Chicken with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven - a super bird! Oven recipes for juicy, flavorful, tender chicken with mayonnaise and garlic


Baking chicken in the oven will not cause any difficulties if you use the correct dressing. Garlic and mayonnaise are the perfect poultry sauce. He will give great taste, tenderness and juiciness, if you do everything according to the rules. Choosing the right recipe!

Oven-style chicken with mayonnaise and garlic - general cooking guidelines

Hen. You can bake with mayonnaise any parts of the carcass and even the whole bird. Before cooking, the product must be washed, dried, if there is damage, feathers or dirt on the skin, they need to be cut, scraped off, scorched. Further, the bird is rubbed with spices and garlic mayonnaise, combined with other products.

Mayonnaise. For cooking poultry in the oven and pickling, any sauces of home and industrial production are suitable. But still it is desirable to give preference to more natural compounds that are not afraid of heating.

Garlic. Fresh cloves are usually used, but dried concentrate can be used. For uniform distribution, usually minced garlic is first mixed with mayonnaise, then applied to chicken.

Roasting. The bird can be cooked in open form, in foil, in the sleeve, in pots. Often vegetables, cheese, mushrooms, pineapples, prunes and many other products are added to it.

Oven-shaped chicken with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven

Choose spices for the bird to your taste. For chicken with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven according to this recipe, take pieces with the skin, they will be beautifully fried, a golden crust will appear.


kilogram pieces of chicken;

2.5 tbsp. l mayonnaise;

4 cloves of garlic;

1 tsp spices for chicken;

0.5 tsp turmeric.


We cook the bird according to the rules: rinse, wipe, if necessary. Then we cut the pieces. It is desirable that they do not differ greatly in size, so that they cook at the same time.

Squeeze the garlic to mayonnaise, add seasoning for chicken. Turmeric will give a golden crust and a beautiful color, but you can cook without it. Stir the sauce thoroughly. If spices are without salt, then add it to mayonnaise.

We connect the bird with mayonnaise, carefully rub each piece. If there is time, then you can leave for half an hour for pickling.

We shift to the form. It does not need to be lubricated, since mayonnaise contains oil. Make one even layer.

We put the dish in an oven heated to 200 degrees. Cook for 25 minutes. Then we reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, bring the bird to full readiness. Every 5-10 minutes you need to open the door and carefully pour the pieces on top of the allocated juice and melted mayonnaise.

Oven whole chicken with mayonnaise and garlic

A method of preparing a whole bird in a sleeve. Before baking chicken with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven, it is better to let it marinate a little, the dish will turn out more tender.


1.5-1.8 kg chicken;

100 g mayonnaise;

5 cloves of garlic;

salt and black pepper;

optional apple for toppings.


Wash the carcass inside and out. Wipe with napkins.

Squeeze fresh cloves of garlic to mayonnaise. Pepper and salt, carefully rub the sauce. You can add fragrant herbs or paprika.

We rub the bird first from the inside, then from the outside. If the sauce remains, then you can gently push the skin off the breast and grease the white meat.

Leave for a while, the path is marinated.

If desired, put a cut apple inside. The peel does not need to be removed. You can also lay an orange or cut lemon.

Again, rub the chicken with your hands to distribute the flowing juices and spices, transfer to a special baking sleeve.

We tie the edges, on top in different places we make 2-4 holes with a needle. Bake at 190 degrees for exactly one hour.

We take large scissors and carefully cut the inflated sleeve, remove the film to the sides. Water the carcass with juices from the bottom of the bag, fry until beautiful color.

Oven-style chicken with mayonnaise and garlic (with potatoes)

For this dish you can use old or new potatoes. If the tubers are small and of a new crop, then they can even not be peeled, not cut. Rinse thoroughly with a brush.


0.7 kg of chicken (pieces);

0.6 kg of potatoes;

0.1 kg of mayonnaise;

20 g of garlic;

1 tsp seasonings for poultry or meat;

120 g of cheese (optional).


Rinse and dry the bird pieces. Also prepare potatoes. Everything can be immediately thrown off into one large bowl, in which it will be easy to mix.

Grated garlic mixed with spices and mayonnaise, then send to the main products. Stir, pour into the form. Flatten.

Pull a piece of foil on top, one layer is enough, press it to the sides.

Bake the form for 40 minutes. Cooking a dish at 200 degrees.

We get it, remove the foil. Now you can simply re-put the chicken and potatoes in the oven or pre-fill with grated cheese. We do this. As more like it.

Cook for about 15-20 minutes, check the dish with a puncture of pieces of poultry and potatoes.

Chicken with mayonnaise and garlic in the oven under the cheese (breast)

A method of preparing a very tender chicken fillet in a fragrant marinade. Similarly, turkey breasts are made, but they are baked a little longer.


700 g filet;

Four cloves of garlic;

130 grams of mayonnaise;

170 grams of cheese;


prunes and nuts at will.


Chicken should be cut into plates, but not thinly. About one centimeter. Then we take a hammer and slightly beat off each piece, quite a bit.

We mix mayonnaise with peeled, well chopped garlic and season with salt and pepper, you can just take seasonings for chicken.

Rub the breasts on both sides with the sauce, lay on top of each other, cover with something and leave to marinate.

You can add prunes and nuts to this dish. To do this, soak dried fruits, cut into strips or cubes. There are not many nuts, we just chop them or rub them.

We spread the marinated 30-40 minutes of the breast on a baking sheet. Sprinkle with prunes and nuts.

Rub the cheese. We fall asleep slices on top.

Bake at 200 for about 25-30 minutes. White meat can not be overexposed, otherwise it will turn out to be dry, tough.

Oven exotic chicken with mayonnaise and garlic

Another recipe for breasts under cheese, but this dish is distinguished by the addition of canned pineapple. He give the bird an unusual taste.


four breasts;

8 pineapple rings

220 grams of cheese;

120 grams of mayonnaise;

8 cloves of garlic;


0.5 tsp black pepper.


Each breast is cut lengthwise into two parts. Arrange on a board, cover with a film or a simple bag, tap with a hammer.

Make a marinade of garlic and mayonnaise, season it with black pepper, salt. Grate pieces, lay in a bowl, cover. You can use the film through which you beat it off. Leave to marinate.

We take the pineapple from the syrup. It can be stacked in rings or cut into cubes, we do in any way.

After half an hour we get the bird out, lay it on a baking sheet. You can cover it with foil.

Put pineapple on each piece, sprinkle cheese on top. We rub it coarsely so that the crust does not burn out ahead of time.

Bake for about half an hour. The temperature is from 200 to 220 degrees, we do not do lower.

Oven layers of chicken with mayonnaise and garlic (with potatoes, onions, tomatoes)

A variant of a very tasty, but simple and quick to prepare dishes from pieces of chicken.


500 g of potatoes;

a pair of onion heads;

an incomplete glass of mayonnaise;

head of garlic (small);

800 g of chicken;


2 tomatoes;

150 g of cheese.


Chop the chicken into small pieces. Cut the potatoes into slices, mugs of tomatoes, onion strips.

We mix the crushed garlic with mayonnaise, season with spices.

We spread a third of the sauce to the bird, rub all the pieces.

We spread another third to the potatoes, stir. We leave the rest.

We spread the bird first in the form. We fall asleep onion, then scatter pieces of potato.

We put mugs of tomatoes on the potatoes, there are not many of them needed. Grease the tomatoes with the rest of the sauce.

Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes.

We take out, cover with a coat of grated cheese. Cooking for about twenty minutes. We look at the color of the cheese crust.

Oven-style chicken with mayonnaise and garlic (with whole potatoes)

The method of cooking chicken and potatoes whole. Tubers choose even and identical, use a small carcass of a small size of about 1.5 kg.



10 potatoes;

salt pepper;

15 g of garlic;

three tablespoons of mayonnaise.


We start with the sauce. Mix chopped cloves of garlic (or dry garlic) with mayonnaise, throw the pepper to them, salt. Grind.

Rub the washed carcass with a thin layer of sauce. Set aside, let it pickle.

For now, peel the potatoes. Rub them with the remaining sauce and additionally sprinkle with fine salt.

Put the carcass in the form, lay out the potatoes. Cover with foil on top. Can cook in the sleeve.

Cooking an hour under the cover. Then we remove it, water the bird with juices, the potatoes need to be turned on the other side so that it is better saturated. Cook without coating for a few more minutes until a crust appears.

Oven Chicken with Mayonnaise and Garlic - Tips & Tricks

If there are feathers on the pieces of the bird, then it is better to singe them on a gas stove or a candle first, and then carefully remove the “hemp” tweezers.

When baking the whole bird, it is better to lay the carcass on the breast. Juices will drain, soak white meat deprived of fat, it will turn out juicy, will not dry out.

If you do not want to cook too fat a dish, then mayonnaise can be mixed in half with sour cream or yogurt. Or completely replace with a dairy product, adding lemon juice, mustard, spices to it for taste.


Watch the video: Oven Roasted Chicken With Crispy Skin Recipe (July 2024).