All you need for happiness is a picnic in nature and grilled wings! Delicious grilled wings marinades with wine, citruses, kefir, berries


Camping with barbecue is one of the most favorite activities of citizens. You can also grill in the apartment using modern electrical appliances, but no fried meat can be compared to what smells like smoke from a real fire and fresh air.

How many varieties of marinade would manufacturers not offer, the best of them is only their own marinade, according to classic recipes and the most unusual. In addition, when there is confidence that the pickled meat will be the freshest, most tasty and healthy with your own hands, there is confidence that the rest will benefit.

For example, for pickling and grilling, we will choose the most budget option - chicken wings. He is the easiest. We collect a picnic bag, but before you go out of town, read which marinade is suitable for chicken meat, how to cook it.

Grilled wings - especially marinade cooking

It never hurts to verify the accuracy of their knowledge and ideas on any issue. Moreover, when it comes to healthy eating, getting only positive emotions during a “wild” vacation, which you need to prepare in advance.

Choose the wings. The benefits and enjoyment of food is the basis of cooking, but a real cook begins his work with the right choice of ingredients.

Try to avoid meat that has been frozen. This is, at best, ordinary biomass, with no taste or smell. Not for nothing, its cost is lower than that of fresh meat: the seller is not an enemy to himself. You can “revive” such meat by adding many, many spices, spices, vinegar or wine, or juice, but why? Always consider that the seller has already done everything possible to provide the product with the best presentation.

Chicken meat that has not been frozen has a pleasant pinkish tint, the skin is not sticky, the smell is characteristic of chicken meat, without any hint of decay or injection to extend shelf life.

Home-grown chickens are grown more often under free-range conditions, therefore their meat is tastier, has a fat layer, which, when frying on an open fire, is heated, drains onto hot coals and gives the same unique grill aroma, with smoke. At home, on an electric barbecue or grill, this effect cannot be achieved, given the rules of fire safety.

The meat is selected - we proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Here, too, there are subtleties.

Marinade It has long been used to extend the shelf life of meat. So, it is necessary to bring meat out of the city, without a refrigerator, and to make a fire. Acetic or citric acid does not allow the growth of putrefactive and other harmful bacteria. It gives taste. Remember that these acids are found in many fruits and vegetables. Considering that a solution concentration of 3-15% is sufficient to prepare the marinade, the range of acidic ingredients is significantly expanded due to the usual fruit juices. Choose your favorite flavor that matches perfectly with chicken. This may be the juice of citrus fruits, apples, quinces, pears, melons, wild berries, tomatoes. Do not be afraid to break stereotypes, because this is how new famous recipes appear.

You can use cognac, dry wine, wine vinegar, beer for marinade. Alcoholic beverages allow you to quickly marinate the meat, giving it a special touch of taste. You can marinate the wings in lactic acid using yogurt, kefir or sour cream, but keep in mind that sour-milk bacteria will not help save the meat in hot weather, so you have to add citric acid to such a marinade. But dairy products perfectly enhance the aroma of spices, and if you want to emphasize the smell of dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, then whey will come in handy.

Separately, a few words about mayonnaise marinade: this is a sauce for cold dishes. In principle, if you like, then add. It contains vinegar, oil, mustard, but the percentage of vinegar is not so high as to help preserve meat.

It is advisable to include vegetable oil in the grill marinade. It perfectly absorbs the smell of herbs and spices, protects the meat from drying out during frying, while keeping meat juice. Choose an oil with a neutral taste and smell so that it does not drown out the smell of other marinade components. Oil with a more intense aroma can be used to give a special flavor accent.

When adding spices to chicken meat, it is easy to create any shade of taste. Thanks to the Caucasian seasoning, you can get grilled wings in a Caucasian way, Mediterranean herbs will give the meat the character of Balkan cuisine, Asian spices will make it possible to enjoy oriental cuisine.

It remains to balance the taste of meat with sugar and salt. Sugar will bind meat juice during frying, but do not rush with the addition of salt. If you add it to the marinade immediately, it will dry the meat. Therefore, add it to the mixture of dry spices, which you need to grate the surface of the meat after pickling, immediately before frying. So that the dry spicy mixture does not crumble into the fire ahead of time, it is advisable to cover the meat with a special solution that will hold the dry spicy mixture with salt, quickly creating a golden crust during frying, sealing the juice inside. It is a mixture of syrup and mustard. Syrup, of course, can be replaced with honey. Choose a consistency in the range between liquid and medium, so that you can cover this honey-mustard syrup with meat during frying, thereby enhancing the effect of a golden crust.

We turn to the marinade recipes.

1. Homemade fruit wine marinade for wings with nutmeg and rosemary

Ingredients per 1 kg of wings:

Wine, homemade apple (dry) 200 ml


Vegetable fat

For mop sauce:

Honey, liquid or syrup 50 g

Dry mustard

Wine 100 ml

Dry mix for rubbing:



Mixture of peppers



Grind the wings. After that, cut off the extreme phalanges, rinse and blot with a napkin. Fold in a prepared plastic bag. Mix wine well with vegetable oil and pour into a bag. Put 2-3 cloves of chopped garlic there. Close the bag tightly, shake it so that the marinade covers everything. Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

After pickling, remove excess moisture with a tissue. Immediately before frying, use a silicone brush to apply a small layer of the mixture of honey and mustard on the surface of the wings. Sprinkle or roll them in a dry spicy mixture.

Grind Jamaican pepper and nutmeg, add coarse salt, ground paprika and chili, rosemary to the mixture.

2. Grilled wings in citrus marinade

Composition per 1 kg of chicken meat:

Orange fresh 200 ml

Lemon ½ pcs.


Hot peppers

Garlic 20 g

Parsley, fresh 100 g

Sesame oil 70 ml

Mop sauce:

Confiture or syrup orange 100 g


Cognac 50 ml




Make juice from fresh citruses. To enhance the aroma, use the zest: it is more convenient to remove it from citrus fruits before extracting the juice. Add cinnamon and pepper to the juice to taste. Grind garlic and parsley by adding oil. Combine all the components of the marinade, and rub the prepared wings well with it. Fold them in a bag, close hermetically, adding the remaining marinade to it, shake. After a couple of hours, remove excess moisture from the wings by wetting with a napkin. Brush with the cooked sauce, and start frying. To make the sauce, combine all the ingredients to get a mixture of medium consistency (it should not drain from the surface of the meat). Stir the sauce well and grease the wings.

3. Japanese-style marinade wings


Chicken Wings 1.0 kg

Soy Sauce 400 ml

Ginger, ground 70 g (fresh)

Honey 100 g

Sesame oil 120 ml

Vinegar, wine 150 ml

Curry 30 g

Hot green pepper 50 g

Sesame seeds 100 g





Mix soy sauce with honey, oil and vinegar, and add all the spices to these ingredients except salt and sesame seeds. Rub the wings, fold in a bag for an hour or a half. Then fry on both sides. Combine the fourth part of the marinade sauce with salt, sesame seeds, add a little flour for density. Stir and grease the almost-finished wings, alternately on each side, to give a crisp.

4. Mexican marinade wings


Tomato puree 300 ml

Fresh paprika 150 g (net)

Hot pepper

Onion 200 g

Olive oil 120 ml

Ground coriander

For mop sauce:





Dry white wine

Maple syrup


Grind the peeled onions and paprika with a blender, add tomato puree, oil, hot pepper and ground coriander. Boil the marinade for 10 minutes over low heat, cool and pour the dry wine. Use part of the marinade to soak the meat, and combine the remaining solution with a large amount of chopped cilantro and parsley, garlic, salt and maple syrup, cook until thick.

2 hours after holding the chicken in the marinade, pat it dry with a napkin and fry. Serve the thick sauce with the prepared meat.

5. Grilled wings in sour-milk marinade


Kefir (natural yogurt) 2 cups

Lemon, average 1 pc.


Ground pepper (red and black)

Paprika, sweet dried

Fresh mint



For a crisp: a mixture of honey and mustard


Put the prepared meat in a volumetric dish, and fill with sour-milk marinade. To prepare it, pour kefir into a bowl, add the zest and lemon juice. Turmeric will give chicken meat a beautiful golden color. If you want a more pronounced oriental taste, then turmeric can be replaced with curry seasoning. Add all the spices to taste, but make sure everything is balanced. Pour the meat with marinade and put in the refrigerator overnight, be sure to cover with a film.

Before frying, remove the meat, dry with a napkin and brush with a mixture of mustard, salt and honey.

6. Grilled wings in berry marinade


Cherry, gooseberries, currants (in assortment) 0.5 kg




Bay leaf

Mixture of peppers


Sugar syrup



Grind berries, garlic and spicy greens to a puree-like consistency. Add spices. Taste the marinade. Process the prepared meat by rubbing it thoroughly with the prepared mixture.

This marinade recipe is also very suitable for duck, game, turkey, quail, pork, lamb and beef meat. Only chicken wings are enough to hold in it for a couple of hours, and duck, game, turkey and other types of meat should be kept twice as long, and for stiffer meat it is advisable to add 100 ml of vodka or 50 ml of alcohol to the marinade. You can use rum, brandy, brandy, paying attention to the strength of the drink (at least 40%).

As usual, before frying, the meat is removed from the marinade, dried and rubbed with mop sauce to give a crispy crust. When using this marinade, you can combine part of it with sugar syrup or honey, and grease portions of meat before frying.

Grill Wings - Useful Tips

It is not necessary to immerse the meat in large dishes filled with marinade. This is inconvenient and not economical. It is enough to put the meat in a plastic bag with an airtight fastener, put the necessary ingredients there, pour a small amount of marinade, tightly close and put in the refrigerator. For high-quality pickling of the product, 20% of the marinade in relation to meat is quite enough.

Small pieces of chicken are pickled quickly enough. They can be filled with marinade a couple of hours before frying.

Old chicken needs to be pickled longer. In order for the meat of the old bird to fry faster and not be hard, include natural pineapple juice, strong wine or cognac in the marinade.

It is known that meat should be fried on hot coals, and not over an open flame. But sometimes the fire erupts on its own - it is very difficult to control it. So that during the frying process it was easy to bring down the flames, prepare in advance fresh green leaves of cherry, apple, spicy herbs. You can throw fresh citrus peels into the fire. The green mass at the same time begins to smoke, lowering the temperature of the fire and preventing the flame from turning the dish into coals. The second benefit - the spicy aroma of leaves and citrus peels will envelop the meat in the form of smoke. This is dizzying!
