contamination. Sometimes a special needle helps to expand the sebaceous duct, the tip of which introduces into the pore.

To remove whiteheads (the so-called millet), the beautician pierces the skin in the area of ​​accumulation of the wen, then squeezes it out and disinfects the puncture area.

If there are a lot of blackheads on the skin surface, several procedures will be required. After the pores are closed, the effect on the skin becomes very painful. The procedure is terminated so as not to cause unnecessary suffering to the client. Sometimes the field of mechanical cleaning is carried out additional vacuum cleaning. This is done if the surface of the skin is severely inflamed.

After cleaning, a specialist wipes the skin with alcohol tincture or treats with liquid nitrogen. Final disinfection prevents inflammation. When the surface of the skin dries, it is calmed with a special drying mask. It simultaneously tightens pores, relieves redness and swelling, soothes pain and prevents the development of inflammation.

After removing the mask, you can apply a light moisturizer. This is especially true for dry skin. The main thing is that the texture is very light and does not contain fat.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Mechanical cleaning of the face is especially effective in the following cases:

• enlarged pores with severe contamination;

• a large number of comedones and black dots;

• dull, gray skin color;

• the presence of millet (milia) and wen;

• acne, acne;

• sagging of the dermis.

All these are indications for mechanical cleaning, the reviews of which are most positive. Desperate people can get real help if the procedure is carried out professionally and in a timely manner. It may take several sessions, but it's worth it.

Despite the effectiveness, mechanical face cleaning is not shown to everyone. There are cases when the procedure cannot be performed. Contraindications are as follows:

• very dry skin;

• skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, herpes);

• furunculosis;

• fragility of blood vessels;

• blood diseases;

• increased skin sensitivity;

• bronchial asthma;

• high blood pressure.

Do not schedule the procedure for critical days. During this period, bleeding and sensitivity to pain increase.

Mechanical cleaning results

The results of the procedure become noticeable after a few days, when the traces of the effects of the Uno spoon and needle pass. Particularly obvious are the consequences of mechanical cleaning of the face in the photo taken before and after the procedure. The results are as follows:

• the disappearance of comedones and acne;

• soft, moisturized, firm and soft skin;

• invisible pores;

• nice even complexion.

Thanks to deep cleansing, blood circulation is improved and cellular respiration is restored, pores are narrowed, the unpleasant effect of constantly glossy skin disappears, which you want to dust all the time.

According to reviews, after mechanical cleaning of the face, the skin looks completely healthy. Of course, the procedure does not cure skin diseases, but it still helps to significantly improve the appearance of the face.

Can I clean my face at home? Despite the fact that cosmetologists are categorically against amateur performances, sometimes you can do the cleaning yourself. It is important to understand that if you have serious problems, you should contact a dermatologist and undergo a course of treatment.

If the skin condition does not inspire serious concern, then after the necessary preparation, having the appropriate tools and taking care of thorough disinfection, it is quite possible to get rid of acne and comedones yourself.


Watch the video: A Facial Cleanse: Before & Immediately After (June 2024).