Green tea reduces the risk of digestive cancer in women


The effect of green tea on health, it would seem, has been known for a long time, but is still the subject of study by many scientists. Thanks to constant research, one more important item can now be added to the huge list of pluses of green tea.

Women who regularly drink green tea have a reduced risk of developing malignant tumors of the digestive system, thereby creating an additional barrier against cancer of the stomach or esophagus. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.

To determine the impact of green tea on cancer risk, researchers had to carefully interview over 75,000 middle-aged and older women living in China. At the initial stage of the test, the participants were interviewed in which they found out what kind of tea they like to drink and how many mugs they drink per day. Most respondents said they prefer drinking green tea.

Regular consumption of green tea is at least one cup three times a week for six months. According to the analysis, those women who preferred to drink at least so much green tea had a 17% lower risk of getting cancer than those who did not like green tea too much. Those who consume at least 150 grams of tea per month (this is about two to three cups per day) continue to reduce the risk — their level is 21% less.

“For the entire digestive system, the risk decreased by twenty-seven percent in those women who drank tea regularly for twenty years,” Dr. Nechuta notes. “The risk of colorectal cancer has decreased by twenty-nine percent. Our studies show that long-term consumption of green tea is actually much more beneficial than it might seem. Tea contains polyphenols and natural chemicals that include catechins. Catechins are natural antioxidants that prevent the onset of cancer, reducing the percentage of DNA damage and blocking the growth of tumor cells. "

If you are not a lover of green tea, now there is reason to think about how to enter it into your diet. Indeed, in addition to the above, it normalizes and restores the nervous system, while significantly increasing the body's resistance to psychological stress and stressful situations. And this is important in our modern busy age.


Watch the video: Drinking Green Tea can Likely Reduce Risk of Gastrointestinal Cancers (July 2024).