Do I need to transplant grapes in the fall? Transplant rules and tips on how to care for the bush after the procedure


Grapes are very useful, it contains vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for the human body. That is why every summer resident tries to allocate a place for planting grapes on his site. There is nothing complicated in growing this crop, but in the process, beginners accumulate many questions, one of which is the possibility of autumn grape transplant.

What bushes can be replanted

Many people know that grape bushes can be replanted. But which ones - young or older? This question is very important, the whole further life of the bush depends on it.

Adult bushes have a very powerful root system, it is difficult to dig them out without damaging the roots. Therefore, the transplantation of such plants is difficult, in addition, in the new place they take root longer than the rest. There is an imbalance between the root system and the aerial part of the plant, which leads to a violation of fruiting.

Any intervention in the development of the grape bush is undesirable, so you need to carefully select a place for planting a seedling. But if there is a need to transplant a bush, then you need to do this, adhering to all the rules.

1. Only young bushes whose age does not exceed 7 years can be transplanted. Such plants more easily tolerate the procedure, quickly adapt to new conditions.

2. A transplant should be done in the fall. The fact is that during this period the soil is quite moist, which is important for the normal development of grapes. In addition, it does not freeze to the depth where the root system of the plant lies, and this allows it to freely grow additional roots. Spring planting is less successful, since from the very first days grapes suffer from excessively high soil temperature.

3. It is equally important to comply with the timing of the transplant. As a rule, an autumn transplant is carried out at the end of October. But the timing may move slightly, depending on the weather.

Beginning gardeners need to take the advice of experienced summer residents and transplant grapes as correctly as possible.

Preparing grapes for an autumn transplant

Transplanting grapes is a very time-consuming process, so you need to take care of all the necessary tools and materials in advance.

What do you need for a transplant:

• shovel;

• secateurs;

• organic and mineral fertilizers.

The main task of the gardener is to preserve the root system of the grapes as much as possible. To do this, the bush needs to be prepared for the upcoming transplant.

1. To avoid an imbalance of the root system with the aerial part of the plant, it is necessary to remove long shoots, leaving only short ones. The entire vine is cut with secateurs at a level of about 20 cm from the soil surface.

2. Before digging, the bush is carefully dug in a circle, trying not to damage the roots. After that, he is picked up with a shovel and pulled along with an earthen lump.

3. The roots are freed from the ground and immersed in a clay-dung mixture. For its preparation, clay and manure are used in a ratio of 1: 2, diluted with water to the density of sour cream. The dug out seedling is kept in this solution for several minutes.

When the bush is prepared, you can start planting grapes in a permanent place. How to do it right?

Preparation of a landing pit for grapes

When planning a grape transplant in the fall, you need to prepare a pit for planting in advance. It is better to do this a month before the proposed landing. The further survival of the grapes depends on how the pit will be prepared. Landing should be subject to all the characteristics of this culture. The soil must be properly prepared: to loosen, fertilize, moisten.

1. The depth of the landing pit should be at least 65 cm, and better - more. In a good pit, the root system will be located freely, which will certainly benefit the grapes.

2. Each well needs to be well fertilized. For this, ash, superphosphate, humus and ammonium sulfate are used. All fertilizers mix well with the fertile soil layer and fall asleep at the bottom of the hole.

3. If you plan to plant several bushes, then the distance between the holes should be at least 2 meters.

Transplanted from autumn grapes will be provided with useful substances throughout the entire period of adaptation.

Proper planting of grapes in autumn

Planting a seedling is carried out in prepared wells. A mound of fertile substrate with fertilizers is formed in the center of each pit. A seedling is placed on it, spreading the roots. Further, the hole is completely filled with earth, compacted and well watered. After the water is absorbed, it is necessary to add land, forming a mound up to 8 cm.

Newly transplanted grapes require special attention. Bushes need to be watered regularly. In this case, water should be enough so that it reaches the heel roots. If there is too little iron in the soil, then preparations with its content must be added. Experienced gardeners recommend simply digging old nails, jars and other iron-containing debris in the root area, after singing it on fire.

After transplanting grapes in autumn, the bushes do not need pruning. In the first two years of growing from the vine, you need to remove all inflorescences, which will help the bush recover faster. In subsequent years, fruit rationing is carried out as necessary, depending on the variety.

Grape transplant methods

Today, there are several proven methods for transplanting grapes in autumn that give good results.

Grape transplant with earthen lump

This method is used for transplanting young plants whose age does not exceed three years. A few days before transplanting, the bush is no longer watered. The transplant is carried out to a new place. If you need a change to the old place, then the earth in the pit is completely replaced. To transplant grapes with an earthen lump, you need to adhere to the following sequence:

1. Grapes need to be cut, leaving only 2 lashes.

2. On each lash leave up to two developed shoots.

3. Carefully dig a bush in a circle.

4. The lower roots are chopped, pulling out the grapes along with a clod of earth.

5. The seedling is placed in a pre-prepared hole, deepening 10 cm lower than before.

6. After that, add soil to the hole, ram and water it.

Grape root transplant

If you fully comply with all the recommendations, then in the second year after transplanting grapes will delight you with delicious fruits. Landing is carried out according to the following rules:

1. The grape bush is pruned, leaving up to 4 developed lashes.

2. With lashes you need to cut off all the shoots, leaving only the two most developed.

3. They dig a bush, trying not to damage the lower roots.

4. The transplant is carried out in a new hole, which is 20 cm deeper than the previous one.

5. After planting, the grapes are watered well.

Transplanting grapes in this way, the bush is well mulched for the winter. To do this, use humus, fallen leaves, peat. The next year of cultivation, fruiting should not be allowed, cutting off all inflorescences.

To summarize

A grape transplant in autumn is carried out after all the leaves have fallen. But at the same time, all activities must be completed before the onset of frost. The root system of grapes is very fragile, so the transplant is done carefully. Also, one should not forget about good watering of the bush, which is very important at the stage of adaptation. If the autumn is dry, then watering is carried out 1 time in 10 days, so that the water reaches the heel roots of the bush.


Watch the video: How to Grow Backyard Grapes (June 2024).