Green color enhances your workout


Training in the fresh air can be more psychologically beneficial than a gym, the researchers say, because it improves mood, self-esteem, motivation and pleasure. But, according to the results of a new study, a positive effect is achieved not so much thanks to the surrounding nature, but to the green color.

Researchers at the University of Essex in England asked 14 student-aged men to exercise on indoor exercise bikes. At the same time, young people watched a video that simulated cycling in nature. Then, for five minutes, the researchers switched the filter on the video screen from green to black and white, and then to red, for the same period of time. Every five minutes, the researchers evaluated the mood of the participants in the experiment.

Young people felt less tired and calmer when watching a green video. They also said they were frustrated and annoyed while watching the video in red.

Shortwave colors such as blue and green evoke a sense of calm, while red and yellow are more stimulating. Why is this attitude to green? Researchers have suggested that lush greens were a signal of plentiful food and nearby water for our early ancestors. As a result, positive feelings about green may have been firmly rooted in the human brain during evolution.

Where and with whom we go in for sports, and even the attractiveness of the people around us can affect our mood and attitude towards training.

It is also important to pay attention to the goal that we set ourselves when embarking on physical exercises, for example, whether we want to relax or get a boost of energy, and find out what helps us in this, and whether color has anything to do with it.


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